Chapter 30

1043 Words
"You go ahead I'll handle this" Samantha seems complacent.   She casted a freezing field slowing down their opponents. They made their full-scale assault and they slaughtered everyone in their path. They successfully captured the flag.   "Take your time the two remaining teams are battling each other" "It seems a fire user is breaching the earth barrier" The light sorcerer said using a radio.   "Okay" they replied using a radio.   Samantha and her companions slowly approached the other castle.   "Looks like it is not guarded" the assassin said.   "Shall we go?" The tank asked.   "Let's just wait for a while then we will make our move" Samantha said.   The battle between the other groups is fiery. The fire sorcerer is nearly melting the barrier and his allies are ready to infiltrate the castle.   Then the barrier collapsed, and a barrage of bullets struck the opposing team.   Samantha and her companions are startled by the g*n shots.   "Looks like they've breached the barrier." "Now is the time to make our move" Samantha said.   The assassin takes the lead. He opened the door then a g*n was fired. The assassin dropped.   Then a lady with a shotgun walks out from the door. Samantha and the tank seem intimidated.   "Guys are you there?" "We are under attack return here at once" their strategist order using a radio.   Both immediately retreated.   "Hey Dean, do you hear me?" Samantha said using a radio.   "Yes, Sam loud and clear!" Dean replied using a radio.   "Use now our special weapon we are almost their" Samantha ordered using a radio.   The barrier of light then shined bright blinding the opposing team. The gunner then tried shooting them down. Then a freezing field was casted. Samantha and her team wipe out the infiltrators.   Even the lady with a shotgun together with their healer brought their flag to the neighboring castle. Eve then scouted the area and she saw the gunner. She shoots it down and run towards closer the castle.   They slowly entered the castle and begun their search they saw the strategist and the healer guarding the flag. Eve then jumped out and fired her g*n. The two guards dropped, and the healer captured the flag.   Samantha's group finally finished off their enemies and they went back to Eve's castle. The tank took the lead as they enter the enemy’s castle. They searched the entire place, but they did not saw anyone nor the flag.   Then they heard g*n shots and it was coming from their castle. They immediately retreated. They saw Dean and their marksman knocked down.   Samantha hurried entering their castle then Eve popped out then fired at point blank range.   Samantha manages to block the shell and slice Eve's g*n. They both engaged in battle. Samantha seems exhausted from the battle earlier that's why Eve manages to keep up with her.   Then someone shot Samantha from behind then she dropped on her knees. Luckily, the tank was there and was able to grab the flag from the opposing healer.   The match was ended, and Samantha's team won.   "Phew, they nearly lost" Aaron said as he wiped his sweat off.   "Well, that marksman surely made a fool out of them" Draxx said.   "Too bad her healer got caught" Sora said.   The next match is Tyrone's group versus some other groups. They all placed their flags to their chosen location and with my signal the battle started.   "This battle will not take long" Draxx seems complacent.   Tyrone's group brought their flag and went straight to the neighboring castle.   We are all surprised at their tactic.   They let the current elite tank carry their flag. Mark together with their knight charges the opposing castle.   The sorcerer and marksman tried stopping them, but they are too quick. They pry open the doors and they began their search.   In a room the rest of the opposing team is guarding their flag. The tank breached the door and Roxxy immediately fired. The opposing them was caught off guard.   Mark and the knight finish them off then secures the flag. They then went to the next castle. Along the way Sarah heals her allies   While approaching the next castle the sorcerer was shot down. Mark noticed the sniper on top of the tower. The tank immediately carried the sorcerer to safety and Sarah started healing her.   "Looks like a skilled sniper." "Mark can you execute that one?" Tyrone asked.   "It's too far my throwing weapons might not reach our target." "I'll just get closer, but I need someone to distract the sniper" Mark said.   "I will be the decoy" the knight proposed.   "Okay let's move" Mark said.   Mark then threw a smoke bomb. The knight and Mark went on separate directions. The sniper took the bait and tried shooting the knight. After some time, Mark successfully assassinated the sniper, and he is currently on the tower.   He then noticed the opposing team waiting for their approach. He gave his allies a warning and the current location of their enemies.   The sorcerer is fully recovered.   "Can you blast that rock formation over there" Tyrone asked the sorcerer.   "Yeah!" The sorcerer replied.   "Okay knight and marksman I want you to get close to that rock there." "Mark just gave intel that the enemies are there ready to ambush." "I want you to finish them off after our sorcerer reveal them." "Now move" Tyrone ordered.   Roxxy and the knight move from one location to another as soon as they got close, they gave the signal. With a full charged lightning sphere, the sorcerer blasted its target.   With no time to waste Roxxy and the knight finished them off. Mike then came out of the castle with the enemies' flag.   And the battle continues. As Roxxy and the knight finished off their opponents Mike came out of the castle with the enemies' flag. They then went to the final castle. On their way they intercepted the enemies' tank and knight   Roxxy immediately fired but the two ran away so Mike and the knight chased them down. From above the enemies' assassin tried grabbing the flag but the tank manages to grab hold of him first. The tank then slams it to the ground and Roxxy finished him off.   
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