Chapter 15

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My eyelids were closed, yet I could still feel the sunlight entering my eyes. As a result, in an effort to get rid of it, I rolled to the other side of the bed, where I instantly fell on my behind. When I stroked my aching bottom, all I could feel was raw flesh. My eyelids flew open all of a sudden, and I was immediately confronted by the sharp reality of my nakedness. That's insane. What in the devil could have happened the night before? After determining that nothing that I could see belonged to a guy, I allowed myself to relax; but, when I stood up, I realized that I was in tremendous pain. Shorts and a sports b*a were the first items I changed into after cleaning my teeth and having a shower. My already aching head felt like it was going to burst into flames after I fell to the ground with such force that it hit the ground. I went to the kitchen in an attempt to find a painkiller there. After turning on the coffee machine, I began searching through my drawers for whatever it was I was looking for. It is essential that you have possession of this. The atmosphere was heavy, and the speaker's voice was low, both of which caused me to startle and jump. "Please do not come into my home," the owner said. It was difficult for me to yell because of the aching that I was experiencing in my brain. If you have this, you won't need to worry anymore. He laid an aspirin tablet out on the table for us. The response that I got was, "Thank you, but please keep the conversation on track!" just a fantastic piece of athletic wear! I apologize for not putting a shirt on before coming in. As I dashed up the stairs in a hurry to retrieve a shirt, it seemed as though I was traveling at the speed of light. I could hear him chuckling as I descended the stairs to the basement. What could possibly have happened to you to cause you to behave in such a cowardly manner? When he made another statement, I couldn't help but think about the potential consequences of what might have taken place. and not to mention the searing headache that typically accompanies a hangover. When I first notice the packaging, I open it and take two pills with a full glass of water. It's about time for coffee. Would you like some? I brought the jar up to the level of my head. "Sure." Kyle responded to the call and went into the kitchen when he heard it. I poured more coffee into his mug and then handed it to him to drink. I got out from under his intense concentration by ducking into the living room. How did you spend the evening before? Did we..?" I came up with the concept first. What are your thoughts? As he fired back at me, his blue eyes penetratingly bore through my green ones. Please put your faith in what I'm about to say: Last night, while in a condition of intoxication, we engaged in s****l activity. Or at least that's what I thought when I rolled over and noticed that we were both n***d. When he was sipping his coffee, he carried on with a conversation in a low voice. You made it out? Do you even possess any kind of hearing? I want to congratulate you, Kyle! I just finished arranging all of the details for your wedding, and now you want to speak about having s*x with me? The sheer terror I felt made my head shake. I have a lot of affection for him, but it seems like he is just going back to his previous pattern with Jasmine with me. I responded by stating that my feelings for Penelope did not go deep. "You are speaking a language that I do not understand!" Not only did I get up off the couch, but so did he. "I do. After getting to know you, I realized that marrying her for the sake of my company wasn't what I truly wanted, even though I had already made preparations to do so. He was, as he put it, "inching his way closer." It's not fair, and Penelope doesn't deserve that. I heaved a sigh and pulled away from him. What is it exactly that you are attempting to say? I'm expressing that I believe it would be beneficial for you to leave the situation. I will be gone for a bit, but I will be back. To put it another way, I solemnly affirm my commitment to you. He was carrying a jacket with him as he made his way towards the exit. With how he is now acting, it would be inappropriate for him to leave at this time. As I yelled out "Wait," he immediately stopped what he was doing and glanced back at me. It is recommended that you take a shower first, especially if it has been a while since your last one. You simply cannot behave like that in public. Period. I made a motion in the direction of his clothing. You encourage me to go, but then you provide me with a fabricated justification to remain here. If you feel the same way that I do, please shed some light on the matter for me. If you were to say something to the effect of, "I'm helping you out," if he goes around New York City looking like a slob, he is going to lose his popularity. There is no way around it. In order to justify my choice, I stated that. Well, could you point me in the direction of a restroom? Inquiring while simultaneously throwing his coat back onto the sofa, he does so. You are welcome to use the one that is located in my room. In case you were wondering, that is the location of my bedroom. When I was looking around the kitchen for some new ideas for breakfast, he had already left the living room and was on his way upstairs. What will you have for breakfast? No, it wouldn't be worth the bother. Eggs scrambled in the traditional manner? There is always more work to be done. My mind is racing with all of the political maneuvers that need to be done right now. Then I had an epiphany. Cereal. Cereal is a reliable and risk-free choice when it comes to food. I fetched a large bowl of milk and poured it over the generous portion of Cheerios that I had. During the process of rousing myself, I became aware of the presence of another individual nearby. When I looked up, I saw Kyle staring back at me. Were you confronted with the question, "Do you still consume Cheerios?" A hearty giggle came from Kyle's mouth. To what end? Do you mean that, because I'm not nine years old, I'm not allowed to consume Cheerios? Not even my sister is going to touch it anymore. What a terrible shame. Would you like some? I'm sorry to say that the answer is "no." It's obvious that you have a terrible taste. "Are we truly going in the wrong direction by choosing you?" You've gone and made things even more challenging for everyone. I apologies. Forget everything I just said. "I believe it would be best for you to simply learn." I had just started to speak when I heard someone knock on the door. On the other hand, who could it possibly be? The key to the door that Sophie needed to use to enter the room was in her possession. After giving me a strange look as I opened the door, a middle-aged woman came in, but as soon as she spotted Kyle, she stopped and turned around. "Mom! Where have you been stowing away all this time? A gasp came out of him all of a sudden. This can't possibly turn out well. Her glance moved from Kyle to me, then back to Kyle, before finally settling back on Kyle. Oh, so this is what she believes I do when I work with my customers, huh? "Ma’a-" If I've got it right, your name is Mackenzie, correct? She interrupts me in the middle of my sentence, and I nod my head in agreement. Did you know that he was going to tie the knot in the next few weeks? "I-" Avoid giving your response to that. I take it, therefore, that you're the one in charge of making arrangements for his wedding, right? "Mom-" Kyle, please don't talk too far above my head. You shouldn't be sleeping with a man who is almost married; instead, you should be talking to Penelope about wedding arrangements and choosing a dress for the big day together. "Mother, I beg you, do not speak to her in that way!" Even though Kyle was a difficult child, his mother never lost her composure. Kyle, get it together! Let's get going right away! She then proceeded to give me an unpleasant glare before issuing the order and leaving. "My apologies are sincere." Before leaving, Kyle spoke in a hushed tone for a moment. In all honesty, I ought to have been more careful. This is the first time that anyone has addressed me in this manner, and I immediately feel quite out of place. Yet, she is correct; whereas in the past I was easily distracted, I am not doing so any longer. It would be financially irresponsible of me to let my emotional side cause me to lose out on this opportunity.
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