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He felt water splash on his face. Peeled open his eyes and saw Azariah in a long white nightdress. “Wake up, Prince. It’s late. I’m sure your friends are worried about you. And they will probably think I kidnapped you or something.” “What time is it?” He yawned. “Nine in the morning.” “Oh, s**t,” he jumped from the couch, “why the hell did you even allow me to stay here? I was drunk the best you could have done was sent me home with your men or something!” He scolded. “Don’t forget that I was as drunk as you are. Do you think I would allow you in my house? Never. Anyway, just hurry before they show up and start killing my people. And much worse before the Academy attacks your family,” she sat down. He took his shoes and put on them. Stood up and fixed himself. “I guess I will see you back in Lusaka,” Trevor said. “And go against your word and you know what will happen to you.” He took a marble from his pocket and slammed it on the floor. Then a portal got created. “We have the same interest why would I stub you in the back? And I came to ask for your help, remember?” “Technically, you didn’t come. You kidnapped my friend,” I corrected. “Whatever,” that was all she managed to say. “Alright then, just don’t forget about our trip tonight, ok?” She nodded. And he stepped into the gateway. A few minutes later, he landed in his house in kabulonga. Sebastian and Hephzibah stood up, looking at Trevor rather cheerfully. “Dude, you are ok,” Sebastian went and gave him a bro hug. “What did you think? That she will abduct me or something?” “Well kinda,” Hephzibah said. “Anyway, how did it go? What were you two discussing? And what the hell took you so long? Do you know how worried we were? I was even about to come. Just that I run out of marbles,” they moved and sat. “Well, you can’t believe who she was man,” I grinned at Sebastian. “Azariah? Hephzibah told me. Hey, I pronounced the name correctly,” he cheered. “So what happened? Did you kill her or just told her to take her serpents and leave this place?” Hephzibah asked. “Apparently, she is not the leader of the serpents. And she doesn’t know who it might be. But, she has suspects.” “Who?” they both asked. “The Academy. Those bastards are going around killing all wizards and witches. For some reason. So I suspect them. And well Siobhan might be behind it. I mean we haven’t heard from him in a long time. He as the book mind you, so nothing can stop him from succeeding.” “Those assholes are back?” Hephzibah looked at Trevor, dumbstruck. “Wait. You know them?” Trevor asked. “Yeah, they once tried to kill your parents,” he lowed his face, “but of course failed miserably. But they are not people to play with. So be very careful.” “I will,” he got up and began walking to the fridge. “Also, don’t trust that woman so much. Look where we are now with the Siobhan situation. We gave in so easily. So just watch out,” Sebastian spoke loud enough for Trevor to listen. “Oh, I took care of that,” he said, mouth full. “How?” “I made her sign that she will not back down on her words,” he come back with a slice of cake and wine. “Dude, it’s a paper.” “The wizwitch paper.” “The what?” “The wizwitch paper. If we use that to sign it means we should both abide by that. If one decides to go against it, they will be dire consequences.” “Oh, clever.” “So what is your plan, in defeating the Academy?” Hephzibah asked. Trevor explained everything he and Azariah have planned to do in order to defeat the Academy, leaving no detail. “So you meet her tonight?” Sebastian asked. “I just said that.” “But this time I’m coming. You need someone to watch your back. I just don’t trust that woman,” Sebastian said. “And me too,” Hephzibah said. “You will be watching my family together with Emit. I bet you have a lot to talk about,” Trevor said. “You do just that,” he added upon seeing Hephzibah open his mouth to retort. “They might come there while we are busy looking for them. So it’s better if you and Emit stay behind.” He took a sip of his wine. “We are going home before we actually go to look for the academy, right?” Sebastian asked. “Yes. Loveness is gonna kill me. I have ten missed calls from her man.” “Tell me about it. I have even failed to call back. Better we talk in person.” “Good idea. Then we will leave in a few minutes. Hephzibah, get your things.” Hephzibah went upstairs then, after about five minutes, came back with a black suitcase. They got up and Trevor took one of the black marbles. He slammed it on the ground and a gateway opened. Hephzibah stepped into the gateway first, then Sebastian, and finally Trevor. Seconds later, they landed inside Trevor’s house. They all stood up. Natasha and her twins were also at Trevor’s house, as if she knew they were gonna be there. They walked towards them and just sat without a word. “We have been calling you for hours, Trevor. Do you know how worried we were? You have been gone for two freaking days without calling or update us about what is going on!” Loveness snapped. “I know, and I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear my phone ringing because of the noise we had been in.” “But couldn’t you have called back when you saw the missed calls?” “I thought speaking in person would be better.” “I don’t even know what to say,” Natasha said. “I’m sorry, ok? As Trevor said, we couldn’t hear the phones and speaking in person would have been better. But I won’t do it again. Forgive me?” He went to her. “No. And we are not discussing this around everyone. I will deal with you when we go home,” she looked away. “Home,” he looked at Trevor. “Yes, home. What are you not telling us? Trevor,” she glared at him. “We still have work today, so we are going back later today. We just thought it would be better to come and see you all,” Trevor said, looking at everyone. “But you did manage to catch the serpents, right?” Emit asked. “Well, not really. But we have a lead. Kinda.” “So those bastards are still roaming free?” Loveness asked. “Yeah, but not for too long.” “And the leader?” Mutale asked. “We are not sure. But we think it’s the academy.” “Wait, the academy?” Emit asked, face expressionless. Loveness gestured for Natasha and Mrs. Sinkala to follow her in the kitchen. They got up and left. Leaving the men to discuss. “Yes. And she also told me they are after wizards and witches.” “Who is she?” Justine asked. “Oh, Azariah.” “The one who killed your baby with Maria?” Justine asked again. “Yeah. At first, we thought it was her behind the serpents but it turns out she just needed me and her to work together.” “And you agreed? For all, we know she might be lying,” Mutale said. “Don’t worry, I took care of that part.” “You bastard, where have you been? Ever since Frazer and his wife died you had disappeared,” Emit said, looking excitedly at Hephzibah. “I have been staying in the house in kabulonga. And you are the one who runoff. I tried tracing you when Ryan came into power but couldn’t find you,” Hephzibah said. “You will have them all day to catch up,” Trevor interrupted. “So I and Sebastian are going with Azariah to look for the so-called academy.....” “This time we are following as well, father,” Justine interrupted. “You are staying here, and don’t ever interrupt me again, ok?” The boy nodded and Trevor went on, “Emit and Hephzibah, you will stay here with everyone and make sure you, the Academy doesn’t get in the house. We still don’t know what their real motive is. And I’m still searching for the bastard who wants to kill my child. So we need to be a step ahead,” he paused to allow them to comprehend everything. “And what are we gonna do? We can’t just be sitting around while you guys are running around,” Erup asked. “You will help here, Erup. For some reason, I fear Siobhan might retain anytime soon. And he will come more powerful than before. So just in case, you guys will protect your mothers and brothers, ok?” The boys nodded. They allowed silence to take over until Frazer spoke. “Dad, what about us? We are powerful werewolves, you know?” “Boy, you still have training to do ok? You can’t just start fighting. You need trains,” he smiled at him. “But you have been training us for over a year now. And I think...... We think we are ready. This will be our first fight,” Mwansa said and fist-bumped his twin brother. “My boy, fighting all these bad guys isn’t good. Look at me and you uncle, as barely have time to be with you. So don’t even wish for it, ok?” “But.......” “Not now, boys. Just do as I said.” “What if they need our help?” Frazer gestured for Emit and Hephzibah. “Then, your big brothers are here.” “They are useless. Just so you know, we were able to discover their secret in less than two days. So putting them in charge is like putting Isaac in charge.” “We didn’t do anything because you are our little brothers. So don’t take that to your advantage,” Justine said. And before they knew it, there was chaos in the house. The boys kept on exchanging words. And the men just watched. Guess sometimes you just have to let things flow on thereon. And if they had stopped them, chances were they would resume their argument later, after their fathers had left. So allowing them to argue for a while seemed to be a good idea. Loveness and Natasha prepared food and called their husbands and Hephzibah. Emit and the boys wanted to follow, but the women gestured for them to sit. “You just ate. Give them a chance to eat. Just see how they are looking. God knows if they had eaten anything ever since they left,” Loveness said. Trevor Sebastian and Hephzibah went to the dining table and began stuffing their faces. After thirty minutes they finished and joined everyone in the leaving room. While except for Loveness and Natasha who were busy in the kitchen and Mrs. Sinkala who went upstairs with Isaac. They sat in silence for over an hour, just watching TV. Sometimes silence is the key. But that came to pass when Emit decided to voice his words. “My son knows I’m here,” he looked at Trevor. “What is wrong with that?” Sebastian asked. “Oh, his son is a psychopath. The bastard took over his father’s kingdom by force,” Trevor responded. “Why didn’t you teach him a lesson or two? You are a damn maker,” Hephzibah spoke. “The boy is more powerful them I am. And I’m getting old Hephzibah so I stand no chance against him. And he might decide to show up here.” “So?” Hephzibah asked. “Well, I never liked that I worked for Trevor’s family. Not even a bit.” “Let me guess, he hates me too, doesn’t he?” Trevor asked lamely. “Kinda,” Emit responded. “So he is added to the potential baby killers?” Sebastian asked. “Yeah,” Trevor sighed tiredly. Mutale, Justine, and Erup got up and headed upstairs. Frazer and Mwansa looked at each other than followed them. Presumably thinking they were up to something. And tormenting them about their mischievous was something worth a million. “And this is why I need you two here. Your psychopathic, ungrateful son hates me. The stupid academy wants to kill me and my kids. And we still don’t know if Azariah was telling the truth. So just stay focused and alert at all times,” they nodded. “And if things get way out of hand. We have a library, go there. It doesn’t review itself to everyone.” They nodded again. “I miss our fight-free days,” Sebastian said. “Tell me about it,” Trevor said, and they sighed, leaning on the couch.
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