Chapter 16

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"Holy Mary, Mother of God!" What a pointless expenditure of time! I yelled into my mother's ear when we were traveling in the car together. You don't need to remind me that you're about to get married; do you understand that? After saying that, she came back at me with another salvo, and I mumbled something under my breath. "Are you romantically involved with this woman?" The tone of my mother's voice conveyed her disdain as she questioned me and looked at me. For example, "You make it sound like it would be a terrible thing to happen." It was actually me who answered her question. "If you were to go through with that, it would be a disaster." I am pleased for you that you are moving on from the events of the past, but I wish it had been because of Penelope rather than some other girl that neither of us is familiar with. The fact remains, though, that this is a problem that can be solved, right? Kyle, please don't do that. Penelope, not Mackenzie, is your future. "Whatever." You were questioned, and it is too late to go back to our request now. You went on and on about how thrilled you were all throughout the wedding. There was a physical assault committed by her. "Before I even met her!" As a reaction, I elaborated on my perspective and supported it. "Really?" "It's the truth, mother!" Your feelings aren't carved in stone; they can change. My mother groaned and said, "Your happiness counts a lot to me." "Because of this, I propose that you forget about her and make an effort to fall in love with Penelope so that we may maintain the peace in our family." If you don't want me to be forced to make some difficult decisions, don't let that girl undermine the positive relationship that you and your dad have been cultivating over the past few years. "Difficult decisions?! You have no right to make such a brazen threat to me. You are free to take my statements in any direction you see fit, but if you do not establish some distance between you and her, I will be forced to terminate her employment. Don't put me through the ringer like that. To tell you the truth, this is the absolute worst thing that could have happened. I immediately reached my phone and sent Macy an apology via text message. The SMS message did not elicit any kind of response from the recipient. Because I didn't say a thing on the way there, she had no way of knowing that she was going to end up causing me to develop romantic feelings for Penelope. If it had been so easy to forget about Alexis, I probably wouldn't have been so obsessed with her. When I was younger and less sure of who I was, I let Alexis go. I regret that decision. Why should I give up someone who can take my mind off of Alexis now that I've discovered someone else who can do that? I am more determined than ever to put up a fight now that the time has come. The weekend went by in a flash while I was spending time in the penthouse with Ash and Brian. Unfortunately, they left bright and early this morning, and they won't be coming back. "Hi, sir. Coffee?" I was in the midst of a deep thought when Lisa suddenly broke my train of thought. Exactly. The color black It is "the same color as your soul," as the saying goes. She muttered something to herself, but I could make out what she said, so I'm not sure it really counts. I finally succeeded in getting her attention by shouting out "Lisa," and she slowly turned to stare into my eyes as we made eye contact with each other. "Sir?" In answer, she uttered her words softly. Even though you didn't specifically ask for it, here is some advice nonetheless. If you really must murmur, do it in a low voice; otherwise, keep your thoughts to yourself. I'm sorry, sir. Get out of my office and stop making pathetic justifications for your absence. She left my office with her head hung down in a disheartened manner. Because I have not explicitly addressed the snide comments that have been made about me by my staff, people presume that I am unaware of what has been said. If they are able to speak smack about the boss behind his back but then put up a nice show of dedication to the firm when I walk through the door, then they must have a lot of free time on their hands. Hypocritical slime. When the phone in the office finally rang, I was in the middle of a thought when I quickly answered it. "You have been visited by a private investigator, sir." Do I allow him to enter the house if he knocks and asks? At the other end of the call, Lisa's voice raised an eyebrow. I don't see why you shouldn't do that, Lisa. I responded to her illogical question with a roll of my eyes, and then I hung up the phone. In my experience, she has never done anything in an appropriate way. I hope your morning is going well, Mr. Matthews! He welcomed everyone and held out his hand. I hope your morning is off to a great start. I smiled and nodded politely at him before taking his hand when it was offered. Nevertheless, that is not the end of it; "I have news." After making a statement, he sat down and was silent for a while. To paraphrase an old saying, "spittle it out!", I encouraged them while gradually raising the pitch of my voice. You are no longer required to seek Alexis Coleman at this time. To put it simply, there is no evidence to support the claim that she ever existed. Either she has taken on a new persona or she is about to which prompted me to respond with, "What do you mean, gone?" She's dead? "What do you mean by that?" Although I am unable to confirm it, it seems odd that she merely vanished without a trace. While he answered, she watched him fiddle with the bottom of his suit. The last question was, "What should we do now?" So I asked, sighing. "Would it be possible for you to provide me with one more clue?" What is your relationship with her? "Sophie!" I uttered my words in a resounding manner. I addressed Sophie Coleman with a question: Through my own investigation, I discovered that she is presently residing in the state of New York. Her current occupation is that of a model. "I don't understand why you didn't tell me this earlier!" I did not acquire any useful information from her. Yet I can't help but wonder whether we aren't missing something in the process. I have no idea what it might possibly be. "Mackenzie! I have the utmost regard for you, MacKenzie Poiner. She is well-known in the industry as an event organizer. Certainly, I am familiar with her name. I'll start looking into it, okay? If I may be so bold as to interrupt... Okay, let's go on. You're engaged, and the whole town is talking about it, yet you're still looking for a sweetheart from your past? "Stay out of my business and stay out of my personal life!" Get out of my office as soon as possible! Mr. Matthews, please accept my apologies; nonetheless, I have to go at this time. I began to experience feelings of guilt as soon as he left the room. By rehashing old memories, I'm tearing at the fabric of my relationship with Penelope. What bearing does it have on our relationship if Penelope is aware that I do not love her? My attention was drawn to the diamond ring that was situated on my third finger, so I brought my left hand up to examine it. What would you recommend that I do in this situation? I spent years with Penelope, but I just couldn't bring myself to love her. On the other hand, now that we are engaged, I can see myself becoming increasingly fond of Macy. Someone you do not adore. I went out of my office after repeating to myself, "I can't do this," then grabbing my suit from the hanger and leaving my office in a hurry. As soon as I got inside, I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. There's no way I could go wild over two different girls at the same time. My sanity is ebbing away from me. "Sweetie," My room's door slowly opened, and I heard a voice calling out to me from outside. Please just give me some space for a little while, Mom. I need it. I was adamant. "Long day?" It's better if we don't talk about it; I need some peace and quiet to process everything. Just get out of my way, all right? My mind was able to relax after she left without bidding me farewell, as the sudden absence of noise allowed me to do so. What steps should I take at this juncture? Why did what he said make me feel so strongly about something? Mainly because of the fact that it is accurate. My phone started ringing, so I checked it out to see what was going on. Macy: It's all good. To what degree did your mother display anger, if any at all? It seemed as though she was harboring some serious wrath. She wasn't mad at me in the way that she would have been if I had been a child, but she was nonetheless upset. Macy: Phew... Just out of curiosity, who are you? How are things going for you today? When I saw the message, my heart made an actual leap when it saw it. This woman has the ability to move me and make me feel a variety of emotions. It's no problem at all, and many thanks for asking. You? Okay, so I guess it's time for me to start going, Macy. Me: Bye! After she had received the message, she did not respond to it. Do you believe that was a sign of the future? I don't understand how she was able to intuitively sense that I needed to talk to a real person. As it rang again, I was eager to hear what she had to say so I could respond. Imagine, therefore, how disheartened I was to find that Penelope's name was listed instead. The sign was messed up, which was a bad mistake to make.
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