How It Started

306 Words
A/N understands and if you don't like my story stop reading it "I DON'T DO NEGATIVITY" if you don't like my story then don't read it but if you do, then continue reading my story. If you don't mind could you tell me what I could do to improve my writing? When I was in the 3rd grade my cousins and sister were doing beauty pageants and I wanted to do that also and I did. It was fun I went to school but on the weekends I competed in beauty pageants and that is the one thing I loved it made me feel like I was actually beautiful but really I never felt it at all. I never got angry or anything but when I did I always kept in me but the only times it really comes out is when I am around my sister I never get angry at her but something else she tells me to let it out and I don't want to because I am afraid I would hurt someone emotionally but I did and I let it out on her but in all truthful she told me to let it out . The one thing I hated when I am mad and she just looks at me laughing she said my mad face is funny but I never understood but she also said I have a fun face and face for everything and she knows them all because she gets them all. The one thing she said that made me laugh is she said I should be in drama class because I am overdramatic but I didn't because I couldn't fake it had to be real otherwise I wouldn't know how to function I guess. I probably would be we never know how to I guess you could say.
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