Chapter 3

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I went to a restaurant on my own and had breakfast there. Because I had not yet received my coffee, I was finding that I was growing more and more agitated. When I checked the time on my phone, I found that it had been more than ten minutes since I placed the order for the cappuccino that I had earlier requested. When I went to the front desk to file a complaint, however, I discovered that there was only one waitress working, despite the fact that the restaurant was only about half full. This prevented me from doing what I needed to do. I heaved a sigh and started to make my way back to my seat when I bumped into someone and dropped my purse, which caused the contents to become visible. Based on my observations, I was able to determine very quickly that MJ the doe was a female. While I was in high school, I seem to recall seeing Christina rather frequently. "Ouch." Her tresses had become entangled with the earrings I was wearing, and as I assisted her in untangling them, she murmured something under her breath. In an instant, she was down there getting her possessions, and at that same instant, I was fumbling around trying to do the same thing. She came to a complete and utter standstill the instant that she picked up my card. You've been asked, "Are you a wedding planner?" She inquired out of simple curiosity about the topic. As I responded in a way that was only slightly affirmative, she immediately broke into a broad grin. They formed a human chain around me and led me to my seat. It's predetermined, I tell you what! She made a comment about it. I have spent a considerable amount of time hunting for it. Her dark irises suddenly glowed with the dawning of gladness. "I’m Al-" After a moment, I said, "And I'm Mackenzie Poiner." I have evolved. I thought I recognised the woman's face, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Penelope: "Hi. Penelope Stewart, to be specific. I eagerly took her hand as it was extended to me at that moment. "So, when exactly did this wedding take place?" This same time next month." Others are curious and want to know, "Have you already had a party to celebrate your engagement?" Because I am currently making preparations, you are currently in attendance. I'd really appreciate it if you could take care of the engagement party, the bachelorette party, and the wedding for me. Put an end to your worrying about money. It is something I have plenty of. She showed a hint of a smile. When would be the best time for you to get married? To be specific, "on Friday." What a terrifyingly close call that was! I'm aware that the timeline is quite condensed, but I have faith that you'll be able to pull it off, right? She appears to be pretty affluent, and I have no doubt that there will be many influential people in attendance. This presents a fantastic opportunity for me to raise awareness about my business. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you about my fiance, so that you can get a better idea of the things that are important to him. She informed me while she was on her mobile device. This is not at all a cause for concern. When?" "Tomorrow." K Y L E While I was in the middle of a discussion, my phone wouldn't stop ringing. I investigated to see if it was from Penelope, and my investigation revealed that it was. After the meeting, I went straight to my office, and as soon as I got there, I called Lisa and asked her to get me a cup of black coffee. At least she made an effort to get my attention this time by knocking on the door. As I took the coffee, I was holding it up in my mouth. I couldn't help but scowl. The coffee and the milk were both iced and tasted unremarkable. Who exactly are the people that comprise this company, anyway? After a little pause, I went inside and heard her rummaging around in her skirt. When someone asks, "Who did this?" As I finally lost my temper, she turned her attention to her feet and glared. "I gave Sam in HR the go-ahead to have it ready for you, sir," she said. Inform Sam that his position has been eliminated, and get rid of this coffee maker. Why do you continue to loiter around where you were told to leave? My face was contorted into an angry grimace when I read this. I was about to say something, but I thought you would say something first. The inquiry that was asked was, "What did you think?" Do you, Lisa, recall the last time we had a conversation about this? Throughout the course of your conversation, I had to interject. something that I really ought not to do. "Exactly. Lisa, if you make one more error, you will be kicked out of this room. I ask that you kindly exit the building. "Please forgive me, sir." Lisa expressed regret before she left. I had to wait quite a while before I was able to get my phone, and when I did, I discovered that I had gotten more than ten different texts. I was surprised when there was a knock at the door, and I was on the verge of losing it when Penelope came in. "Hey! For as long as I can remember, I've been attempting to get in touch with you. She heaved a sigh as she entered the room. An acquaintance of mine told me, "You seem to be in a good mood." My quest to find "the one" wedding planner has finally come to an end. The expression "That's wonderful! Finally." Considering she will be spending a lot of time with us right now, I believe it would be beneficial for you to get to know her. That's fine with me; I don't mind either way. When?" "Tomorrow. I'm going to write you a quick note right now. That doesn't bother me in the least. Before she picked up her phone, she could feel the little vibration that it was giving off in her hand. She withdrew for a short while and then retreated to the side of the room before responding. After she had done what she was doing, it took her some time before she came back to talk to me. My father has been emphasising how important it is for me to go back to where I came from. "Okay. " I'll see you later. I gave her a peck on the cheek as she was walking out the door. After she left, I continued working as usual because her absence didn't disrupt the flow of my job. I dialled the number and waited for the other person to speak before continuing with my day. "Hello, this is your father speaking to you, and he asks you to please come to his office as soon as possible." Before I hung up, the secretary said her name was Lisa and then introduced herself. As I make my way along the corridor that was formerly the entrance to my father's office, I can feel the tension in the air growing with each step I take. I was able to leave an effect on people even when I was still in high school. I waited by the door until I heard someone let me in, and then I went inside. After turning the key and stepping inside, I was greeted by the gaze of my father, who was seated on a leather seat that had been painted a deep wine colour. I was curious, so I asked, "You wanted to see me, right?" I asked the question while I sat in the black chair that was directly across from him. Before he spoke, he continued to look at me intently for a few moments before saying, "Your engagement is less than four days away, but you still feel as though you're not getting married by choice." Attention, please: If you want your marriage to last, love is absolutely necessary. The question was: "Do you love Penelope?" He had an arch in his brow. Where did you get this information? We are both aware of the significance that this wedding holds for the trajectory of our company in the years to come. Nobody gives a damn about how I am feeling in any way, shape, or form. My plan was to sidestep the issue by avoiding the question. Your feelings are considerably more important than any deal that might be made. Penelope has been a friend of mine since I was a young child. Keep in mind that I did consent to the wedding. We were brought to mind. Let's go ahead and head back to your house because your mother really wants us to eat dinner together. As I carried out his command, I gave him a slight nod. My mother broke the routine of our normally quiet supper by chatting with us. "What gives you the impression that you are not in the least bit excited about this?" "Your wedding is scheduled for the following month, and your engagement party is coming up in just three days." She asks while she is chopping up the fish. It is not going to take place again. Since when have they been hatching their plans for this? "Mum, I couldn't have been happier! I've never been adept at expressing myself. I gave you the eye roll and a smirk while taking a swig of wine. Be assured that Kyle is happy in his new marriage and thank you for your concern. Becoming a grandfather is at the very top of my list of things I am excited about in life. I can't wait to meet my future grandchildren. While he was laughing, I was hacking up wine. My parents ignored me completely and turned their backs on me. "Me too. Think about the possibility of being called "grandma." We beg you: do not make us wait for such a long time. She flashed a sly grin before returning her attention to the food on her plate. He gave me a knowing wink and remarked, "I don't mind becoming a grandfather before getting married." What gives with these two getting into it? Also, why is everyone talking about their grandchildren? You shouldn't set your hopes too high on it happening anytime soon.
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