Leader of the North side : Lucio Fox

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               I walk leisurely inside the room and it was quite different from when I entered the room for the first time. Some of them got their eyes fixed on their phone watching something so immersive that they did not even hear me enter the room when all of the sudden one of them caught a glance of me and immediately shrug his shoulders somehow telling the others that I have arrived but I did not mind it since I got used to it without knowing the real reason for their expressions. I head to my seat and lay my head on the table pretending to sleep. ‘I can still feel their gazes on me- did something happen?’ I wondered as I pretended to be asleep when all of the sudden a familiar sound reached my ear. “TUG!” immediately after hearing that sound I wanted to raise my head and look for the origin of the sound but then I stopped before I could do anything. ‘If I react now then I will just be confirming that it was me- when did they filmed everything that happened yesterday?’ I wondered as I calmly assess the situation.                ‘Neat- I thought if I unplugged my earphone and he heard the painful sound he might react and look where the sound came from but he didn’t. He might have thought that someone will do it to confirm that it is him on the video- what fast decision making. To think that he can make decisions that fast as if he knew that something like this will happen- this guy is dangerous.’ I told myself as I let out a disappointed sigh. “Looks like the enemy is formidable- now there is only one way to know the truth and that is to ask him directly.” I said with a disappointed tone while the others shrug their shoulders after our plan failed.                “Ah- what a bummer- and here I thought your plan was perfect.” One of the person beside me said as he snapped his fingers. “I know I thought so as well but he is quite the person who would pick their choices wisely.” I smiled as I stare at the guy who is sleeping on his desk. ‘Who would have thought that a guy like him can take care of Lucio’s pets just like that? First he melted the can like it was made of paper and then Lucio’s underlings- this guy is too dangerous. I should not get in his way in the future since he can just wipe me off the ground if he wants to.’ I told myself as I remember when I first saw what happened from my friend’s phone yesterday night. “Woah! Look at this guy- isn’t that two guys belong under Lucio’s wing? Are you sure they can be beaten like that?” one of my roommates said as he sat on his bed with an uncomfortable expression written on his face. My other roommates got interested about what he was watching about so they went to him and took a glance at his phone, curious of what he is watching I went towards him as well. “Hey- that guy seems familiar.” Another one said after carefully observing the figure on the phone as his eyes squinted. “Huh? The ones being beaten up?” the first one asked as he turns his head but the other guy shake his head in response. “I mean the guy who is beating them up. He looks like the same guy who burned the can with his palms. The camera angle is the same as when I sat in our room so I can say that it really is him.” he explained. Everyone who is in the same class as the guy who is allegedly our classmate were caught in surprise when they replayed the video and saw him besting Lucio’s underlings. “Wow- it was a good thing that Tim did not mess with that guy, he would have gotten his face smashed in by him.” our classmate sigh in relief after not seeing a fight broke out in our room. “I guess the silent ones are really the ones we should look out huh? I thought it is just a saying- I can’t believe it is true.” Another one added.                ‘This video should have reached Lucio right now- no- he should have seen this video yesterday. I wonder how he will react once he sees this.’ I thought to myself after realizing that there will be an eventful day ahead of me.                “BAM!”                “What does this video mean? How did a single guy take you both out?” I asked the two fellows on the same video as they kneel in front of me with their frightened expression all over their faces. “I’m sorry Lucio. That guy is quite strong – and as you can see on the video, he even destroyed my armor that I am so confident about.” Garet said with a fearful tone. After hearing his excuse I turned my head to the other one beside him who got defeated lastly on the video. “I was – I thought I lured him on my trap but I was wrong. The way he knocked me out is strange- I felt an electrical shock before I lose consciousness and that was not caught in the video and that confirms my assumptions that that guy is trying to hide his special ability from others. I thought I have him playing on my palm but he turned the tables in an instant and by the time I realized that I fell on his trap instead, my limbs were no longer functional after it went numb.” He said with his head facing the ground.                His excuse is quite detailed that it also caught my attention as I played the video once more and skipped to the end and saw that he deliberately got close to him and knocked him down before his punch could hit by a fraction of second after slowing it down to get a perfect look. “It seems like he really is hiding his special ability like you said he was.” I said after confirming it with my own eyes. “So- back to the main topic. How the heck did he beat you both up when he is all alone while both of you have wonderful special abilities?” I said with a stern tone as their relieved expressions turned grim once again.                “Looks like I have to take care of this personally, I know the other leaders are laughing at me really hard right now.” I said as I wiped my hand off the blood and turned to them. “Let this be a lesson for the both of you, never stain my name and if you do this kind of thing again- I will make sure that you will no longer be able to move and live as persons with disabilities for the rest of your lives.” I said as I emphasize the last part with my eyes staring daggers at them. “Let’s go boys, we need to teach that guy a lesson before this gets even worse.” I said as I left the room with my underlings following right behind me.                The day passed by so fast and it is already the end of today’s last session but the entire day felt like I was being looked at that it felt really uncomfortable. Their gaze felt like it was piercing my body- was it because I was not used to getting this much attention from the others? Either way- the video that circulated inside the institute is what bothers me. The new principal is not someone I know really well so I don’t think that he will see it as self – defense when it was clear that the two of them were being beaten up instead. These are the thoughts that occupied my head as I walk to the same route that I take every day when all of the sudden I sense two figures standing beside the tree that I make my turn just beside the scene where I helped some ladies yesterday so I stopped and saw  the very faces that I was thinking. “Thank you very much for helping us yesterday- but maybe because of what you did, Lucio will come and chase you off instead.” One of them said as she bows her head after thanking me. “We know that you might have heard what we said in front of the convenience store earlier yesterday- we are sorry for our harsh words if we offended you in some way.” The other one added as she also bows her head to me.                “That was not a problem at all, I was just doing what I think is right that’s all.” I replied with a calm demeanor as I tilted my head. “Who is Lucio by the way?” I asked when all of the sudden the expression on the ladies’ faces are filled with fear as I sensed a crowd of people walking behind me. “The leader of the North side- Lucio Fox, and that is me. I see you gave my boys quite a beating yesterday and it tainted my name so I came here to settle the score with my own hands.” He declared as I turn my head and see a sturdy person with blonde hair looking down on me with such cocky expression.
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