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After a while, Emit moved, “who is threatening to obliterate you right now?” Emit asked, looking away. “The serpents,” Trevor replied. “Anyone else?” “Not anyone I know of. But why are you asking me all these questions?” “Because the people trying to kill, you might be the ones to kill your unborn child.” Emits words echoed in Trevor’s head. There was no way he was gonna allow it. Losing another child before it’s born. No, that was just not gonna happen. He paced back and forth in silence, punching his hands together. The boys just looked at him idly. Then he stopped, “we need to find those serpents now, and whoever wants to kill my child,” he said. “What should we do, father?” Mutale asked. “Keep your mother safe. I’m sure Sebastian is already here. We are going to see Willo that dog is the only one who knows where the serpents might be. Emit I’m not sure if you are gonna go back to Yarrum or stick around for a while. But you still haven’t answered my question so I will need you later. After, I take care of this business,” Emit just dipped his head. “And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about teaching your ungrateful son a lesson,” Emit smiled. “So are you sticking around or?” “I think I can stick around. But I can help you with the serpents. And sure will love to see that dog again,” his smile stretched wider. “No, it will be better if you stay here with the boys. Tell them about their family history. They think it’s boring s**t. I and Sebastian will handle those bastards,” he took a breath, “let’s go.” Mutale grabbed Erup’s hand and winked out of sight. Justine did the same. Then I and Emit shadow walked at the same time. We appeared in the leaving room. They all jumped to their feet in alarm. Sebastian wore a polo shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a black soft jean. “Dude, why the hell didn’t you tell me about your trip? And what is that?” He pointed at Emit. “I’m not what, my name is Emit, you insolent child,” Emit said and sat on the couch. “I had no time, and I think it slipped my mind,” Trevor said and sat beside Emit. “Anyway, we are going on a trip of our own. I needed you fully charged.” “I’m forever charged. Anyway, did you find out who has been helping us?” “Him,” he pointed at Emit, “my parents kinda made him do it just like Willo. Speaking of Willo, we should get going,” he got up. “Trevor, you just got here. And look at the time, one hour before midnight. Can’t you sleep for the night then go tomorrow morning?” Loveness said. “Time is what I don’t have, Loveness. I have to find those serpents and whoever their boss is as soon as possible,” he thought of telling her about the baby but sort it best not to stress her out. “We will be back as soon as possible. But the rest of you should get some rest. Caleb let’s go.” And before she retorted, they winked out of sight. They appeared inside Trevor’s family house in Kabulonga. Willo was already in a fight stance. But eased his shoulders upon seeing that it just Trevor and Sebastian. They walked over and sat without a word to Willo. After a few seconds, he sat as well. “We need your help,” Trevor began, “but that doesn’t mean we are well again. You are still on questioning,” he added as he saw the excitement on Willo’s face. “What do you need help with?” Willo asked. “I’m guessing you know where the serpents are hiding. So I was hoping you would tell us. Those bastards need to be taken care of,” he gritted his teeth. “I still can’t get over the fact that you are the same Willo we petted,” Sebastian gasped. “I should even mention that your parents named that stupid name so that people wouldn’t be too suspicious,” Willo spoke, ignoring Sebastian’s comment. “Then what is your name?” Trevor asked. “Hephzibah. I know it’s impossible to pronounce, but you will have to deal with it. Call me Willo again I will rip you in half,” he looked at Sebastian. “Alright, Heph...… Heph... Whatever your name is. Now, where are the serpents?” Trevor asked, keeping a straight face. “Don’t you think it late? We can do it in the morning, you know,” Hephzibah mentioned. “For us to come here at such an hour we knew what we were doing. Just show us where they are.” “But I’m coming. Those bastards can be very dangerous. And I can let you deal with them alone. I have to keep you safe per your father’s wish.” “We are a threat to them than they are to us. And if I needed you to come, I would have said so. I have protected myself all these years. So don’t pretend to be worried about my safety. Just tell us where they are.” “They are where they are supposed to be. In Luap.” “What the hell is that?” Sebastian asked. “The serpent’s home. And I’m sure the one leading them must be there too. That is why I suggested following.” “Trevor, you don’t know that place, do you?” Sebastian looked at Trevor. “No, I don’t.” “Which means you can’t shadow walk us to that place, isn’t it?” Trevor nodded. “So?” “He... He is coming with us,” Trevor shot Hephzibah a stick look. “You can’t pronounce the name, can you?” A smile made its way to Sebastian’s face. Then, after a few minutes, he burst out laughing. And before they knew it, they were all laughing. Actually, even crying with laughter. “So shall we gentleman?” Trevor asked as the laughter died down. They got up, smirking. Trevor touched Hephzibah, and a gateway opened. There were green trees at the center of the sparkles. They shared a look, then walked into the gateway. They landed in the trees. Tall weed surrounded them, actually reaching Trevor’s hips. They looked around and saw a mountain a few miles. Hephzibah gestured for them to follow him towards the mountain. They began climbing the rocky mountain. Then the head hissing sounds a few feet from where they were. They turned and saw two snakes staring at them with their horizontal eyes. One was a huge python, and the other was a cobra. They raised their heads high, actually just standing on their tails. They were not overly huge, but they were big enough to swallow them. Trevor flexed his shoulders, and his wings appeared. Since he also had the grace of an archangel, he had one black wing and one white wing. Even his eyes had different colors the other was filled with fire but the other was filled with light. Sebastian tapped his werewolf powers. He was twice Trevor’s age if following measurement accurately he was thrice his size. His black fur covered him. Making the badass werewolf look like a Pomeranian. But a psychopathic one. The two serpents charged towards them. Trevor lifted one using his demon powers and struck the damn snake on a rock. He then shadow walked and charged his fist towards the snake. It leaped, and he punched a rock. It shattered to pieces. The snake swept its tail and knocked Trevor on his ass. It then spotted its venom, but Hephzibah created a shield. And it burned upon impact with the venom. “You owe me,” Hephzibah said. Before the snake’s tail could strike him, he rolled over, and the snake slammed on the rocky ground. The snaked charged towards him, but he held his hand and the snake was hinging in the air. He called his wand, and it appeared in his free hand. “Let’s hope you told your family goodbye.” He flicked his wand and blue light came to life. It hit the snake, and it vanished into thin air. He turned at Sebastian was holding the snake up. It was strangling, but that didn’t help it in any way. Then Sebastian caught the snake’s tail with his other hand and ripped it in two. Blood covering his fur. He turned to Trevor and Hephzibah slowly turning in his human form. “Dude, you have to go and see a psychiatrist,” Trevor spoke. “And why did you remove your werewolf underwear?” “We haven’t faced this bullshit in a will. So why wear it. And I forgot to put it on when coming here. And we both need to see a psychiatrist these freaking bastards have corrupted our minds,” he went closer to them. “Will you go and bring him something to wear? We can’t be walking around with someone naked,” Hephzibah spoke, shooting Sebastian a disgusted look. Without hesitation, Trevor winked out of sight. Then after about two minutes he came back and threw clothes at Sebastian. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me she was waiting for you? She was seconds away from blowing my head off. I think getting her a short gun was a bad idea,” Trevor said. “Well, to make her stop talking about thieves coming while I was not around. I had no choice, man.” Sebastian now wore a cotton T-shirt, short sleeves. A pair of blue jeans and old school vans. “Shall we continue?” Hephzibah snapped. They just nodded, and they carried on climbing the rocky mountain. Now they were more vigilante than earlier. The possibility of snakes creeping at them made Trevor’s back hair stand up. But finally, they managed to reach the top. And a big old castle stood in front of them. They ran to a nearby rock and hid before the men on the rocky gate noticed them. “How are we gonna pass them? And I thought only serpents were here,” Sebastian said. “They can turn to human forms,” Hephzibah replied. “So every animal now can turn into humans. What a world we leave in.” “Shut up they might listen,” Trevor scolded. “And I can shadow walk us as close to them as possible, just be ready to kick their asses. And Hephzibah if you have any impressive powers obliterate one of them. Then the badass werewolf will take on as well,” Trevor spoke, looking at the two men on the gate. “I’m not gonna use my powers for anything. You two kids take them down. And we are not arguing about this,” Hephzibah snapped. “Coward. Sebastian, are you ready?” Sebastian nodded, smiling darkly, “nice,” he smiled back. He stepped a few feet from them and created a gateway. “Don’t leave this spot. You will be our lookout in case anyone listens and tried to rescue those assholes,” Hephzibah gave Trevor a thumbs up. Trevor gestures and they stepped into the gateway. A few seconds they appeared on top of the men, making them fail in the process. The men quickly tapped their serpent’s powers. “Take the sunbeam snake. I will kill the anilius one,” Trevor said. “With pressure,” Sebastian said and instantly tapped his werewolf form. The snakes spitted venom at them but Trevor created a shield in front of them. Then shadow walked and appeared behind the snakes. He held his hand and lifted the anilius while Sebastian charged towards the sunbeam. The anilius began resisting, but it didn’t get loose at all. In fact, he squeezed it even tighter. Then without wasting time he breathed out fire and burned the poor snake. It hissed as loud as it could as it was burning. Until it completely burned. “Will kill that already? They are starting to irritate me,” Trevor spoke. Sebastian caught the snakes that were charging a few feet from him and inches from his face. Then he began twisting it. The bones began cracking. Presumably, they got destroyed to powered because the cracking sound stop and he threw it where its friends were. “You two seriously need to see a psychiatrist,” Hephzibah oozed behind them. “Just shut up, dog, and lead the way,” Trevor spoke lamely. “And him?” He gestured at Sebastian’s nakedness. “Yes, about him?” Trevor asked. “He is naked again.” “So?” “Well, bring him clothes. And you knew the situation we are in but you brought him one pair of clothes,” Hephzibah scolded. “What are you laughing at?” Trevor looked at Sebastian, who was actually putting his hands on the knees to support his body as he laughed, “I can let you walk like this,” he assured him. “Please man, I have stopped. Seeing your face as he scolded you was worth millions,” he used his hand to whip the tears. “Whatever,” and he winked shut.
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