The Hunters

1247 Words
We spent the next few days learning and observing the movements of the organization that is supposedly taking the other special individuals and making them their own soldiers and experiments on them in various ways. We learned that the hunter that I took down a few days ago is just one of many that escaped from a laboratory that exploded a few weeks ago before the news started featuring the incidents with special individuals’ murders on television. We started receiving reports that there are other assailants in the city just hiding and blending in the public. My time in the academy dwindled after I advised the three of them but even after telling them to stop following me I still see them passing by my house and stopping at my doorstep for a few minutes before going back to their dorms as I watch them from afar or above the trees. “Mr. Ambro, I was told that you are being called by the principal on my way here. He told me to go immediately, there is no need to worry about my classes, the principal guaranteed that you are going to be compensated.” Our teacher said right after he entered our room. My classmates’ heads turned towards me as I pack my things in my bag and left without any word. ‘Isn’t this the fourth time he was called by the principal? Do you think he did something and the principal is punishing him now?’ I can hear them whispering to one another as I walk passed them. ‘Seems like they are now suspicious of what is happening.’ I thought to myself after hearing what they had to say. ‘The first time it happened they were not suspicious at all and just started the second time I was called.’ I passed by our teacher and nodded my head before I left the room where Van and Aron who were already waiting for me on the hallway and followed me the moment I left the room. “We just received a report, another one was found and the Organization with the help of Mr. Bradley they were able to track the place where the hunter is currently staying at.” Van whispered as he walks beside me on the way to the principal’s office. “Is that so? Then that means we need to hurry before they know that we are going.” I said as we hurriedly walk through the hallway. *CREAK* *OPENS DOOR* When we arrived at the principal’s office, he was already reading the report that he received and looked at us with a little discomfort. “It’s good that you are already here. I guess Van had already given you a brief summary of what we had, will you go out again today?” he asked. I nodded my head in response. “It would be dangerous if they are left alone for too long. Who knows what could happen if they all started murdering civilians as well.” I responded, he then handed me the report and told me to read it while riding in the car since it will be efficient. “You can read it in the car since it will consume a lot of time if you were to stay here and read it before you go.” He said with an uncomfortable expression. “Are you okay? You look like you are out of it today.” I asked after I received the report. “It’s nothing. I just go a little exhausted and tired these past few days.” He said explaining even further. After that we left for the report telling him to go for a check-up before it gets worse. “Sh*t, Ben has not been answering our calls recently. What do you think happened to him?” a man sitting in a dark area asked everyone inside the room with him with a deep voice. “I don’t know, we went to his place the other day and it didn’t seemed like he was coming home for at least a few days. The place was filled with dust, and the food even spoiled on the table. He must have not went home after that.” One of them said with a calm tone. One of them tilt his head as if he sensed something unusual. “I think we got company.” He immediately stood up and walk to the nearest window to see if there is someone nearby. “There is a car outside, a few meters away from here. It just arrive a few seconds ago, the hood is still hot and it seems like there are people inside.” The others then started to move and went to their position as if they have rehearsed it if something were to happen. “Good job Ur, your heat seeker eyes is really useful.” Praised the leader of the group as the guy scratch his head with a smile. “This is the only thing that I can do Paul, you guys are the most useful ones.” He said with a smile as he turned back to where the car was spotted but to his surprise, the persons inside the car was missing one person. ‘Huh?’ he thought as he gaze at the car intensely. “What? I’m sure there are five of them, where is the other one?” he muttered as he alerted the others and looks around to see if there is another heat signature around them but found no one after scanning the entire surroundings. “We might be facing against a strong card holder, don’t let your guard down.” He warned as he tries to scan the surroundings one more time. Their leader then let out a chuckle. “There are four of us and the three of us are offensive type card holders. There is no way we can be defeated.” Even with the arrogant statement of their leader, the scout seemed to be even more worried about their situation. He then tried to scan outside their house but as he turned back to the window he was startled when he someone staring at him through the window that he immediately dashed back to the others with a scream. “Ah!” the others were also startled by what happened to him that they took his warning seriously now. “What happened?” the leader asked immediately. “I saw someone staring back at me right outside the window. We’re screwed! Maybe came looking for us after we escaped the laboratory!” he exclaimed as he bath in sweat. ‘I can hear them talking from the roof, to think that the report about the laboratory thing is true. We need to act fast and know what is happening before it is too late.’ I thought to myself as I jumped on the ground but then I was immediately greeted by chair flying at me. *CRASH!* “He doesn’t look like he is from the lab, does that mean he is from another organization?” one of them said which I assume is the leader since he is standing in front of the others with an arrogant grin. 
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