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After his talk with Egayov, Trevor was taken back to his new room. He sat there in silence and the only thing flooding his mind was if his family back on earth was fine or not. The fact that he had no idea if the antidote Egayov gave them to wake Sebastian and rest had worked or not was killing him. What if the antidote hadn’t worked? Did that mean the academy had managed to kill his unborn baby? Did they manage to break the shield and kill them all? Is he doing everything for nothing? The day went by so quickly, as if someone had jinxed the clock. The next morning he was ready to go with Egayov and find the Academy. One giant went into his room and took him to the common room, where he found Egayov sitting on his throne. They discussed their last plan and now it was time to go. The only thing Trevor was hoping for was to find the Academy and end this bullshit once and for all. Egayov removed Trevor’s bracelet but was constantly looking at him. But Trevor’s plan was not to escape before he uses Egayov. So he opened the gateway, and the academy’s castle could be seen at the center of the sparkles. Trevor jumped in and Egayov followed. One second they were in Yarrum and the other they appeared in a forest-looking place with a castle about thirty feet away. The place was rather cool and chilly. The weather was just perfect. The trees danced around as the wind blow. The trees were still too green, though. Since to Trevor’s calculation, he had been in Yarrum for about two months now, which would mean on earth about six or seven months should have passed. And the fact that the time zone in Teblog (the name of the academy’s place) was not different from earth. It was confusing. The trees should have dried leaves, not green. What the hell was going on? Did the time zone change? Or did he just miscalculate things? But he didn’t pay too much attention to that. His many focus should only be on the Academy and nothing else. Trevor gestured, and they began walking forward. Constant vigilance. When they reached about ten feet from the old creep-looking castle. They stopped since two men stood at the gate. And one at each corner. But the relieving part was, Trevor has been to the place, which meant he can shadow walk inside the castle. Without having to kill the serpents, which in turn might alarm the academy. And that is not what he was going for. If the academy knew he was there, then things might just go t**s. And his plan will be ruined. So he told Egayov to hold on to him and he shadow walked them. Seconds later, they appeared on the roof. They looked around and saw no one there. Trevor, knowing the place though not too much, lead the way. They entered the castle and the only source of right through the passage wall was the candles hanging on the walls. They walked through the marble staircase and just as they reached another passage wall. Two men spotted them. “You two, why are you wandering around?” A man asked as he saw them. “Sorry wee kinda lost our way. But we will go on our spot,” Egayov said. “Wait, I haven’t seen you before. When did you come here?” A man with bush hair and matching beard said and walked closer to them. “We just came a few days ago. I guess that is why,” Egayov smile, “right?” He kicked Trevor’s foot. “Oh, please. I don’t have time for this nonsense,” Trevor said and held his hands. Both the men got pulled and got clenched into Trevor’s hands. They tried to break free, but it was of no use. They tried to scream, but their words were not voiced. “Just stop trying. You are in the hands of a demon. So you can transform into serpents, you idiots,” Trevor said. “Now I need you to tell me something,” he looked at them in a I’m not asking way. “If the academy is here, nod if they are not here, don’t do anything. And I would know if you are lying. So don’t dare. Now is the academy here or not?” He looked deep into their eyes. But the men didn’t do anything, they just carried on trying to break out of Trevor’s grip. But that didn’t happy with their case. At all. “Trevor, I think someone is coming,” Egayov said. “Hold them off. These assholes still need to answer my question,” he said, still looking at the serpents. “Er...... Just a quick reminder, I’m kind of your boss.........” “Will you just hold them off,” he said through clenched teeth. And Egayov left, murmuring something under his breath. “Now you bastards. I will ask again. Are your filthy masters here or not?” The men looked at each other. Probably debating if they should tell him or not. “I think you are useless. It’s better if you just die,” Trevor said, no tress of remorse in his eyes. There was only hatred and vengeance in them. And who can blame him? If it wasn’t for those assholes. He wouldn’t be in this dilemma The only thing that would have been on his to-do list would be to teach Egayov a lesson.  But knowing that he can’t handle the three academies alone, he needed Egayov’s help. So pissing the piece of ass would be stupid. Not until the Academy is out of the picture. But now these two bastards are determined to be loyal. So what would be the point of them living? None right? Trevor’s veins began glowing and the grip on the men’s necks was tightening. The men began moving their bodies. Beating Trevor, even punching and kicking. But nothing after the torture Egayov gave him. It was like he was becoming immune to pain. He sighed, and the veins dimmed. “Ready to talk?” He asked. And they nodded, breathing heavily. “Good boys. Now are the Academy here or not?” They nodded. “Nice. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you live. You bastards might sell me out. So off you go.” His veins brightened up again, and the grip became tighter with each passing second. Then finally he felt their neck bones break. He let them go, and they fell to the ground. Their necks were like it was just plastic, no tress of bones there. “Dude, you are the ones who need a therapist, not me,” Egayov said as he came back. “Please, they deserved it. And did you take care of whoever it was?” “Yeah. Though they ruined my shirt with their filthy blood.” Trevor turned and saw black stains on Egayov’s white shirt. “Let’s go. They are here,” Trevor said, and they began walking with constant vigilance. They turned east, and the coast was clear. Walked through the marble staircase and finally reached the door to the common room. “Are you ready?” Trevor asked Egayov. “Yeah, sure,” Egayov said as if it was nothing. Trevor sighed, then opened the door. His wand clenched in his hands. The academy stood up. One of them sent two fireballs from his hands to Trevor. But the shield was at Trevor’s rescue. “Thanks, shield.” “You talk to that?” Egayov laughed. Forgetting s**t just got real. But Trevor ignored him. The shield vanished. “I don’t want to kill you. Yet. I need to have a word with you. Then I can humiliate you in front of your underdogs,” Trevor said, and moved forward. “You and us have nothing to talk about,” the man with long brown hair spoke. “I guess we do. You bastards want to kill my family and me because we are going to replace you as the new academies. And that means you will die. I was about to take it easy on you, but you annoyed me by messing with my family. No one touches them,” he moved even closer to them. Knowing that the academy’s powers decreases as he becomes closer to them. He was trying to keep the conversation going until their powers get to at least fifty percent or less. But the Academy knew what he was doing because they began moving backward. “With that, been said. Me and my pal here,” he punched Egayov’s shoulders, “we are here to kill you,” he smiled at them devilishly. “In your wildest dreams, child,” the black man said. “You and I know that I’m more powerful than you. So instead of you acting cowardly by attacking my family behind my back. Why don’t you face me instead? And for the record, I’m already a nature killer. And soon to be an Academy killer. Just wanted you to know before you go to hell,” still grinning darkly. “So be it,” the one with long brown hair spoke. The leader charges towards Trevor while the other two charged towards Egayov. Trevor shadow walked and appeared behind the man. Then immediately sent a jet of light and struck the man’s back. He flipped on the floor that stopped upon impact with the benches. The common room was full of well-finished benches. And four chairs in front where the academies were sitting during their meetings. But they were only three of them since one was killed by Hephzibah. “You fight dirty. I like it,” the academy said as he got up. “And did you ask your wife about what I told you? Hopefully, you found out the truth,” they began circling each other. But maintaining the same distance. “Yeah. And you were right. Thanks, by the way,” he dipped his head. “I was just trying to help a brother out. And where is she? Presumably, you gave her a fair judgment,” Trevor said. “While I tried. But killing her and her bastard boyfriend was the best option,” he said it like killing was nothing but drinking tea. Trevor took advantage and sent a jinx at the man. The man shielded himself. Then Trevor quickly shadow walked. But this time, he was lucky. He found himself in the man’s grip. “Gotcha. Thought you can sneak up on me again? Sadly mistaken, boy,” he smirked. Then he lifted Trevor and slammed him on the floor. Trevor groaned began clawing for his wand, which was now about five feet from him. But the Academy of death took his foot. Swung him around and threw him away. Trevor flipped over the benches and ended up at the back of the room. He tried to get up. But just as he lifted his head. The academy of death’s foot impacted Trevor’s jaw. And the poor man flipped and fell flat on his back. Trevor coughed and blood came out of his mouth. The academy took a hand full of Trevor’s shirt. Then as he moved his head backward to give Trevor a forehead punch. He suddenly let Trevor go and he touched the bench for balance. Trevor’s plan was working. The academy’s powers are decreasing. If he can keep up with the act for a bit longer, than the Academy might just die, thought him, laying a finger on him. Trevor managed to get up. And punches the academy in the face. The man stumbled and finally fell on his ass. “Guess what I just outmaneuvered your ass,” Trevor said and kicked the man in the stomach. He looked to check on Egayov and the man was not doing well at all. He had two academies on him. And they were both in full percentages. So Trevor called his nature powers and vines protruded from the floor. Then he sent them towards the Academy of hope. The vines wrapped themselves around the man and took him in the air. And the man was hanging there. Just as he turned to the Academy of death the man was not there. Trevor looked around and saw the academy of death climbing to his chair. As Trevor turned to look at him. The man was smiling darkly at him. And his weak face was changing. Dammit. It finally hit him. Their power source was from their chairs. So by destroying the chairs, he had more chances of killing the academy. But that will be tough because the Academy of death just doubled in size. He needed to call all his powers to defeat that. All else he might as well say bye to his family.
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