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They got up. Trevor threw a black marble, and a portal got created. And they could see the common room at the center of the sparkles. They exchanged looks, then stepped into the gateway. They landed just a few feet from where the chairs of the academy were. They looked around for any threats then, Trevor gestured for them to split. They went different ways. Trevor climbed the marble staircase until the top. The passage hall was very dark hence making it challenging for him to see. He waffled his wand, and it lit from the tip. Not too much light, but enough to make him see. He tiptoed from room to room, taking a piece of clothing from each. Since there was no telling which room belonged to the Academy. Then, just as he left the last room in the passage hall. He heard hissing sounds outside the room. The hair at the back of his head stood. The hissing sounds stopped at the door to the room he was in. He ran and hid in a closet. The door opened and two serpents entered. Then, after a few heartbeats, they changed into their human forms. One was a black man with a bit of muscle. The other was a woman. She was also black in completion with long red hair. Trevor gasped. Remembering the red-haired lady they saw the other night. “This is not right, Esoth,” the woman said and drifted from the man’s grip. “What if my husband catches us? You know he will kill both of us.” “Why are you stressing yourself, my dear? Your husband and the rest of the academy have gone to Ssessop. So let’s just enjoy the rest of the night,” the man went closer to the woman. “But for how long will we keep on doing this? I suggest we ran while we still have time.” “Not, now. He will hunt us, and that bastard is not ok in the head. So we run after they finish their work. That way he will be too busy to focus on us,” he wrapped his hands around her and they kissed deeply. “But......” “Sh....” the man said, and they moved closer to the bed then fell on it. And the rest, you know. Trevor looked at the other side. It was the most disturbing situation he could ever be in. After doing their disgusting business for almost an hour, they got up. The man began heading for the closet Trevor was in. Trevor’s eyes widened. His heart almost skipped a beat. Just as the man touched the handle of the closet, the woman shouted. “I like this shirt, it makes you look hot,” she giggled. Trevor looked at them disgustingly. But at least the man went back. He waves his wand, but nothing happened. The hair on his hand stood. He flicked it again, still in the closet. “Dammit,” he whispered. The man took the shirt and put it on. Then he walked towards the closet to get his pants. Trevor’s forehead became watery. He moved to the other side of the closet. The man opened it. “Dear, please think about what I told you,” the woman said. “I will,” he grabbed his trouser without looking in the closet. And shut it with a snap. Trevor sighed and slowly sat. “I will be in my room. My husband might be here any moment.” “Alright, but still wished we had the all-night to ourselves,” he moved and kissed her deeply. “I know. Will spend countless nights together for you could just agree with running away.” Trevor almost dozed in the closet. Then he held a door open and shut a few seconds late. He peeled then saw that they left. He got out of the closet and took a deep breath. Then a thought hit him. That cheat is the wife of one academy. So if she was going into her room, then that room belonged to one academy. Just what he needed. Sweet. He cracked the door just in case, then opened it fully after seeing they were nowhere to be seen. Just as he got out, he spotted them going up the marble staircase. He tiptoed behind them. Then he reached the top. The woman went to the east while the man carried on climbing the stairs. Trevor followed the woman as she entered the room. And shut the door behind her. He looked from both sides to see if anyone would hear her screaming. To his relief, no one was there. He took a deep breath and peeled on the door and saw her facing her back at him. He opened the door slowly and crept in. He tiptoed to where the woman was sitting. Then touched her shoulders gently. “Oh, my dear. You are back? I missed your touch,” she said. “Lier,” Trevor whispered. “That’s the spot,” she said as Trevor touched her neck. Then swung her around so she faced him. Her eyes widened. Upon seeing Trevor smirking at her. She got up from the chair and began stepping backward. Her chest was moving faster now. She opened her mouth but couldn’t voice anything. Trevor began moving closer to her, still smirking. But he had that murderous look in his eyes. The woman reached the end of the room and Trevor stopped inches from her. Then he leaned his head. “Why are you shivering? I thought you liked it when men get closer to you,” he said, but she said nothing. She tried to run, but he moved his hand to block her. “You aren’t going anywhere. Not until I’m done with you.” “Do you think you are going to get away with this? My husband will kill you for this,” she said, trying to sound braver than she actually felt. “Which one? The one you just had a meeting with or the one who has gone to kill innocent people?” A smile stretched over his face. She just looked down, as if being caught red-handed. “Cat got your tongue?” “I don’t know what you are saying and I’m just one........” “Don’t even think about it,” he interrupted rudely and went on, “you know I’m telling the truth and scream for help I will just tell them you are cheating on their leader. Then we will see who they will kill first. And mind you, I’m a wizard, so I can just shadow walk myself from here, sweetheart.” “What proof do you have? None, so whatever you say no one will believe you,” a confident smile crept on her face. But it faded as Trevor removed his phone. He began pressing on the screen, then turned it to her. “Shall we try this one more time?” “What do you want?” “That’s the spirit. Sit. I’m not an ass. To let a woman stand during interrogation.” He stepped back, and she moved. Just as she saw he was not looking, she swiftly turned and spitted venom. Then charged to the door. But shield was there to protect him. She tried to open the door but failed miserably, not to mention. Trevor’s eyes were burning with anger. He held his hand, and the woman moved, then got clutched into Trevor’s hands. He began squeezing her neck tightly. She tried to free herself from the grip, but it was pointless. “You are trying to rise my angry side. And you don’t want to awaken that bastard,” he assured her. Then he threw her on the bed. “So here is what we going to do,” he went closer, his eyes slowly turning to normal. “I will ask the questions and you answer. And I will know if it’s the wrong one. So don’t even think about lying to me ok?” She just moved to the headboard. “Where is your husband? Let me just say where are the academies?” She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again. “Didn’t you hear me?” He looked at her murderously. “Th........ They, ha.......have gone to Ssessop,” she stammered. “And what is their real motive? Why are they killing all the wizards and witches?” He sat on an armchair. “I don’t know.” “I told you not to lie to me. Let’s do this again. Why are they killing us?” “Because,” she stopped, deciding whether or not to tell him. “Go on.” “Because you are the only person who drains their powers. Especially you,” she looked at him with a detestable look. “Why me?” “You have special powers. And they fear as you grow them you are slowly killing them.” “What special powers?” He surveyed her. “I don’t know. For some reason, they thought anyone could betray them. So they chose not to tell anyone.” “Well, they weren’t too far from the truth. But if I have powers, that can kill them instantly. Why didn’t they start by killing me?” “They have tried but failed to enter your house countless times. Apparently, there is a force that is preventing them from entering your house.” He got up and began pacing. Thinking about what she has told him so far. What powers do I have? He asked himself. What force is preventing these bastards from entering my house? He paced for several heartbeats, then sat again. “What powers do they have?” “Not too different from your wizarding powers. But they don’t use those wands. And as you have seen so far, they are more powerful them wizards and witches,” she smirked. “Alright, thanks for your cooperation. But I’m afraid I have to lock you up dear,” his wand appeared in his hands. “Don’t worry, it won’t hate even a bit. I’m just gonna send you to a far place. And you will only be back after. We catch your husband.” “You think you have a chance. No little boy,” she smiled darkly. “Then you don’t know me very well, Mrs. Husband, cheat. And besides, you said it yourself they can’t get in my house. So I can take all the time I want to catch them,” he glared at her. “It won’t be too long before they destroy whatever force blocking them. So don’t get your hopes up.” “Whatever,” with a casual flick to his wand, the woman disappeared. “Pathetic.” He opened the door. Looked from side to side and went out after, seen the hall was free from serpents. He had borrowed time. Soon, the Academy was getting closer to breaking whatever force that prevented them from entering his house. The only lead he had was that they were in Ssessop. But that information might as well be false. The wife told him. Though she was cheating on her husband doesn’t mean she was a blabbermouth. She even said it herself. Trevor can’t find the Academy. But who was that possible? He got a shirt from the closet which is supposed to be one of the academies. But will Sebastian be able to sniff them? Because she seemed so confident when she told him he can’t find the Academy. Did they have some sort of protection that prevented Trevor and his team to tress them? If so, who were they going to find them? Trevor felt his head spinning. Then he shook it a bit. He had to find Sebastian and Azariah. Then they will figure out who to find the Academy. And check in Ssessop just in case she wasn’t lying. He went down the marble staircase. As quiet as he could be. Any sound and their entire plan would go to worst. He reached the common room. Began looking around for any danger. Then he held his hands upon hearing the noise behind him. Then, lower them upon seeing it was Sebastian and Azariah. They went closer to him. Breathing heavily. “Do you want to kill us?” Azariah asked, rubbing her throat. “I didn’t see you. I thought it was one of the serpents.” “Do we look like snakes?” Sebastian asked. “Can we talk about that later?” He snapped but in a low tone. “I have information about the academy’s whereabouts,” he added. “Do tell,” Sebastian said. “They are in Ssessop.” “And who told you about that?” Azariah asked. He told them what happened between the woman and the other man. Then how he followed her and finally, after getting what he needed from the woman, he took her to whatever place he thought would be best. “What a woman,” Sebastian said. “And I took one of the shirts,” he showed the shirt to them, “once we get to Ssessop. We will use this shirt to tress them.” “Nice,” Sebastian smirked.
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