Chapter 11

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She said, "I see you entertaining today." "I see you entertained today." As I was in the kitchen, Sophie gave me the cold shoulder. I really need to do the dishes. Don't ever leave a trail of breadcrumbs! Yes, well. A second time, he visited. When she shook her head, I made the admission. How could you subject yourself to such t*****e? How's your relationship with him now? She groaned and patted my head when I didn't answer her question. That is still the case. Why, then, are you taking care of the arrangements for his wedding? "There's no way he could have forgotten about you, so why?" "When did you start defending Kyle?" I asked, puzzled. You had been referring to him as "my past that I had to forget, blah blah blah" up until the day before yesterday. "That was before I realised you still had some unresolved issues for him," she said with a wry smile, "before I realised you still had some unresolved issues." Because you had stopped bringing him up in conversation, I assumed that you had moved on from him by that point. As I collapsed onto her lap, I mumbled something to the effect of, "Yeah, I thought I did until I came face to face with him." You should make an effort to introduce yourself to him if you want to be recognised. There is no question in my mind that he will cancel the wedding. What Sophie said to me in an effort to cheer me up and make me feel better Penelope strikes me as a sweet and thoughtful young lady. It is essential for me that he does not make her feel bad in any way. In any case, the story of Kyle and Alexis came to an end when he slept with his pitiful excuse for a best friend, who hadn't even attempted to get in touch with him in years. This marked the end of their relationship. As Sophie was playing with my hair at the time, I decided to tell her the tale. The reality is that it continues to be shocking. It boggles my mind to think that Jasmine is capable of doing something like that to you. "That cunning little w***e stole my boyfriend!" She expressed her dissatisfaction by shaking her head. But we are aware that this is not the conclusion of the story. As she continued to speak, I pushed myself off of Sophie's lap and corrected my position on the lavender-colored silk sofa. Put her and your conversation on hold for the time being. In my response, I addressed the connotation that she had given. She made a show of submission by raising her palm and saying, "Okay, relax, but you need to talk to Kyle about this at some point in the future." I'm getting ready to go to bed. My nerves were on edge after hearing her last two statements, so I decided to make a public proclamation. You can't run away from your past, no matter how hard you try. You are going to have to deal with the repercussions of your conduct at some point. She issued a warning, but I was working hard to steer clear of that line of thinking. Her statements are nothing more than an act to give the impression that she is profound. As I was still asleep in bed, I got a message that said: The day comes to a close with Kyle uttering some final thoughts. I wished the unknown person a pleasant evening. Kyle: You certainly responded to me in a timely manner; were you waiting for my text? Possibly, I thought to myself. Of course, I am joking. I went to sleep with the biggest grin on my face and drifted off into the land of dreams. Then I came to the shocking realisation that I had never truly moved on from Kyle in the first place. K Y L E The mere fact that Macy was there had an effect on how I felt. Her beautiful face, voice, and physique I felt revitalised, even more so than Penelope did, and all I could think about was having a conversation with her. Since the last time a woman made me genuinely happy, many years have passed. My face probably wasn't ready to smile when I looked in the mirror the last time I did it. There is a part of me that regrets having found someone who is capable of making me feel the way Alexis did because it gives rise to feelings of guilt. Why is it that, despite the fact that Penelope has always been my best friend and is aware that I do not love her, I can't help but feel like such a jerk? When I recognised the four-story building that bore the sign "Matthew's Corp.", I heaved a sigh and rubbed my forehead with my fingers. I got out of the car, holding a cup of black coffee in my left hand, and stepped away from the vehicle. After taking a few moments to enjoy the fresh, pristine air outside, I went inside to warm up. "Hello, sir!" Each person I passed smiled and nodded their heads at me as I returned the gesture. As I finally reached the top floor and could rest in my office, someone rushed in before the door closed, ruining my grey suit with hot coffee. "I'm very sorry." With a handkerchief in hand, the woman attempted to say It's only natural. Snatching the handkerchief out of her fingers, I finished by using it to freshen up my outfit. "Hey!" Her tone of voice, as she spoke louder, was all too familiar. When I brought my face closer to hers, she immediately calmed down. "Macy?" I said, nearly laughing at my own amazement. "So it was you who was being the jerk." She spewed and glanced at her handkerchief in my hand. When I noticed what she was staring at, I hurriedly handed it to her while saying, "Sorry, I didn't realise it was you." Sorry? I can't remember the last time I really spoke the word in normal conversation. "Use it. Are yo-" The elevator came to a standstill, and the lights started to flicker in a strange pattern. The electricity went off all of a sudden. What the hell! She let out a deafening shriek as soon as she became aware of what had taken place. "Relax. I have to get in touch with the maintenance staff in order to inquire about the reason for the power outage. When I attempted to use my phone, there was no service available. I let out a deep sigh as I felt her hand lightly brush over my arm. You let out a long and drawn-out sigh. What brought on that sigh on your part? So tell me, why aren't you on the phone with the repairmen right this very second? She took a few long, deep breaths before continuing. There is not the slightest relationship between the two. Because the few notable people in the building use this elevator, it may be some time before anyone realises that we are trapped here. When I responded to her, she let out a sigh that suggested she was getting frustrated. "Shit." She drew me closer and grasped my arm while mumbling something under her breath. "Chill. When my dad finally gets here, I really hope he'll pay attention to this. You are wondering when he is going to show up, don't you? After looking at my watch, I responded, "Probably in an hour or two." "What?!" She yelled in my direction, directly into my ear. Why are you getting so worked up about something that happened yesterday? I cannot tolerate being constrained in any way. When she finally answered, both her pulse rate and her breathing were over the roof. You need to slow down your breathing. Relax and take it easy! Can you calm yourself down? She paused and took a few hefty breaths before continuing. You wouldn't say that to me if you suffered from claustrophobia, would you? She became overcome with worry, and as a result, she began to panic. "Oh my god! It's all over for me! There is no way out for me; I am destined to perish! When she chanted that a few times, I felt compelled to hug her even more closely. I am here and available at this time. I promise you, you're not going to die! After receiving my reassurance, she reported feeling much better. "Well, are you serious?" Oops, I totally forgot that you can control the air pressure! She responded with a snarky tone while rolling her eyes. For the purpose of calming you down, I'll say that "I'd totally offer you some coffee if someone hadn't spilled it all over me." Her dismissive and arrogant answer to my allegation that "the person did you a favour" was indicative of her attitude. Imagine you are out enjoying the fresh air on a morning walk while sipping a cup of black coffee. Maybe that's what's giving you such a grudge in the first place. And with a sardonic look on my face, I said, "I'm not bitter, but honest." The moment she nudged me with her elbow, I couldn't help but break out in fits of giggles. Why don't we just have a seat now that we're starting to feel more at ease? My proposal was accepted by both of us, and we proceeded to take a seat on the elevator floor.
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