Chapter 12

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"Okay everyone listens up”. "As you all know we will have an exhibition match against all the remaining girls" "Your goal is to showcase your talents as Assassins. You are going to infiltrate the ladies' building and capture their flag." "This is a team effort so better not mess this up okay our pride as an assassin hangs in the line plus if we lose, we are all going to be slaves for the rest of the semester." "I hope you keep that in mind." "The challenge will start after lunch."   "Now we must diverse a plan I have the layout of the entire building and its surroundings." "The table is now open for suggestions."   "Master how about distributing us in groups. This way we can spread their defenses." "She is right how about we also have four or five killers that will penetrate through their defenses." "Guys if you look at this layout the only way in or out are the corridors. If we went head straight, they will easily detect us plus it's noon the sun is bright." "So, the best way in is following the rays of the sun to blind them." "Here's everything we just said if we sum these up. We will be separated into groups one group will be the killers composed of five members. We will infiltrate the roof." "But the only problem is we don't know their approach and the other students’ capabilities." "Yeah, that is a big threat indeed." "Leave those things to us, we have intel on the other side" the three said.   "Okay if that's the case doesn’t get caught when receiving the info. You know what Sora is capable off" Draxx warned the three.   Draxx made the decision in forming the groups after he is done, he gave reminders, and they all went to the cafeteria.   PART 2   "Okay ladies' as you all know we will have an exhibition match later this afternoon." "Your task is to protect our flag. Don't let anyone touch it okay”. "Here's what you are going to do." "I appoint all Marksmen on different floors and shoot them down at all cost. Headmaster allowed the use of different firearms if you are capable of using one." "For the Tanks and Knights your task is to defend the perimeter and be as vigilant as ever. Those assassins are slippery so better be on the watch." "Healers will be scattered all around the building. We don't know if the assassins will strike or not better be prepared." "As for the Strategists, can you set traps that can restrain or slow down the assassins. Some will be placed in command if the dispersed groups."   "Ma'am who will guard the flag?"   "Well, I have appointed my top student for that”.   "Now the rest of you eat your lunch and the rest start finding a place for you to camp for later." "Strategies follow me."   Sora brought them to a huge empty room.   "Place all your traps mostly inside this room”. "Make a replica flag and place one in each room place a trap in each flag”. "When the game begins, fight against the assassins in order for them to think that's the real one." "They will celebrate upon grabbing the flag, but they don't expect it's a trap."   "Good thinking Ma'am" "Where are on it?" "Okay girls let's start."   "I'll order someone to bring you food."   "Thank you very much Ma’am”.   Sora went down and went to the kitchen.   "Hey Sora" I shouted as I wave may hand to get her attention.   Then Draxx and his troops entered the cafeteria. They both give a glare at each other.   "Stop that, let your team decides for themselves later”.   "We agree" the Medics all nods.   "Ahh Dr Edwin I want you and your group on standby for the wounded students" I informed.   "No can-do Chris you see we are grabbing this opportunity for training the men."   "But isn't that unfair for my lady’s Dr Edwin?"   "Well Ms. Sora compared to the men your ladies will help their injured allies in the verge of war. What more do you want? We will only grab the seriously injured or the ones nearly dying."   "Hey Draxx, you seemed with is something the matter?" I asked.   "You can't back out now besides your assassins isn't that skilled to win" Sora teased.   The assassins all heard what she said, and it struck them all. They are all pissed, and they want to settle this once and for all.   The three assassins are talking to their girlfriends and asked some information about their plan but neither of them now any juicy details.   "Hey, you are assassins, right?" A male student asked.   "Yeah why?"   "Here take this it will surely help you win against the challenge. You see I want you to win because those two has a wager" the student said as he hands over a recording device.   "And what is that?" One of the three asked   "Well, if the assassins win, we men can visit the ladies building anytime we want but the second floor is of limits" the student whisper.   The student then walked away and joined its group.   "That was weird." "Well let's check what that thing has in-store for us." "I agreed"   The three men went back to their rooms and played the tape. They are surprised upon hearing the ladies' plan against the assault.   One of the men gathered their teammates and spread the news. They are quickly diverse a plan against the traps.   "Guys how are we going to find the real flag if all rooms are covered with fake ones?" "Well Ms. Sora said that her tank has the real one, right?" "Her top tank, does anyone one of you know what she looks like exactly?" "I know, she is huge with short black hair and not very fair." "So, we just need our killers take her down and secure the win." "We are on it." "But we have this major problem they have Marksmen in every floor ready to shoot us down." "Don't worry I saw then having a hard time firing a standing target what more if their target is moving”. "Better to be safe than sorry" "We must have two to three decoy groups to distract the Marksmen, the Knights and Tanks on the ground floor." Some groups volunteered. "There are still traps in the entire building better keep that in mind." "I think that's all settled leads head out now. Assassins let us make Master proud." They all cheered for their success.   
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