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They got alarmed as they heard something from the bush. Then before they could even see what it was they went cartwheeling and hit the trees. They swiftly got up and there it was. The Costa Rican clown frog. Trevor called to his wand and Sebastian tapped his werewolf form. The Costa Rican clown frog sent its pinkish fire bolls at then. But with just the wave of his wand a shield appeared in front of them. “It was a set up,” Sebastian said. “I should have known then trust those assholes. But they chose the wrong day to mess around. On three, one, two, three!” Trevor waved his wand and the shield winked shut. He gave his wand another casual flick and blue light left the tip of his wand and struck the frog. It flipped in the air, hit the tree then whined upon impact with the ground. Just as it raised its head Sebastian kicked it with his soccer ball sized foot. It moved a few feet from him. Trevor held his hand and the frog began floating in the air. It sent the fire ball but the shield was at Trevor and Sebastian’s rescue. The fire balls vanished as they hit the shield. But the frog was still floating in the air. Trevor called his nature powers and the vines left the ground and wrapped around frog. It tried to open its mouth but the vines were first enough to cover the frogs mouth. “Who sent you?” Sebastian asked. “Are you seriously asking this bastard that question? It’s obvious the academy sent him,” Trevor said. The frog slowly began turning into his human form. Then after about three minutes he fully transformed. He was handsome man about three years older than both Trevor and Sebastian. He had long blonde hair that drenched on his shoulders. He was white in complexion with gray eyes. Not very huge but more muscular than Trevor and a bit more like Sebastian. Trevor relised him and the bastard fell on his ass. He tried to run but Trevor shadow walked and appeared in front of him. He turned but Sebastian was already there. “Dude, you have been caught. Now lets do this again. Is it the academy that sent you? Or your king?” Trevor asked. “And if you dare lie to us that will be the end of you, Mr.” Sebastian added. The man kept quite face down. They wanted for three to four minutes still the man was quite. “Do you have kids?” Trevor asked. The man nodded, “so I presume you might want one right?” again he nodded. “If that is so you may want to give us the name. We won’t kill you but will do something even worse. We are gonna remove you little snake,” the man looked at himself and realized he was naked. “And we will see which woman would want to be with such a man. For the record when removing your snake we won’t use anesthesia. So if you are willing to live with that shame then we will be more than happy to help,” Sebastian spoke and moved closer to the man. “I’m tired of this bullshit. You asshole we are not talking to ourselves here. So you might want to reply before I lose my tempter,” Trevor snapped and his veins began glowing. “I will talk. But you need to promise that you will keep your word,” the man said as he looked up at Trevor. “We will,” they both said. “How can I be sure about that?” “You have no choise but to just trust us,” Trevor said. “Now spit it,” Sebastian spoke. “Two men aproched me earier today……” “The academy right?” Trevor interrupted. “I don’t know anything about the academy. But they just finished talking to the king……” “I knew it,” he interrupted again. “Will you let me finish?” raised his voice then realized he was the underdog, “they gave me a picture of you two and told me to distruct you.” “Oh, s**t,” they both gasped. Trevor quickly took a marble and slammed it on the green ground. A gateway erupted and they jumped into it, leaving the man idely standing. After a few seconds they arrived outside Trevor’s house and the gateway winked shut. The front door was laying a few feet from them. They both charged inside. Sebastian already in werewolf form. Trevor’s veins were glowing even brighter then ever before. What if there family where already died? He has been protecting his unborn baby the moment he found out that she was in danger. But he filed. He was stupid enough to trust the words of the academy. They entered inside and everything was turned upside down. Nothing was in its rightful place. The chairs were flipped upside down. TV brocken. They examined the room even feather to tress human blood but not even a stain could be seen. Then Trevor stepped forward and felt he stepped in water or something. He looked underneath and blood was coming out of the couch. The hair at the back of this head stood up. He looked at Sebastian who equaly looked as surprised. Trevor began rounding the couch slowly. His heart beating fast with each foot step he took. Then his shoulders relaxed as he saw who it was. It was one of the academy. But if he was laying died, then where was the rest the the academy? Did they kidnap their family or what? What if they are also lying died somewhere? The thought of his family been died made Trevor feel sick in the stomach. Sebastian transformed back to human form and went to see for himself. “we need to find them now. I will check upstairs you check here,” Trevor nodded and Sebstian went running up the staires. Trevor went to the kichen still no one was there. He checked from room to room still found no one. Shouted on top of his lung but no one answered. His stomach made a ramboring noise. Then as he went back to the living room, Sebastian was also coming downstairs. “anything up there?” he asked. Sebastian just nodded, “where do……… the library,” he gasped. Without even taking Sebastian he shadow walked and appeared inside the library. And to his relief everyone was there. He took a deep breath then walked towards them. “Are you all ok?” He asked. “Yes we are. And you?” Loveness responded. “I’m fine,” he sighed. “Uncle where is father?” Frazer asked. “Oh, he is in the living room. Or should I say a desoriated living room. What happened here?” He looked at Emit then at Hephzibah. “The academy came here. It was a set up,” Emit spoke. “What about the force preventing them. Azariah,” he turned to look at her. “I don’t know. But I did mention to you that it will not be to long until they figure out how to enter your house. And since we all believed them they took advantage. But at least we heard them before they could even enter the house,” she said. Before he could reply, the library door opened and Sebastian entered panting. “You ass you......... Thank God you are all ok. I began to worry that the Academy did something to you,” he went closee to them. “But they didn’t hate any of you right?” Trevor asked looking from face to face. “We are fine Trevor. But we need to figure out how to prevent them from coming here again. I mean we can’t stay here,” Loveness spoke. “I know. But first let’s go I can’t stand anymore.” He took a black marble and slammed it on the floor. Then a gateway appeared and they all walked through it. Trevor was the last and the gateway winked shut seconds later. “And who killed him?” Trevor pointed at the back of the couch. “Grandpa Emit did it,” Mwansa spoke. “They were after aunt Loveness. But grandpa Wmit enterfiered and obliterated him,” he added. “Thanks man. And this proves out theory, these bastards are after my baby,” Trevor spoke and looked at Loveness. He just reviewed part of what he was hiding from her. But she didn’t act surprised at all. Trevor waffled his wand and the man disappeared. “Where did you send him?” Mutale asked. “To the place such a person disselves to be. Hell.” He again waved his wand and the house began cleaning itself. After about twenty minutes everything was back to normal. House sparkly clean. All the repaired stuffs got fixed. They went and sat down on the couch. All of them wordless. They just sat presumably thinking about what just happened. Becase they just escaped death by a near miss. Then Frezar spoke. “Father, since you are an alpha. Which is basically king of the werewolves. Does it mean me and Mwansa are princes?” “Yeah, I have been thinking about that as well. And you never mentioned that you are the rightful owner of that thrown. Or that they are other werewolves in town. I actually thought it was just us,” Mwansa spoke. “I didn’t think it was necessary. They didn’t want me as their leader after all. And as far as been princes is concerned just forget about it. I only accepted to lead them because the shadow monster is after them. As soon as we defeat that assahole i will send them away from our lives.” “But what if someone gets sick again like that boy, and you are the only one who can help them? They will just come back either ways,” Frezar spoke. “We will figure that out later my boy,” he sighed. Trevor got up and everyone looked at him. It was very unlike him to be so quite in situations like this. The thought of him loosing his unborn child must have gotten to him so bad. He just looked at everyone with a wary expression and began going towards the stairs. “Father, the protective shield,” Mutale reminded. “Oh, I almost forgot.” The man looked as lost as hell. Thoughts filled in his head. What if the Academy managed to kill his family even more his unborn child? What would he have done? He felt that it was his fault. If he didn’t trust a single word that come out of the academies filthy mouths then none of what happened would have happened. “Do you need help?” Hephzibah asked. “I think if we combine our shielding powers it will be strong enough to hold them until we find another way,” Emit got up. Trevor seemed to be lost in his mind so they just decided to follow him either way. They reached outside. Trevor called his wand and then gave it a casual flick. Blue sparkle left the tip of his wand and struck thin air. Then both Emit and Hephzibah held their hands and blinding light left their hands and stopped where Trevor’s spell stopped. A blueish shield formed around the house and then it became invisible. Trevor turned and went inside. Without looking at anyone he went straight upstairs. Sebastian left the couch and followed him behind. Seconds after Trevor entered his room, Sebastian entere as well. “Dude, what’s going on?” Sebastian asked, closing the door softly behind him. “What do you mean what’s going on? Those bastards nearly killed my family. They almost killed your family!” He finally snapped. Fire burning in his eyes. “But nothing happened.........” “What if something happened? We were both stupid enough to trust those assholes,” he began pacing around. “So what are you saying now?” “We need to find them. Now. They have managed to break in my house. I don’t think the shield we created would be enough to prevent them from entering. So before they do. We need to put an end to this,” his breathing grew stronger with each pace he took. “What’s the plan? I need to kill those assholes more than ever. They messed with the wrong people. But before we go I need to ask you something, that as been bothering me for a while now.” Trevor stopped and looked at Sebastian, “what?” “Didn’t Azariah say that the Academy are after every wizard and witch?” “Yes she did.” “But you are not the only wizard in Lusaka. So why are they targeting you and your family then others. Is there a specific reason they are doing this?” “I never thought about that,” Trevor sighed and sat down, eyes dancing around.
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