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He peeled open his eyes, then closed them back again as they felt crushed because of too much sleep. He rubbed them and got up from bed. He looked at his phone, at his eyes widened upon seeing the time. He quickly went and took a quick shower. Then came back and wore a summer patchwork business casual fashion jersey. Black jeans and sneakers. As as he finished, he went downstairs. He only found the boys in the leaving room. As he made his way to the couch, he saw the women in the kitchen probably preparing breakfast. “Morning boys,” he said. “Morning,” they all said. “Frazer, is your father still sleeping?” Trevor asked. “I think so.” “Alright, thanks.” He got up and went upstairs. Without even knocking, he went inside the bedroom. Sebastian was fast asleep. Trevor moved his head silently, saying this bastard sleeps too much. He tiptoed himself, took a glass of water on the table, and pulled it on Sebastian. The man jumped out of bed. Half transformed. Then he relaxed his shoulders. “I’m gonna kill you,” he jumped from the bed. “You wouldn’t dare even if you tried.” Sebastian charged towards Trevor. But with just a wave of his wand. Sebastian went cartwheeling backward and slammed into the wall. He got up, groaning as his skin opened. His clothes were shredded to pieces to accommodate his new size. His eye patch went flying as his human face got replaced by that of a werewolf. Then black fur protruded to cover him like a blanket, making him look like a gigantic Pomeranian. He then howled and charged towards Trevor. Dodging every spell sent at him. Trevor threw a punch, but Sebastian caught Trevor’s hand with his massive one, making Trevor’s hand look almost five times that of his. His werewolf mouth stretched to indicate a smile. Then uppercut Trevor. The poor man flew upwards. Hit the ceiling and slammed the floor. Sebastian took a hand full of Trevor’s shirt and lifted him. At the same time, Sebastian lifted his other hand, Trevor took a black marble and slammed it on the floor. A gateway opened underneath them. They both got sucked in and seconds later fell flat on their stomachs. In the backward. They swiftly got back up. And began rounding, but maintained the same distance. Sebastian charged, but Trevor shadow walked and appeared behind Sebastian. “Keep trying, wolf,” Trevor said, “try to keep up.” “Well stay still, you asshole,” Sebastian oozed back in human form. “I’m not giving you a chance to dismember me,” Trevor said as they began rounding each other again. Trevor quickly flicked his wand and landed two feet from Sebastian. Then immediately punched Sebastian on the cheek. Sebastian flipped a few times backward. Trevor quickly held his hands up and lifted Sebastian. “As I said, try to keep up.” Sebastian tapped his werewolf form and since Trevor couldn’t handle the weight, Sebastian fell and landed on his two feet. He then charged towards Trevor. Trevor waffles his wand, but the blue lightning missed Sebastian by a near miss. He again sent bolts of fire. Sebastian jumped and the bolts of fire slammed the fence. Trevor held his hand. But Sebastian caught it again. “Oh, boy,” Trevor sighed lazily. Sebastian began swinging Trevor, then at the fifth time let him go. Trevor flew for a few feet, then flipped backward as he struck the ground. Sebastian charged and kicked Trevor in the stomach. The poor man skidded on the grass and hit the fence. “Are you trying to kill me?” Trevor screamed. “Kinda,” Sebastian spoke back in human form. “Psychopath.” “Look who is talking. You are the one who started this s**t fight, mind you,” he mentioned. “I thought it was training not killing me, mission,” he dusted himself. “Excuses, just admit you lost asshole,” Sebastian smirked. “Me loose. I just stopped you from going to prison for murdering me. Because apparently, you can’t control the beast in you,” he moved closer to him. “Dude, you are the one who needs to learn to control your wizard. I can handle the beast in me just perfect.” Before Trevor could voice his wands. Mwansa shouted. “Father, uncle Trevor, you need to see this!” The boy was standing at the entrance wearing summer shorts, a black polo shirt, and sandals. They went running and entered the house. The hairs on Trevor’s hand stood as they reached the leaving room. There was some sort of hologram at the center of the leaving room and a black man was floating on it. He had a black long beard. And looked Kind of old but not like Emit or Hephzibah. He was bald and had thick eye blows. He wore black trousers and a black long leather robe with a brown shirt inside. “What’s going on?” Trevor asked. “Oh, finally. For a second I thought you were hiding from me,” the man spoke rather casually. “Why would I hide from you? When, in fact, you should be hiding from me. And listen, I’m tired of this boring game of chasing after each other, ok? Let’s face each other like men. And we will see who is stronger. Me or the four of you bastards.” “Why do you think I’m calling?” “So you people don’t have phones?” Mwansa asked in his innocent voice. “No, we don’t. We would rather use our powers. Not someone’s inventions. And you werewolf, is he your kid?” “Touch them and I will rip your skin off,” Sebastian arched an eyebrow at the man. “Relax. I was just going to say, he is adorable. They take after their mother. Not you,” the man said. “Will you please finish saying why you are here? I have important things to attend to,” Mutale scolded. “So we are just as tired of chasing each other as you are. So we meet on the battleground tomorrow night.” Trevor paused then, “are you talking about the battleground in frogsta land?” He looked at Erup. “What other battleground do you know? We negotiated with them. And since we were nice, they allowed us to use the battleground,” a dark smile stretched across his face. “By nice, you mean threatening to destroy their homes, right?” “What? We can also do good, you know. But in this case, you might be right. Anyway, just meet us there tomorrow night.” “My friends are coming with me, too. They will be four of you, so I need to have company as well.” “Whatever, just show up,” before Trevor could voice his words. The hologram vanished, and the man disappeared. Trevor and the rest just sat on the couches quietly. That you can hardly hear them breathe. Then, Sebastian, who had put a new eye patch on his eye, said. “I don’t think we should go.” “Neither, do I,” Erup said. “That place can be very dangerous.” “Erup danger is my middle name and you bastard. Why don’t you want to go? We need to finish this once and for all.” “I think I know what Sebastian is trying to say,” Azariah spoke, locking eyes with Sebastian. “What?” Trevor asked. “The academy can’t stand the sight of you. Just by being with them for five minutes, they might die. And now they want you to face them and fight. Think about it,” Azariah spoke. “So you are saying this is a setup?” “Seriously, father,” Mutale said. “So, what should we do? I can’t just stay here. I need to face them and end all this shit.” “We are going to end it. Just not by following their orders but by backstabbing those bastards,” Sebastian said. “Alright. But we should be very careful about how we approach them. They can’t be that stupid to believe I would accept their offer just like that.” There was a pregnant pause then, “what were you two doing outside? Wait, I heard noises coming from upstairs. What the hell did you do?” Natasha spoke, eyes burning. “Training,” Sebastian spoke. “Let’s hope you didn’t mess up my bedroom,” she got up and headed upstairs. Trevor shadow walked upon seeing she was out of earshot. Then, after a minute, he reappeared back on the couch. Everyone’s eyes were on him except Sebastian, who was well aware of what was going on. “Trevor, what did you do?” Loveness asked. “Nothing, I just went to the bathroom.” “It better be nothing,” Loveness spoke and left the room. Minutes later, Natasha came downstairs. “My bed is in perfect shape. You two are lucky,” she said. “Told you we did nothing wrong,” Sebastian spoke. But the rest of the eyes were looking from Trevor to Sebastian. The day flew by so quickly. The ladies were in the living room watching TV; while the boys were in their rooms preparing for their exams. Mwansa, Frazer, and Isaac were playing video games in Justine’s bedroom. The men were in the library, sitting around the table. “You know you are going to face the Academy tomorrow. Why aren’t you training?” Emit asked, looking from Trevor to Sebastian. “What are you talking about? We trained in the morning,” Sebastian said, and Trevor was nodding in approval. “You can do better than that. Mind you, we don’t know what their powers are,” Emit spoke. “We will deal with that tomorrow. Our entire lives have been full of training. On a rather unrelated note, you spoke about me not realizing my powers,” Trevor looked at Emit. “Yeah, I even forgot. So when a person with nature powers dies. Those powers have to be passed on to someone in the family,” Emit began. “What does that have to do with me. As far as I’m concerned, that bastard was never part of my family,” Trevor spoke. “No matter who many times you deny it. Ryan is your grandfather. So when you were extracting his saul. His nature powers were passed on to you......” “Wait what? But his son was present. So if his nature powers were to be passed on to someone, it would have to be Siobhan. Not Trevor. I’m sure you are mistaken. And besides, you were not present,” Sebastian spoke. “Who told you I wasn’t present? I have been monitoring and protecting you bastards for years. So I know what I’m talking about, kid.” “But, me? Why not Siobhan?” Trevor asked. “You were the one close to him, not Siobhan. Why do you think you were unconscious for a long period than Sebastian and Siobhan?” “This is bullshit,” Sebastian spoke. “But how can we be sure of this? You might be mistaken, you know?” Trevor said. “For the love of God. Just try calling you freaking nature powers and blast him with it,” Hephzibah snapped, looking from Trevor to Emit. Trevor got up. He went and stood a few feet from them. Then he held his hands and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and then, after a couple of heartbeats, green vines drenched from his shirt slowly wrapping themselves around his arms. Then the vines charged towards Emit. But the old man was quick enough and formed an ice shield. The vines began swinging around the library, knocking books off the bookshelves. “Will you stop it? We get it, you have nature powers!” Sebastian shouted enough for Trevor to listen through the noise of the books slamming the floor. “I’m not the one doing it,” he tried calling the vines back, but it was of no use. “Just relax. And try calling the vines back again,” Emit shouted through the shield that surrounded the three of them. Trevor closed his eyes again. Then opened them back, and they were glowing. Seconds later, the vine began retreating and went back in. Emit removed the shield as Trevor approached them. “Sorry. I didn’t hate any of you ladies right,” he grinned. “Ha, so fun,” Sebastian said. “Now those bastards stand no chance against me and my powers. With these powers, I don’t even have to use my demon powers, maybe even my wizard powers.” “Don’t let go of your demon powers when you are around them. I think that is why their energy decreases around you,” Hephzibah mentioned. “And let’s hope you didn’t forget your promise,” Emit looked at Trevor. “What promise?” “You said you are gonna teach my ungrateful son some manners.” “Oh that. Don’t worry, I will deal with him later. First the academy.”
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