Chapter 21

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The baby started to struggle around in my arms and just when I was about to put him down, Chase and some guy in handcuffs came into the room. The guy looked familiar but in a bad way. It made me hold the baby closer to me. “Hey pretty lady. You up for another session?” He said. Just then, it all came back to me. Estelle, Armand, the k********g, Jay and Percy, Jackson, Chase and, most importantly, Christian. With Drake in front of me, I was angry, sad and heartbroken at the same time. I stood up with a lot of effort without saying anything and took Jackson and slowly but surely walked out of the hospital room. As I walked down the halls of the hospital I felt tears falling down my face. I know he needed to get my memories back somehow, but that was extreme. I saw a little play area and put Jackson there as I watched him play. His laughter as he played with the other children made me realize that I would never hear my own child laugh or see them grow up. I know it is petty feeling sorry for myself, but the one thing I looked forward to was seeing my children grow up with the life I never had. Now that will never happen, but at least I can see Jackson grow up. Even though he is not mine, I will treat him that way and give him everything his heart desires. I heard heavy footsteps coming our way and I saw Christian and Chase and a handcuffed Drake walking our way. I got up and stood in front of Jackson in a protective way. “Hey, I feel so special that I could make you remember.” Drake said and I glared at him. “You know I told you that I would not leave and I am not going to. I proved myself to you more than once and you still feel the need to torture me.” I looked at Christian and all I saw was guilt. I spotted Ash and Scar at the entrance of the hospital and I gestured for them to come over. In an instant, they were by my side. “Guys, I would really appreciate it if you could get this man back to where he belongs please.” These two are the only two from the Black Deltas that really know what I have been through. So, without hesitation, they took Drake away. I picked up Jackson and looked towards Chase. “I am sorry for being a burden, but could you please bring me some real clothes so that we can get out of here?” I asked politely. “Skylar, you are never a burden and, luckily for you, I already brought some clothes for you.” I smile at him and walked back to my room. I gave Jackson to Chase and took my bag to the bathroom to get dressed. Once I was alone, all the emotions caught up with me. I fell to the ground with a hard thud and cried. I heard the door open and then saw Christian’s tattooed arms wrap around me protectively. “I am so sorry Skylar. I just had to make you remember. I could not stand the thought of you not knowing me.” He said, holding me tighter. His words made me feel better, but there was still this emptiness inside of me. I tried to stop crying and stand up but it was simply impossible. Christian seemed to notice me struggling and helped me up. “I really am sorry Sky.” He said. “I know you are.” I smiled at him and he seemed to relax. “I will be out in a minute then we can leave.” I said. “Take your time.” He said as he walked out. After showering and putting on my underwear and pants, I struggled with the bandage. There was a knock on the door but I did not answer, hoping it was the nurse, so she would help me. As my luck would have it, Christian walked in. “Oh I am sorry.” He said, and he was about to close the door again. “Wait!” I said and he came back in. “Could you help me please?” I asked and he seemed stunned. He hesitantly walked towards me. “I won’t bite, you know,” I said, and he seemed to relax. He laughed a bit and said “With you there is always something new.” “Yeah, well we have to keep everyone on their feet.” I gave him the bandage and he started to wrap it around my body. As he goes around my back, his fingers lightly touch my skin and I hiss loudly. “What? Did I hurt you?” He asked hysterically. I just laughed. “No, it’s just that your hands are extremely cold,” I said, and he relaxed. “Oh you mean these hands?” He said as he put both his hands on my back and I jumped away because of the coldness. “What, they are not that cold.” He said with a smug look on his face. “Yeah right! Now finish up so we can get out of here.” I said, and he finished. While he was distracted, I took the opportunity to put my icy hands under his shirt. “Ahh hell nah!” he screamed as he jumped away from me. I burst out laughing. I laughed so hard that my stomach started to hurt. “What, they are not that cold,” I said as I tried to catch my breath. After our fun in the bathroom, we finished and headed home. Chase drove and me, Christian and Jackson sat in the back. The whole way home, Jackson was fussy and would not stop crying. As we got home, I cleaned him and fed him but he still would not stop crying. “Go get the thermometer please.” I said to Christian. I checked his temperature and it was way above average. “Let’s get him to a doctor.” I said, and I did not have to say it twice because Christian already had the car key. As we rush to the doctor, I hold Jackson tightly while Christian speeds to the doctor. He is sure over reacting but since we do not know what is wrong, it is understandable. We reached the doctor and we went straight into his office. "Excu... Oh Christian! Hi. It is so good to see you again.” The doctor said. “You too. I am sorry for interrupting but I need you to check what is wrong with my boy.” Wow! Christian actually have manners. The doctor comes closer and wants to take Jackson from me. I held him to me and was reluctant to give him to the doctor. “The mother, I presume?” The doctor said and I was shocked and kind of awkward because I am not Jackson’s mother but I act like I am. Before I could say anything, Christian answered, “No she is not the mother.” I do not know why but it kind of hurt me the way he said it. “Oh...okay let us see what is wrong with this little guy.” The doctor said awkwardly. He took Jackson from me and took him to the bed. Jackson started to cry hysterically. I stood there not knowing what to feel. Am I supposed to go and calm him down or should his ‘mother’ do it? I decided that I was being selfish towards Jackson, so I went to him and picked him up. As soon as he was in my arms, he was silent. The doctor looked shocked for a moment but quickly carried on with the examination. When the doctor was done, he sat behind his desk again. “Well you don’t need to worry, it is just a simple flu.” The doctor then talked to me directly. “I have put down this medicine to give him. Only 2 ml in the morning and evening until he is better.” I smiled at the doctor. After everything was handled, we went to the pharmacy. We got the needed medicine and went home. The ride home was very awkward because Jackson was asleep and I did not know what to say to Christian. It was already dark when we got home, so I went upstairs to my bedroom and put Jackson to bed. The stuff for Jackson arrived today, so I got into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and tried to put the stuff together. Keyword being tried. After half an hour, I gave up and went downstairs to see if Chase was still here. I went to the kitchen but the only person in there was Christian. “Hey. Have you seen Cha...” I got cut off when Christian turned around and his whole shirt was covered in blood. "What happened?” “You should see the other guy,” he said with a chuckle. He stood up from the chair but just as one foot touched the floor he stumbled forward. I quickly caught him. “What possessed you to get into a fight with someone? Now you have put your reputation at risk and what are people going to think when this comes out?” I rambled on. “I am fine thank you! Not like I was stabbed and is bleeding out on my kitchen floor.” He said. “Oh, shut up and walk.” I took him up to my room where I got the medical aid kit and went back to Christian’s aid. He sat on my bed with his shirt off. I could not help but stare a bit. “I am injured over here.” Christian said, smirking, knowing I was checking him out. I just rolled my eyes and went over to him. “You need a hospital,” I said, stopping the bleeding. “No time for that. Besides, I got you, so I am not worried.” He said. “I would not be so sure about that,” I said as I struggled to stop the bleeding. “Lay down.” I said to him and he followed my instructions. I finally stopped the bleeding and quickly got the stitching kit. The wound was not that big but it was deep. The fact that Christian was still awake told me that no organs were damaged. “What were you thinking?” I asked him. “I do not know. I was just so...confused.” He said. “About what?” I asked and he sat up a bit when I was done stitching him up. “You,” he said, and I looked up to find him staring at me. I could not help but blush at his words. “What about me?” I asked, looking away from him. I closed the wound with a band-aid. “I was so angry today when the doctor asked if you were the mother of Jackson.” He said, and there goes my mood. I know I might not be his biological mother, but I am the closest thing that he is going to get. I sat on the edge of the bed not looking at Christian, putting everything away. “And why is that?” I asked, trying not to show him that I was hurt. “Because at that moment I realized that I wanted you to be the mother of Jackson,” he said. As soon as the words left his mouth, I looked at him only to see the most sincere look in his eyes. And now I am even more confused. What is that supposed to mean? Does he mean that he wants Jackson to have a mother that is actually present or that he wanted to have a child with me? And then again, there is the third option, where he wishes I was his one-night stand? What does he mean by that statement? I must have been in my thoughts for a while because I felt the bed dipping right next to me. I looked and saw Christian sitting next to me staring at me. He seemed to have something in his eyes which I cannot quite place. He leaned his head towards me and I was paralyzed with shock. I did not know what to do. All I really knew was that I wanted him to kiss me. Just when our lips were about to touch, he passed out and fell forward. I caught him and could not help but feel a bit sad that nothing happened. I put him down on my bed and he got comfortable. He looked so peaceful as he slept. I wonder how such a quiet soul could be so ruthless from time to time.

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