Chapter 2

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And more specifically, what is this? Distastefully, I looked over the presentation that was currently in my hands. "What cretin came up with this idea?" I was so enraged that I yelled at the two men who were facing me. "Well...err," Because one of them was stuttering, I worked myself up into a full-blown rage. "No. Don't tell me about it. There is no longer a position for any of you to fill here. I ask that you kindly exit my workplace immediately. They bolted out of the room as soon as I started yelling at them. Nobody in this room has done anything to earn my trust. They are incapable of producing any positive results, not even capable of presenting a presentation that could be considered passable. As I dialled the number for the hotel's front desk, a woman's voice picked up on the receiver. "I need you to come to my office as soon as possible!" I shattered the phone into a number of fragments. The person who responded to my question was Lisa, who works at the front desk. At the moment, Lisa is serving in both capacities of assistant and receptionist for me. The previous day was when I filmed the last one. That is absolutely right, sir. Just poking her head through the door was enough for her to get access to the workplace. It prompts the respondent to have the option of asking, "Are you stupid or what?" I rolled my eyes as I continued to ignore her. That's a nice way of telling someone, "You are a complete fool." When I criticised her again, she still had the same perplexed expression on her face. She stood in front of me and spoke the words, "Sir, I'm perplexed." You came into my place of business without my authorization. You were utterly oblivious to the fact that I was knocking. She appeared to be confused despite my best efforts to explain things to her in a clearer manner. Where on earth did they come upon this girl? I had the presumption that you were waiting for my arrival because you were the one who extended the invitation to come in. She started to explain, but I raised my hand, and she stopped talking after that. You never stop talking, and your sentences are never short. Oh, you thought I was joking... Stop thinking; I don't pay you to think, and moreover, what you're thinking is illogical. I want you to stop thinking immediately. "I'm sor-" I instructed him to "knock on the door," and he proceeded to do so. It was my insistence that she carry out my instructions, so she did. After that, she went back outside with her head lowered and began knocking on the door. "Come." After I opened the door for her, she walked straight in. Please give this to my dad at his place of employment; he'll find it helpful. I handed her the folder, but she didn't budge an inch when I asked her a question. I rolled my eyes in response to what she said. It's over between us. You are at liberty to leave at this very moment. Once I made a motion for her to leave, she got up and walked out the door. I would want to extend my sincere apologies to Mr. Matthews. Once more, she was focusing her attention on me. It makes no difference to me that you offered an apology to me. You really ought to simply leave. She left without drawing my attention to herself by walking away. After turning on the laptop, I checked out the current price of the company's stock. They were seeing a precipitous decline in the population. Because of this, we need to put an end to the wedding preparations as quickly as possible so that we may officially announce the merger. The prosperity of the business is directly proportional to the strength of this connection. After noticing that the screen on my phone was beginning to illuminate, I immediately reached for it. This time, I answered the call while holding the phone in my hand. Penelope. I'll be there at a moment's notice. The statement was made by Sue as she hung up the phone. After knocking on the door, the intruder threw it open before waiting for a response from the occupants of the building. Who in their right mind would make such a foolish decision? "Hi." The upbeat demeanour with which Penelope entered my workplace immediately put me in a better mood. As I said, "You seem very anxious," my eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You look very anxious." "I am!" It made her let out a heavy sigh. It appears that each and every wedding planner in New York is plotting against me. Simply put, they do not have enough time. She let out a frustrated groan and voiced her annoyance with the situation. "Relax." My mouth forms the phrase "trying to calm her down" as it makes its way out. Let's go out to lunch together today. To phrase it another way, she extended an offer of marriage. It turns out that I'm truly related to him. The minute I opened my mouth to say something, she pulled her lips into a pout. I heaved a sigh and inquired, "Just where are we?" I made an inquiry. "Anywhere. When I'm feeling agitated, I turn to eating to calm my nerves. In a few words, she provided an answer. While the other members of my group were dressed more informally, I decided to wear a suit to the premium Chinese restaurant where we were having lunch. At lunch, I decided against working the afternoon shift and went straight home instead. My father was certain that moving our family from Greenfield to New York was the best course of action. After a long journey, I was finally able to get back to my parents. Emily was in her final year of college and was attending Oxford University to study business. It was an uneventful evening at the dinner table; my father and I were the only ones to have a conversation that lasted longer than a few words, and the topic of discussion was our respective careers. Because my father had spent over three years attempting to teach me about business and how the firm operated, including the fact that occasionally sacrifices had to be made for the sake of the company, one of the reasons I married her was because of my father's efforts. I married her because my father had spent over three years attempting to teach me about business and how the firm operated. Because we already have a friendship, making this choice wasn't difficult at all. Penelope had established herself as a reliable presence in my life after Alexis had left me, guiding me towards the development of a new demeanour that would stop others from getting to know me or discovering the vulnerable areas of my character. Because of the circumstances, I had no choice but to marry her, despite the fact that she is my best friend in the same way that Brian and Ash were. As soon as I had finished eating, I asked for a moment's privacy and then walked back to my room to take a shower. I unlocked the cabinet that was next to my mirror and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. Meanwhile, I had a towel wrapped around my middle. When I finally had it in my grasp, the first thing I did was sit down on my bed and carefully start removing the product from its box. The letter that Alexis wrote to me before leaving for good, bidding me farewell. It's the last time I'll ever remember her doing it. At the beginning of our relationship, whenever I gave her something, she always gave me a very bright expression of gratitude. I will never forget that. I'll never forget how stunning her emerald eyes were, but I'll never forget how horrible that motel was where we stayed. As I read the contents of the letter, a smirk formed on the corners of my mouth. No. My behaviour in this situation is not proper. Considering marrying that woman is not something I should be doing. After a period of eight years, I gave up waiting for her to get in touch with me. She was both my very first and very final love, but she ended our relationship without explanation. No. No, I will not shed a tear at this time. In the eight years since we last spoke, I can't help but wonder how she has developed. You're an i***t, Kyle. We just made a deal to put her out of our minds, and now you're just a lost cause in our eyes. The constant stream of thoughts that revolved around Alexis caused my mind to get exhausted. Despite this, every fibre of my being aches for her to come back. Time has gone since what feels like an aeon ago. Is it even possible that she remembers me? Wanting to catch up with me again?
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