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“Will you at least tell us what is going on,” Trevor asked. “Just shadow walk us in front of your house. Now!” He shouted. “Alright, you didn’t need to shout though,” Trevor went, touched Sebastian on the shoulder, then they disappeared. They appeared in front of the house. The hair on Trevor’s arm stood. About a hundred plus people stood in front of them. They wore kind of old clothes. Dirty looking. Like they haven’t changed in about two to three months. They all kept their eyes on the four men. Their eyes though were gleaming different colors though. Some were green, some blue, red, to mention but a few. Sebastian stepped forward, “what do you want? How did you even get here?” He asked. A blacktail man about Sebastian’s height and a few inches stepped forward. His eye color was blue. “We need your help,” he oozed. “Wait. How did you assholes get in? The gate is designed to prevent unorganized people not to enter. Let’s hope you didn’t destroy my gate,” he looked past them, “you are lucky. Now continue. And better be quick, we have other important things to attend to,” he added. “Nothing can be more important, than what we have to say, wizard,” the man said, shooting Trevor a disgusting look. “Sebastian, better tell your werewolf friends to watch his mouth. Or he will need your help as well,” Trevor said. “Do you want to give it a try,” the man moved closer to Trevor, rolling his sleeves. “Hey, mind you, we are at his house. And don’t be full of yourself. He will obliterate you in less than two minutes. So you might want to watch that hole of yours. What do you even want, anyway? You guys didn’t want to listen to me went I approached you,” he stood between Trevor and the man. “We have realized our mistake......” “So you just show up and invited? That is not how things work here, werewolf,” Trevor interrupted rudely. “Trevor,” Sebastian looked at him. “So, as I was saying before, I was rudely interrupted. We made a mistake and we want to rectify it, my alpha,” they all bowled. “What do you really want? You people made it clear that I will never be your alpha. So stop all this s**t and tell me what you really want. I will permit him to throw you out of here using his methods,” he looked at Trevor, who was smirking. Everyone now excited the house to see what was going on. They moved and stood behind the four men. “Please my alpha, my only child is dying, please help him,” a woman and a man emerged from the cloud carrying a small boy. About Isaac’s age. The woman’s eyes were swollen because of too much crying. “I knew it,” he turned around. “Please, my alpha. Look at him. He is my only son,” the husband said. “You people didn’t accept my husband as your alpha. Now you want his help. You are more selfish than I thought,” Natasha stepped forward. “We made a mistake, my alpha,” the wife said, looking down. The boy coughed, and blood came out of his mouth. Natasha gasped. “But why did all of you come here instead of just the three of them?” Trevor pointed at the wife, husband, and the kid, “what if humans saw you? Try to think before you act.” “We needed to make the alpha see that we are really sorry. We thought of all of us com here, It will have a great impact,” the black man said. “He will do this because of the boy. Not any of you,” Natasha said, but Sebastian seemed not to line with her decision. She touched Sebastian on the shoulder. Instead of turning to look at her, he brushed her hand off and went inside instead. “Don’t worry, he will help you,” she went after him. “No listen, presumably he helps you. Which I’m wishing he will do for the sack of the boy. Don’t ever step foot inside my yard. Do I make myself clear?” “You are not.........” “Will you just shut that hole of yours? Haven’t you done enough damage already,” the woman got up and faced the black man. “If it wasn’t for you, my son wouldn’t have been in this condition. We should have listened to Sebastian instead of you.” She fell down and carried on crying. “Esther........” “Just stop it, Arron. You have done enough and we appreciate it,” the husband said, patting his wife. Arron’s face grew red with each passing second. Which brought a smile to Trevor’s face. “So you bastard tried and failed. Now I get it,” Trevor smiled even wide. Arron just looked at Trevor's eyes burning. Frazer and Mwansa moved closer to the boy and kneed before him. “What happened to him?” Frazer asked in the lowest voice possible. “The shadow king stabbed him,” the husband said, looking at the twins. “Is Sebastian your father?” He asked. “Yes. And what is a shadow monster? Father has never told us anything about that,” Mwansa asked. “Mwansa, this is not the time for your curiosity,” Frazer snapped. “I was just asking.” “It’s ok. The shadow monster roams at our houses every night. After about five eyes,” the husband spoke. “Oh, and is it father the only one who can help him?” Frazer asked. “Yes, my dear,” the wife spoke, looking straight into their eyes. “Don’t worry, he will,” Mwansa said. “I don’t know about that, my dear. We treated your father like an outcast despite him been our alpha,” the wife said. Then, before the twins could reply, the front door opened. Sebastian and Natasha came out and approached the cloud. “Told you he will,” Mwansa spoke. Everyone’s eyes were on Sebastian and Natasha as they approached them. Sebastian reached the unconscious boy and kneed beside him. “What do you want me to do?” He asked. “You need to use the ring of the Monotropa uniflora,” the husband spoke, looking at Sebastian. “Thank........” “Before you say thank you, miss, there is a condition,” he began. “What my alpha?” Both the husband and wife lowed their heads. “If I help you. Both you and your husband, together with your team, should leave and never come back. Do I make myself clear?” He looked at all of them. But instead of nodding or agreeing with him, they were opposing. “My alpha, we need you to take your title as our leader. It’s your thrown after all,” the husband spoke. “If the man has said no, just leave him........” “Shut up asshole,” Trevor snapped at the black man, “Sebastian this is a great opportunity eh,” he turned to look at him. “I have a lot on my plate right now.......” “What are you talking about? I and the two old men will handle everything,” Trevor cut in. “Trevor shut up,” he sneered at him, “I have zero experience in leading people. And no offense but leaving in the forest. Hell no.” “You don’t have to leave with us, my alpha. As long as you can visit from time to time. And when atrocities arise, you will be there to help us,” the wife said. “We will talk about that later. So what exactly do I need to do?” He looked at the boy. “You need to let him hold the ring in his hands. For about five minutes or fewer,” the husband spoke. Sebastian removed the necklace around his neck. Then removed the ring from it. He took the boy’s hand and put the ring in it. They all waited eagerly, then the boy finally opened his eyes. The wife took the boy and clenched him in her arms, tears streaming down her face. The husband just looked at Sebastian and dipped his head appreciatively. Sebastian took the ring back, put it back on the necklace, and wore it. He then got up and stood between his kids. All the werewolves were cheering, shouting Sebastian’s name, while except for one person. The black man. “Keep it down! Do you want my neighbors to call the police that I’m causing noise pollution? I didn’t tell you to stop, I said keep it down. Keep cheering the bastards helped you assholes despite what you did,” he reminded them. And instead of cheering, they all wore apologetic expressions. “Trevor,” Loveness bet his hand. “Thank you, my alpha, thank you so much for your help,” the wife said and stood up with our child. Sebastian dipped his head. “I saw it, mother. It was very big, but shadowy. I tried to run but I couldn’t move,” the boy said. “Little boy, what are you talking about?” Sebastian asked, “what scared you do bad?” He added. “The shadow monster,” Frazer and Mwansa spoke. “The what?” Sebastian looked from his kids to the werewolves. “The shadow monster has come back again, my alpha. And it now big enough to finish eating all werewolves in less than a week,” someone from the cloud shouted. “What’s a shadow monster?” He asked. “It’s werewolves’ most feared creature. We have tried but failed to find its weakness, my alpha.” The husband spoke. “So you gave up?” “There is nothing we can do, my alpha,” the wife said. “Pathetic. And how many has it killed yet?” “It has killed no one yet, my alpha. It wants to install fear in everyone. For what I know, it loves killing such souls,” the husband said. “Coward. I can believe you guys are afraid of such things. Anything that attacks you at night is a coward. So I will look it up and know more about this shadow monster. In the meantime, you can find a safe place to stay, not your regular home. Me and Trevor as somewhere to be right now. Don’t press it on Trevor,” he added upon seeing Trevor’s lips move. “Does that mean you have accepted the job?” Frazer asked, and everyone turned to look at him. “Yes,” everyone cheered, but remembered to keep their voices low this time. But the black man’s face only grew red. “There is one more problem, my alpha,” the wife began. “What now.” “We don’t have anywhere else to go. Those are our only homes. And where ever we go, it can smell us.” “Trevor. Don’t look at me like that. You wanted me to take the job. So this is your fault.” “My fault. I was only trying to help,” Trevor replied. “Whatever. Just take them to my place.” “Wait, what?” Natasha turned to look at her husband. “Not inside, of course. They will stay outside. Well, except for the kid. Are there any more kids I should know about?” He said for everyone to hear. The kids began emerging from the clouds. And the eldest was about Frazer and Mwansa’s age. They stopped and stood a few feet from Sebastian. “So the kids can leave in my house. You two are in charge of them so you can also stay in the house.” The black man muttered something under his breath. “What did you just say, you asshole?” Trevor asked and moved closer to him. “Why put them in charge when I have been acting like their alpha for years now?” The black man said. “Because I what to and because I can. Now Trevor, let’s take them. Do you have any black marbles with you?” Trevor nodded and removed about five marbles from his pocket. “Nice open the gateways, three will do, I think. Then you can create a shield once we reach my place to add extra protection.” Trevor stepped a few feet from everyone, then slammed the marbles on the grass and three gateways came to life. All the werewolves gasped in both shock and amazement. “I will go in first, then let everyone through and then you come in,” Trevor nodded. Sebastian went and jumped into the gateway. Then the werewolves followed, their faces filled with excitement, then after seeing that they all went through, he jumped into the first gateway and they winked shut. Seconds later, he landed in Sebastian’s front yard. And went to stand in front of his friend. “So these two. What are your names, by the way? I can’t keep saying you two every time.” “My name is Martin and her name is Agatha,” the husband said. “Alright, so you two will be in charge and only you. Keep the keys to my house with you at all times. If anything happens, you will face my wrath.” He took the keys from a box on the side of the door and gave it to Martin. “What about food? We can’t just stay here without anything to eat,” the black man oozed. “We will bring you some later. But I think they should be some inside. Martin, you can check and give it to the kids. Then if there is still enough to give it to everyone. We will take our leave. And one more thing. Don’t make too much noise, especially showing. Trevor the shield.” With the flick of a wand, blue light moved from his wand into thin air, then some electric things appeared around the house and disappeared seconds later. “See you all later,” Sebastian said and Trevor shadow walked them back to his house.
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