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A few minutes he appeared with a big and threw it at Sebastian. “Keep it with you. And Natasha is tired of waiting. I found her sleeping on the couch. I shadow walked her to bed,” he added upon seeing Sebastian’s expression. Sebastian removed black office trousers, a white shirt, and slippers. “Really dude?” He asked lamely. “Maybe they won’t get destroyed the next time you transform. My energy is depreciating each time I shadow walk. So take it or leave it.” Sebastian just cursed under his breath and carried on putting the clothes on. After he finished, they turned to the rocky gate. “Do you know where the common room is?” Trevor asked, looking at Hephzibah. “No. I have only managed to be outside the castle. So we can shadow walk in a safe place. Then look for the common room,” Hephzibah replied. “Alright, let’s go. We have less time,” Trevor touched Hephzibah and created a gateway. Then, after a few minutes, they stepped in and landed behind the castle. It was very old. And a bit dusty from the walls. They looked around and there was no sign of serpents, anyway. Trevor gestured, and they began walking, looking back and forth. They reached a corner. Trevor peeled his head and saw three men drinking and smoking. “Seriously, they put such on guard duty? There are three of them. Which means Heph..... Whatever your name is. You are taking one as well. And we aren’t arguing about this. In case you want me to shadow walk you to them?” He spoke as low as possible. “How many black marbles do we have?” Sebastian asked. “Three,” Trevor replied questioningly. “We need one at least to get back home. So we can use those two here before we reach their master. Saving your energy in the process.” “Good idea man. Shall we?” They nodded. Trevor took one marble and slammed it on the ground, then a portal got created. They stepped into it and appeared a few feet from the men. They were too drunk to even notice them. Trevor nodded his head. “Hephzibah, deal with them. There is a door there Sebastian and I will try to find their leader,” I looked at the door, a few feet from the drunken man. “Bu......” “Dude, they are drunk. Will you just deal with them? Some of us haven’t slept. So the longer we delay the less time of sleeping we have. So for one, just kill those useless bastards. We won’t even be here to see how stupid your magic powers are. So don’t worry about that,” Sebastian snapped, but kept his voice down. “Trevor let’s go. Can you shadow walk to the door?” “Yeah. Don’t blow our cover,” he looked at Hephzibah. And before he replied, they shadow walked and appeared a few feet from him. Trevor pointed at him, then the men, as Sebastian opened the door as quietly as possible. They entered, and it was very dim. Even outside was better. The only light was coming from two candles, one from the wall on the right, the other on the left. It looked like a kitchen but no one has used it for a couple of years. It was filled with dust and cobwebs everywhere. They turned to each other than covered their mouths using the inside of their shirts. Then headed towards the stairs going up. They reached the top and still no one was there just as they took their first steps forward an alarm went off. Then they heard noises coming from the floor on top. Like people running. “He did what I actually told him not to do. Useless,” Trevor said. They charged to the left. And the passage wall was brighter than the kitchen because candles trailed until the stairs leading to the next floor. But just as they reached the stairs, they locked eyes with multiple women who were running downstairs. “Oh, s**t,” he created some sort of barrier between them and they began running back. Just as they entered the room, the burial vanished, and the women were now in their serpent forms. Snakes of all shapes, sizes, and types. They ran through the passage wall and passed the room Trevor and Sebastian were in. He opened the door, peeled and then opened it enough for them to leave the room. “That was close,” Sebastian said and sighed. “Let’s go,” Trevor gestured, and they went upstairs. They walked through the dim passage halls until they reached the top of the castles. Their eyes widened. “I guess we will just have to meet another day, Trevor,” the woman said, facing her back on them. “Who are you? And what do you want from me?” Trevor demanded. “Try to figure it out.” “Screw it,” he raised his wand, but just as he waved it, the woman disappeared. “Dammit,” he cursed. “Do you think she might be their leader?” Sebastian asked. “I think so. But this all night.... I mean day was a waste. Let’s go.” He touched Sebastian, and they shadow walked where they left Hephzibah. They found him waiting, his hands forded. “Did you find the leader?” He asked. “Sort of,” Trevor said lamely. “What do you mean, sort of?” “We didn’t see her face. Before I could do anything, she disappeared into thin air. I think she is a witch,” he gasped. “Are you sure? Because not only wizards and witches can shadow walk,” Hephzibah began walking to the door, and they followed him. “Or maybe a maker. Like Emit,” Trevor blurted. “Wait, that bastard is alive?” He turned to look at Trevor. “Yeah, he is. He actually wanted to come, but I declined it,” he explained. After they reached the gate, Trevor and Sebastian turned back as if only realizing it. “Where are all the serpents?” Sebastian asked. “They just disappeared as well. I think they followed their leader. But I had no idea they could do that,” he admitted. “So we have no one to question? How nice,” they turned and left the castle. “Well, at least we know she is a woman. And she stands no chance against us,” Sebastian said supportively. “Yeah. You are right. But we just have to be alert at all times. We don’t know her next move. Which is very dangerous if you ask me,” Trevor spoke. “Well, let’s just hope for the best,” they sighed. Trevor threw the marble, and a portal got created. They stepped in and landed inside the house in kabulonga. They sat down in silence for almost five minutes. They heard something outside. Like footsteps. But the house was deep into the woods. Who the hell could have gone to such a place? They looked at each other, then stood up. Hephzibah motioned for the two men to go check the back door while he checks the front one. Without wasting time, they went. They tiptoed through the dark kitchen and reached for the door. Trevor sighed, then pulled it open. Ready to obliterate the thief, but there was no one there. They went outside and began examining the place. They checked the near bushes but saw nothing. Then Trevor stopped. “What?” Sebastian asked. “I sense a different kind of element around,” he looked around. Before Sebastian could reply, they heard Hephzibah’s scream. They went running and rounded the house to the front door. Two men stood about fifteen feet from them. Hephzibah between them. Tied with a glowing rope. The men shot dark smiles at them and winked shut. They run to where they were, but it was already too late. Trevor just gave a disappointed sigh and walked back to the house. Sebastian, not knowing what to do, just followed. Trevor threw himself on the couch, and before they knew it, they were both fast asleep. The next morning they woke to the sound of a door being shut aggressively. Sebastian was already in werewolf form. Trevor clutching a wand in his hands. They looked at the door, but nothing was there. Sebastian went, opened the door, then closed it back again. “Nothing,” he said. “But it couldn’t have been a dream. Someone was definitely here. I could still sense their magical element,” Trevor spoke and sat down again. Then jumped back up as a phone rang near the door. Sebastian went and picked it up. “Who’s phone is this?” He showed it to Trevor. “I don’t know. Maybe Hephzibah. Oh, I got his name correct. Who’s calling?” “It’s an unknown number.” “Give me. I will answer,” he took the phone from Sebastian and answered. “Hello.” “If you want to see this old man alive again, you have to do exactly what, I tell you to do,” a woman’s voice said. “Who are you? And what do you want from me and my family?” He demanded. “You are not allowed to talk, boy. I will give the instructions of where we are supposed to meet,” he heard Hephzibah shouting for him not to listen to her, “shut it old man!” the woman snapped. And a few minutes later he heard Hephzibah groan in pain. “Where are we meeting?” He asked. “First, you need to come alone. Bring your friend and the old man dies. We will meet at Enut’s bar, it’s located in Ssessop. The directions are in the gallery. Be on time, around seventeen. Again come alone,” before he could reply she hang up. “Dammit,” he threw the phone on the couch. He wasn’t stupid enough to throw it on the floor. “Who called? And what did they say to make you so pissed off?” Sebastian asked. “It was the woman we saw earlier today. She wants me to meet her. In exchange for Hephzibah. And I have to go alone.” “You can’t trust them on that. I’m coming.” “I will deal with them. This time I don’t want anyone to die,” he sighed and sat down. “Trevor, I’m coming ok? I will be hiding somewhere. Just in case they have other plans,” he sat as well. “Alright,” he cleared his throat. “We are out of marbles I have to go get some.” “What time are we going?” “Seventeen. What time is it?” “Seven.” “Dammit. I have to kill them for waking me up so early,” he leaned on the couch and closed his eyes. Minutes later, he was asleep. He woke to the sound of Sebastian calling his name. “Dude, it’s fifteen. We will be late,” Sebastian said. “What? Fifteen. Damn, I was tired,” he rubbed his sleepy eyes. “This time you need your werewolf underwear. I’m not going back and forth to get you clothes,” he added. “Then go and tell it for me.” “We even need black marbles for transportation. I will be back in a few minutes,” before Sebastian replied he disappeared. He landed in Sebastian’s leaving room. The twins were watching TV, then they saw their uncle appear out of nowhere. They run and hugged him. “Uncle Trevor, where is father? Mother said he was with you,” Frazer asked. “I will be back in a few hours, ok? Now, where is your mother?” “I think....... Oh, there she is,” Mwansa pointed at Trevor’s back. He turned around, and she was coming downstairs. “Trevor, what took you two so long? Wait, where is Sebastian?” She went closer to him. “We are yet to finish. And the all situation just got complicated. But he will tell you when he comes back. I just need his werewolf underwear.” “Let me get them. But you two have questions to answer,” she went running upstairs then a few minutes later came back with a blue small bag. “Here. And take care, ok?” “Yes, we will. I see you tonight. Boys bye,” they waved their hands and Trevor winked out of sight. Seconds later, he appeared in the library. Not wanting to see his family before he takes care of the danger. But he was stunned as he found the boys in the library. “Father,” they looked at him. “Have you finished them all? And we thought you were gonna come around two in the morning or three,” Mutale spoke. “We still have work to do. I’m just here to get the marbles. And don’t tell Loveness I was here ok?” They nodded, “all right then see you later,” he shadow walked and appeared in the realm. Quickly took the marbles and shadow walked back to Sebastian. “Ten minutes. Your energy is decreasing, man,” Sebastian said. “Buy the time we leave I will fully be charged.” He threw the bag at Sebastian, who caught it and took his werewolf underwear out. Time went faster than expected they prepared themselves and it was time to leave and go save Hephzibah’s ass.
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