Chapter 5

945 Words
****Nate**** God I’m tired, it had been a long few weeks, negotiating with other pack Alpha’s, agreeing new alliances, the journey home. I was exhausted, with my mind still running, Alex pacing back and forth. I must have blacked out eventually because I woke up slumped on the sofa, the sunlight waking me. I felt like I’d only been asleep for seconds. I didn’t know how long I’d been out. The events of last night came flooding back. Lexi. I could hear some movement upstairs. I decided I’d make a start on some coffee, breakfast, ease her in, see if I could find out more about her. I grab some joggers from my bag and throw them on. I’ll pretend I’m not interested in seeing her reaction again when she sees me. At least this way I can hide my arousal a little better. I was cooking some bacon when I saw her coming down the stairs gingerly. Was she trying to avoid me or not wake me? ‘Go pin her against the wall and see if she resists’ Alex chimed in. ‘Shut up, you’re not helping!’ ‘At least I’m trying to come up with ideas, unlike you, chicken’. I catch her watching me as she’s coming down the stairs, ‘good, take her, she wants us’ he smirks. ‘Down boy, not now, behave!’ I break the silence, seeing her shyness is killing me. I need to think about something other than pinning her against the wall and making her mine, stick to the plan, find out about her. There’s something about the way she talks, acts. I can sense her wolf, but she’s not very strong. Is she trying to hide her from me? She knows I’m a wolf. Why would she feel like she needed to hide? Doesn’t she want a mate? The thought makes my heart sink and my stomach drop. Did my mom sense something in her? Is that why she brought her here? She’s always been the first to help out a down on their luck wolf, but did she feel more with Lexi? Is that why she brought her to my cabin and not the pack house? I made a mental note to ask her later. The sorrow on Lexi’s face as she tells me about meeting my mom last night breaks my heart. Alex whines in my ear, ‘she needs us, we need to make her feel better, go to her!’ I’m next to her before I realise, holding her face to stop her looking down in shame. The electricity from touching her is immense, but right now she needs comfort. I can’t help but stroke the side of her face, for comfort while needing to touch her more. I can feel the air thicken as the door knocks and in walks mom. Best timing as always! I quickly drop my hand and try to not look p****d off. I love my mom, but by god I wish she wasn’t here right now. The bear hug my mom gives me is enough to wash away the annoyance from the interruption. How I’ve missed her. I’m not really paying attention to her conversation with Lexi until Alex shouts, ‘she can’t take her away, make her stay here, with us!’. The thought of her leaving panics me. ‘There’s enough room here’, I blurt. I see mom’s reaction. ‘What’s up?’ She mind links me. ‘She can’t leave mom, she’s my mate, but I don’t know if she knows it’. ‘How can she not know, is everything ok? I thought I sensed something last night but I didn’t want her to panic and not come home with me’. ‘I don’t know, I’m trying to figure it out, I’ll come by later and speak to you and pop’s alone’. My mom gets the hint and makes her excuses to leave. I don’t know how much Lexi picked up on but she seems just as confused as before. I need to change the subject quickly. I ask her about any family. Surely someone should have been there for her to explain, or is that the reason she’s so shy, someone did something? ‘No one will hurt her’ Alex rages. I force him back as Lexi mentions her parents. S**t, I’ve put my foot in it here. I’m scrambling for something to say, she tries to leave again and I panic, I’m desperately trying to keep her here without scaring her away for good. I do such a good job I end up insulting her, what is wrong with me! ‘Keep going Romeo, at this rate she’ll be gone within the hour and we’ll die alone’, Alex chirps in annoyed ‘You’re not helping! If you’re so good at this you suggest something!!’ ‘Be honest, ask her to stay, she’s almost out the door as it is, what can we loose?’ ‘Will you stay? Please? If you’ve not got somewhere to be, I mean, if you do I could drop you off first?’ ‘I have nowhere I’m going, I was just going, but I can stay I guess.’ Finally!! Success! ‘Right, get out here before you put your foot in it again!’ ‘We need some space, I need to think, I need to speak to mom’. ‘Good, I shouldn’t be too long, make yourself at home and I’ll come back and get you in a couple of hours.’ With that I race out, I need to speak to someone before I loose her for good and figure out how the hell I stop that from happening.
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