Chapter 17

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My attempts to explain what had taken place were unsuccessful, since I was unable to come up with the appropriate phrases. Insanity! Where did the last few months of this year go? The burden of shame that I have to bear makes me feel ill. Penelope, who was completely innocent and whom I abused so viciously, tears my heart out. For no apparent reason at all, the truth of the situation came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. There isn't much time left for you to savor the benefits of having that guy as your hostage. I am aware of how your thought process operates. Will you just refrain from bringing it up? The realization caused me to let out a sigh, and I continued to run my fingers through my hair as I did so. I took some time to unwind while sitting on the plush sofa in my living room. The best method to handle this situation is to avoid interaction with him at all costs. Absolutely not what is in Penelope's best interest! Through my involvement in the planning of their wedding, I am adding stress to their lives. It goes without saying that you've repeated yourself a thousand times before. A tremendous thump came from the direction of my front door, and it caused me to come to a complete and utter stop. The question "And who could it be?!" was then yelled out by someone. I yelled as I made my way towards the exit of the building. Hello, my name is Macy, and I am hoping that we might be able to find some time to talk. When I stepped in, Penelope was standing there with a huge grin on her face, waiting for me to arrive. I was startled to suddenly hear the voice of another person. Why do I have such a negative opinion of myself? For the past five and a half minutes, the door has been rapping on my knuckles, and I've been wondering where you have been. She uttered her remark while wearing an arrogant grin on her face. To tell you the truth, I was preoccupied with something else and didn't pay attention to what you said. She said, "It's okay; there's no need to apologize," as she entered, but she didn't linger to apologize for the inconvenience she caused. I was feeling a little under the weather when I tried to make it to the party last night, so I had to bow out early. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you there! Kindly let me know how much money I'll need for this. My intention was to be offensive towards you when I let out a snort in reaction to what you said. Put an end to your never-ending babbling! A grin and a guffaw would have been the very minimum that we could have expected from her. Having said all of that, let's proceed under the assumption that you had a good time. After she had turned back around to face me, I gave her a nod. "Good. If you had a poor experience at the restaurant or bar where we took you, we would feel awful about bringing you out again in the future. She provided further explanation of the matter. I assume that Kyle was the one who drove you back to this location. After she had done so, I questioned her regarding it. Oh no. Why is it necessary for her to be aware of that specific fact about Kyle? Do you think it would be realistic to presume that she has some suspicions? "Yeah!" In all honesty, my response has been to simply disregard it. "To put it plainly, Kyle is the most awesome guy in the history of the world. It's possible that some people have problems comprehending him, but the fact that he's a decent guy doesn't change because of that. I concluded that the most prudent course of action would be to take a back seat and simply observe her gushing while I listened. It would appear that she has strong feelings for Kyle. [Case in point:] Since you are already here, why don't we have a conversation about your wedding dress? The woman's smile gradually faded when I made the suggestion that we "change the subject." I'm referring to the clothing, everybody! Her look became more pitiful. This piece of clothing, sir. What emotions do you find yourself experiencing right now? Do you like a glass of water or something else right now? "I couldn't care less; it doesn't even cross my mind." It is only reasonable for me to be nervous about the wedding dress, given the significance of the garment to the bride, who will be wearing it. I am sorry to hear that you are in such a difficult situation, but I do understand it. Many of my clients are anxious about wearing gowns, but I reassure them that it is simple and straightforward to do so. Dress yourself in whatever you feel most comfortable in, regardless of the occasion. Being a highly qualified and experienced expert, you have earned the highest regard and esteem from me. When Penny and I were killing time on the couch, I went into my room to grab my laptop and set it on the table in front of us so that we could use it. I prepared a PowerPoint presentation for her that highlighted the work of a number of different fashion designers who are well-known all over the world. While I assisted her with selecting a dress for the wedding she was going to have with Kyle, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow. I persevered and managed to complete the work, despite the fact that it was challenging. The majority of my business comes from her. The decision that they would be married was directly influenced by her actions. I shared all of my thoughts and suggestions with her, but she dismissed them all. She had a smile, but it was not a genuine one and appeared to be forced. You state that you weren't intrigued by any of them, which begs the question: We finally broke the uncomfortable stillness when I posed a question to the group.
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