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Trevor called his nature powers and the vines pinning the academies to the wall slowly began unwrapping themselves. Till both Death and Hope fell on the floor. Trevor gestured for them to go near him. But they shook their heads. God knows why he even wanted them to go near him. He knew well that; the academies going near him meant pain for them. Maybe that was what he was going with. But if he does that, they might change their minds about telling him the information about the woman. He gestured again, but they stood there without even shaking their heads this time. Trevor touched Sebastian, and they winked out of Hope and Death’s sight. Then, seconds later, they appeared inside the library. “Why did you leave them alone? You are well aware that they are not pinned to the wall anymore, right?” Sebastian scolded. “I know that. But you also seem to forget that, they have power restraining bracelets. I just want them to have a table when eating, man,” Trevor said. “Then go and get them, before they do anything that will lengthen our to-do lists.” Without replying, Trevor vanished and seconds later appeared inside Santa’s dan. “What was that for? You know we can’t use our powers,” Death spoke. “I have been telling you to come closer, but you kept saying no. Anyway, let’s go.” “Are you crazy? You know coming close to you means pain for us,” Hope spoke. “Alright wait here, I will be back. Try nothing stupid,” he warned. “Seriously dude. We have bracelets on our feet for the love of God!” Death screamed. “Oh, yeah,” and he shadow walked. Seconds later, he appeared in the realm. The room was as dark as usual. He waved his wand and the tip of his wand got lit. Then he began walking. A thought hit him. The person who used to fill the realm with weapons to use was dead. Then who will do that? If only he tried to listen to them, then the four of them would be alive. As he was walking, he reached a small glass tube and it had blue glowing stuff inside. Then he remembered the night Emit brought the same tube, so Trevor could put Ryan’s grace inside. Which brought questions to his head, was it safe for him to store Ryan’s grace inside his house? What if he possesses someone as he did with Mutale? Could that happen? He shook his head. Ryan coming to life again would be the worst thing that could happen to Trevor. Especially right now, when he has a lot of things on his plate. His unborn daughter would even be in more danger than from just that woman. And then there is Siobhan. Though his whereabouts were unknown, Trevor feared he might come back. Siobhan’s motive was to be omnipotent above all wizards. But when he saw his chances were less he summoned his father Ryan for help. But that turned out not to go in his favor. And after seen that his father was powerful than him, the man thought it best to betray his father. Again that went south for him. So in order to defeat his father, he asked Trevor for help. It was unfortunate that Trevor believed Siobhan. After they defeated Ryan, Siobhan stole what he always wanted from Trevor, the spell book. And he ran away. Ever since that, he has never been seen or heard from. So maybe, just maybe, the old man was planning an attack that will shake Trevor so had he will fail to survive it. But the relieving part was, Siobhan, can’t perform the ritual without Trevor’s blood. So Trevor still had time to worry about Siobhan’s plan. The only thing he should be worried about is that woman, and getting the information from Death and Hope. He walked past the glass tube, then reached king Arthur’s body, which Ryan took when he came to life. Then finally, after walking past useful weapons in the realm, he reached what he wanted. The black marbles. The black marbles were used to open portals to places you wish to be. And it is because of those marbles that he tressed Emit. He opened the jar and took a hand full of them. Then he put them in his pocket, and shadow walked back to the academies. “Did you find another way?” Death asked. “Yeah,” Trevor said and slammed one of the marbles on the floor. Seconds later, a portal got created, and the inside of the library could be seen at the center of the sparkles. “You can go first,” he gestured for them. Death and Hope walked over and stepped inside the portal, then Trevor followed after them. As he stepped out of the portal, it winked shut. “Thank God,” Trevor sighed. “You can sit down,” he gestured for the table. “Trevor, what is Arron doing here? I thought I made it clear that you should leave the man alone,” Sebastian scolded. “Didn’t he tell you?” Trevor said, looking from Arron to Sebastian. “Tell me what?” Sebastian asked. “Tell him. Why do you want me to do it,” Trevor said, looking at Arron. They stayed in silence for a couple of heartbeats until Death spoke. “Er...... Do you mind giving us our food? We have no interest in your affairs.” “Not even a bit,” Hope added. With one glare at them, Trevor gave his wand a casual flick and a plate full of chicken thighs appeared, then another one with rice and lastly, a bottle of red wine. “Is that enough or do you desire more?” He asked with enmity in his eyes. “This will do. For now,” a smile crept over Death’s mouth. “So what is he not telling me? Why did you kidnap him and tortured him?” Sebastian said. “I thought if you tell him, it will carry less weight, but I guess you don’t want that. So this twit played a part in your k********g,” Trevor spoke. “What!” Sebastian snapped and the chair he was sitting on moved backward and eventually fell to the floor. “Why would you do that?” He asked. “Are you seriously asking him that question? Sebastian, come to your senses. I think Reyar bet you so hard. The man has been obsessed with becoming the alpha all his life,” Trevor said. “I thought that chapter was over,” Sebastian looked at Arron, but the man was just gazing down. Probably ashamed of his actions. “As you said, you thought.....” “Trevor shut up!” Sebastian snapped, “Arron, I thought that chapter was over, what changed?” But the man still kept quiet. “Arron, I’m talking to you, not to myself,” his voice began changing. “I don’t know what came over me. I think seen everyone pressing you for hard work, and especially after you defeated the shadow king single handedly. My hatred for you retained,” Arron oozed. “You have the audacity to betray me after I saved your life? Not only did you betray me, but you betrayed the all park,” Sebastian’s hands began transforming. “All this should be fun,” Trevor rubbed his hands mischievously. “I have been waiting for this part as well,” Death spoke, mouth full, “Trevor the wine glasses, if you don’t mind?” Trevor went over and sat with Death and Hope. He waved his wand and three wine glasses appeared. Then he opened the bottle of red wine and pulled reasonable wine into all three glasses. “If you want the title of the alpha, all you needed was to ask for a fight. Who knows, I might have given you the title without fighting me. You know I never even wanted this title. But you ruined it all, by yourself. Your selfish desires will be your death. Trevor, release him,” he turned to Trevor. “I don’t want him to lie that he was chained that is why I beat the living hell out of him.” “If you wish,” Trevor raised his hand and then dropped it again. The vines began unwrapping themselves until, finally, they entered the floor.
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