Showing Me Around

1038 Words
I headed downstairs and told my mom I would be out for a bit. She got worried but I told her I wouldn't go far. "Don't worry, I will take good care of you," Camila said. "I was born here so I know everything, everyone, and everywhere." "Okay," I said. I didn't want to be rude to her but I didn't really care. "So, where do we go first," Camila placed her hand on her chin and pretended to think. "We have a roller rink a few blocks away." I looked at her and shook my head no. "Okay," she placed her hand on her chin again. "There's a skate park at the end of the block. Come on." Camila took my hand, I could almost swear I felt it but it felt like cold air brushing my palm. She pulled me all the way there and I looked around and saw a lot of kids hanging around the place. "Can we go now," I said. "No, these are your peers, neighbors, and classmates," she said. "Look, there is Marco, Bill, and Thomas," she pointed out. "They love coming here and are the only ones who actually skate. That over there is Cindy and Mindy." She pointed to two girls sitting next to each other. "They are inseparable and are in the drama club," she said. She continued to point people out and tell me their names but I didn't really care. All of sudden, Camila got nervous and came to hide behind me. She peeked out over my shoulder. It was then that I noticed she was shorter than me. "Camila," I said. "Yeah," she replied. "You okay," she didn't answer me and just continued to spy on someone from behind me. "Who is he?" I said the minute I noticed who she was looking at. "Miguel, he is, was my childhood BFF and um," she didn't say anything else. "Can he see you?" I asked. "No," I pulled her from behind me. "So why are you hiding?" I said annoyed. "Because," she pouted. "I miss him and I used to like him." "Used too," I rolled my eyes at her. "Look, if he can't see you then there is no point in hiding." "Have you ever had a crush on someone, like a HUGE CRUSH!" she shouted. "I liked him so much." "Okay and," I said coldly. "And well he asked me to be his girlfriend," I felt the air leave my lungs. "So, then you died and he moved on or what," I said kind of rudely. Camila slapped my arm and walked away. "Hey, my bad." "No, he," she paused. "It's a long story and I am here to show you around." "Can I ask you a question?" I was hesitant to ask but I wanted to. "How did you die." "That's personal. For one thing, we just met and two you haven't even introduced yourself," she made a face at me and I felt like I was in the wrong now. "My name is Ethan," I told her. "So are you going to tell me now?" "No, ask me anything else but I won't tell you that. Well at least not yet," I wondered what to ask her if I couldn't get an answer to that. "So tell me about Miguel," I said. Her face lit up and I knew I asked the wrong question. "He is so cute and nice. He is seventeen, our parents are old friends from high school too so we have been together since we were born. I used to dream about him all the time. He stole my heart the minute he smiled at me." "Okay, okay," I snapped. "Well, he is a senior and he is super popular but he kind of stays to himself now," she said sadly. I noticed he hadn't talked to anyone since he got here. "Oh no," Camila said. "What's wrong," I said as I looked at her sad face. "Nothing," Camila went to hide behind me again. I looked over to see who Camila was looking at now. "Who is she?" I asked. "That's Jennifer," she said sadly. "She um, she, Miguel he-." She didn't want to finish speaking but I looked at Jennifer and her eyes never left Miguel. "They haven't seen each other since I died and well they like each other," she said. "Oh," I didn't know what else to say. "Yeah, you know I think that is why I am still here," Camila said. "That is my unfinished business." "Huh?" "You know, haven't you ever seen any ghost movie. Ghosts who stay in the physical world always have unfinished business. I think I need to hook them up because well, I am dead and Miguel deserves to be happy." "Are you sure," I said. "Um, I think so. I am I have seen them and I know that they belong together," I knew there was more to this story but I didn't push it. I could see Camila's was only getting sadder. "So are you going to help me?" "No," I said bluntly. "Don't drag me into this novella." "Oh come on," she bit her lower lip in anticipation of my change of heart. "No!" I yelled. I looked around and noticed everyone else heard me. "Come on, please," her pouty face was killing me. "Fine but if it doesn't work I don't want to get blamed for it," Camila smiled and tried to hug me. Again, it felt like a  cold breeze hitting me. "Do you play any sports?" Camila asked me. "No," "Oh, um do you sing or dance?" she asked next. "No, why?" "You need to make friends with him," she said. "You didn't say anything about having to make friends with him," I complained. "How else are you going to hook them up," she said. "Come on, Miguel plays soccer and he helps out with the drama club. Well, he only helped because of me but still, he might still do it this year." "No," I said simply. "PLLLEEASE!!" she begged. Everyone was staring at me again so I started to walk back home but all the way back, all I heard was "PLLLEEASSE!"
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