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Trevor took a black marble and threw it, and a gateway got created a few feet from them. They looked at each other, and Trevor stepped into the gateway. A few seconds later, it shut. Sebastian threw his own marble, and a gateway got created as well. And he stepped into it before it shut. Trevor appeared at a rather old-looking place, but clean. Buildings surrounded him, but not tall ones, just a reasonable size. He looked around and immediately spotted where it was written Enut’s bar. He looked around to see if anyone saw him appear, but none seemed to care about that. So he began walking towards the bar and before he entered, he saw Sebastian appear a few feet from where he landed. He gestured for him to hide and entered the bar. As he opened the door a bell rang, making the owner know that a customer just walked in. He looked around to see anyone suspicious, but he couldn’t spot any. So he went and sat down. On a rather antique chair. “A wizard, what the hell brings you here,” A woman holding a notebook of some kind and a pen spoke. “What do you mean, a wizard? I’m not......” “Oh, please. There is no need to pretend. Have some water,” she snapped her fingers and a glass of water appeared on the table. “What? What if someone saw you?” He looked around. “They wouldn’t care. Because everyone in here has their unique powers handsome. So what will you have?” He looked at her. She was a British woman, though her accent wasn’t too British. She wore a brown color. And cowboy boots. Her red hair brushed over her shoulders. “Water will do thank you,” he dipped his head. “You must be angry. Don’t worry I will bring something for you.” “No. It’s fine, I’m ok.” “Silly. Will be back shortly and she walked to the kitchen.” Trevor kept examining the place for any potential suspect. But couldn’t find one. His heart raced. What if this was all a setup to distract me so they could get to my family? He thought. And if she is coming, why would she want to meet me in this fifty bar? “Right on time. Good boy,” a different woman’s voice spoke behind him. “Azariah,” he gasped as the woman stepped in front of him. She had black short hair. Not overly fat, just normal size. She wore a black kinda dinner dress and high-heeled shoes. She pulled a chair and sat down. “I should have known it was you. Why do you want to kill my unborn baby? I thought you got your revenge,” he whispered, fire burning in his eyes. Years back, Trevor killed Azariah’s son because he was involved in the murder of Trevor’s parents. So, as revenge, Azariah killed Trevor’s unborn baby. And from that day she disappeared and was never heard from. And right now when Loveness is pregnant she shows up. It wasn’t a coincidence. Something was off. Before Trevor could voice his words, the woman came back with a plate full of rice and chicken thighs. “Oh, I didn’t know you had company,” she said, putting the food on the table. “He does,” Azariah spoke. “Er....... Emily,” he looked at her name tag, “hope I pronounced it well,” a smile split on her face, “I’m a vegan.” “Oh, you should have said it.” “You gave me no chance, remember?” “Oh, yeah. I will bring something for you then,” she reached for the plate. “I will eat it,” Azariah said. “Oh, ok,” she turned and left. “What were you talking about? I’m not here to kill your baby. I didn’t even know you were gonna be a father,” she admitted. “Azariah, stop lying. I swear if you lay a finger on my family, I will kill you slowly,” he assured her. “Please,” she took a bit from her thigh, “want some?” He looked away. “Your loss.” “And why did you choose this place, anyway? We could have met in Lusaka,” he turned to her. “Where I wouldn’t be able to do this,” she opened her handbag and removed her black leather wand. She gave it a flick and a white handkerchief appeared and began cleaning her mouth without her touching it. “Fun right,” she smiled at him and carried on eating. After a few minutes, Emily came back with rice and vegetables. “Hope you will like it. We don’t usually save vegan foods. Actually, you are the first. We were just lucky we have someone who knows how to cook vegan food in the kitchen,” she smiled at him. “Thank you, Emily. And it smells good,” he dipped his head in appreciation. And she left. “So what brings you here? If it’s not to destroy my family?” He asked his concentration on the food. “As much as I want to do that, I’m afraid I came for another reason,” she pulled a pack of cigarettes. Pulled one and lit it up. Took a long drag, then offered one to Trevor. “Thanks,” he refused, “what reason of that?” He went on. “I don’t know if you have heard of the Academy before, have you?” She took another drag, “are you sure you don’t want one. It’s fruit-flavored?” “I don’t want. Maybe later. But what do they have to do with you been here?” He took the win, pulled it in the glass, and drank. “Well, they are after me. Ok, all witches and wizards. Which makes you and your child in danger as well. They have killed multiple wizards and witches already. But I presume you heard nothing about that since you have distanced yourself from our world,” she patted her cigar. “Azariah, do you think I will believe anything that comes from that mouth hole of yours? No offense, but you are the last person I expect to do good or tell the truth. So if you don’t have anything better to say just give me the old man I take my leave.” “Not until you listen to what I want to tell you,” she took another drag. “Haven’t you said it already?” “I didn’t finish.” “So carry on.” “I want you and I to work together.....” Trevor burst out laughing, his laughter echoing in the entire bar. Everyone turned to look at him. “Azariah, don’t make me laugh. You what us to work together?” He carried on laughing, not carrying the eyes glaring at him. Then, after minutes, his laughter died down. “You find that fun? Wait until they kill your child. Then we will see who will be laughing.” “Azariah, you and I know that, that is an impossible scenario. So just give me the old man and we walk our separate ways. I will deal with the Academy myself when they try to attack me and whatever happens to you is your problem.” “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. Or have you changed your mind about saving the old man?” She smirked at him. “How can I be sure that you will stay true to your words?” After what she did, there was no way of trusting the witch. And after learning that his unborn baby was in danger. Then Azariah suddenly shoed up. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Not long ago he made the mistake of trusting Siobhan, not entirely, but Siobhan took what he wanted the spell book. It wouldn’t be too long until he shows up as the most powerful wizard ever existed. So he needed to be very careful when making such a decision again. “You just have to believe me.” “Not gonna happen. I think I have an idea.” He called to his wand, and it appeared in his hands. Waved it and a piece of paper and a pen appeared on the table. “This is the wizwitch paper. If you go back on your word I’m sure you know what is gonna happen, don’t you?” She nodded, extinguishing what remained of her cigar. “So from here on, we will be working together against the Academy. But you promise to retain my friend just after signing this paper, don’t you?” She nodded and every word he spoke was writing itself on the piece of paper. “Go ahead sign,” he pushed the paper to her. She took the paper and pen. Then took a deep breath and signed it. And then she pushed the paper back to Trevor. He took it and signed. Then the paper glowed for about two minutes and the words disappeared. Trevor gave his wand a casual flick, and the paper winked out. “I will keep itself. Now my friend,” he smiled at her. Held his hand and the pack of cigarette moved from Azariah’s pocket I to his hands. He took one and gestured for the lighter. Without refusing, she handed him the lighter. He lit the cigar and took a long drag. Azariah waved her leathery wand, and Hephzibah appeared. Not a single scratch on him. “Trevor,” he gasped excitedly. “Hephzibah. Take Seb....... I mean you have to go back home. I still have questions for her. Will see you later.” Azariah looked at Trevor thoughtfully. “What?” Trevor asked. She just averted her eyes from him. “Alright see ya.” He went out of the bar. Trevor where he was sitting, hoping Hephzibah got that he needed to take Sebastian along. “So I think we are done here. I gotta go,” Azariah took her handbag. “Where the hell do you think you are going? You still have to answer about those filthy serpents,” he snapped, but for only Azariah to hear. “What?” she gasped, eyes widened as if she knew nothing of what was going on. “Don’t act innocent Azariah.” “What serpents are you talking about?” “The same bastards you sent to kidnap Hephzibah and the ones you are keeping at that filthy castle.” “What the hell are you talking about? I don’t leave in castle awe. I live in a five-star hotel. Here is my room key,” she handed Trevor the keys, he took it and saw on the tag that she was telling the truth. She was leaving in Neelkanth Sarovar Premiere. “How the hell did you get access to this hotel? You use wizarding and witchcraft money.” “Well, what will be the use of my being a witch if I have to pay for silly things like staying in a hotel and the like?” “You bewitched them, didn’t you?” He asked, knowing what she was gonna say. He took a long drag from his cigar and patted it to remove the used part. “That, and the owner of the hotel and I are kinda going out,” she said in a show-off way. “You are a sick woman.” “You can’t blame me for my beauty,” she laughed. They allowed silence to take over, as they carried on eating, drinking, and, well, smoking. They stayed in the bar for hours, discussing their next move. Emily kept bringing food and wine. After they finished, Azariah gave the British women wizarding and witchcraft money. They left the bar. Both drunk but not overly drunk that you can’t even walk. Sun was already sinking behind the clouds and the moon slowly crept its way up. “Listen, I’m sorry I killed your baby. But you must understand because you killed my only son. But overall I apologize,” she dipped her head at him. “You must be. And I’m also sorry for dismembering your son.” “He kinda deserved it. I was an ass, wasn’t he?” A smile crept over her face. “Yeah.” They walked through the streets of Ssessop. Neither of them knew where they were exactly heading. Maybe, just maybe, he didn’t make a wrong move by agreeing to work together with Azariah. But for safety’s sake, he didn’t fully commit to the agreement. Just in case she was planning something like Siobhan did. The fact that he has heard nothing from Siobhan was actually beginning to worry him more. What was he planning? Was gonna come back as the powerful wizard and take over. And who the hell was the leader of the serpents? If Azariah said, she had nothing to do with them. Could it be the so-called academy? Or Siobhan might be behind it? But he brushed the thoughts away for later. Instead, he walked the streets with Azariah. Enjoying the breeze.
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