Chapter 10

1052 Words
"Looks like you are in the top five, I am happy for you" I greeted him.   "Well, we have a tight competition on our hands better to step up or get behind" He said.   "Continue to strive harder okay" I said as I pat his shoulder.   "I will Master" He said   After some time nearly half completed the task but the remaining seems to have no luck in landing a hit. Then the others offered their assistance; they began teaching the other ways on how to hit the target. I was amused to see my students like that.   Then some began landing hits on the target they all felt relieved and gave thanks to their fellow classmate. Some are not lucky like the others. The class ended and it is time for lunch, but some are persistent to finish the task.   I left Zeph to take in charge and record the ranking of those you passed. I observed them while I have my lunch.   "Looks like your students are having a hard time striking that target" Sora said.   "Might as well help them" Dr Edwin said   "Now isn't the time to help them besides, they still have over time." "You see they have the whole day to complete that task" I informed.   "You are pretty generous if you asked me" Draxx said   "And how did you come up with that idea?" I asked.   "Well, I ordered my knights to wield their sword properly until the session ends and if they don’t, they will get left behind”. "I told them if they can't finish it when the time runs out, they will continue it tomorrow while the rest finish the next task" Draxx said.   "That's a great idea why didn't I thought of that" Sora said.   "Just keep in mind that they should learn something in the process okay" I informed.   "We will" they answered.   Upon finishing our food, the Strategists are all in place, but the remaining Marksmen are still in the area.   "Strategists follow me" I said as I lead the group to another area to avoid conflict.   "Now isn't the time to know each other. I want you to focus on everything I say am I understood" I said as I stare at the two ladies chatting.   "Yes Sir" they said as soon as they picked up.   "As a Strategist you should learn how to protect yourself at all cost your task is to be the last man standing" I informed.   I summoned the Divine Beast of Earth and the Divine Beast of Water to assist us in this task.   "Okay Titan kindly record their rankings depending on who gets immobilized first." "And as for you Batis kindly heal immediately the injured." "I am counting on you two" I ordered.   "Now commence task one, last man standing" "Begin!" I informed. "Now commence task last man standing" "Begin."   As I gave the signal everyone started battling each other. Then I noticed some of their strategies. Some are teaming up knocking potential threats one by one. Some try to hide and avoid battle.   I observed the one I owe a fragment it seems he is battling his way through. Taking down his opponent one by one but his luck is running out. He then faces a group and he got knocked down surprisingly he manages to stand up.   He charges straight in and battles once more, but he gets knocked down once more and they finish him off. Batis immediately removed him the battlefield.   "Looks like you are in a tight situation there."   "Yeah! I wish I had done better. You see Ramon placed fifth in the Marksmen Tier and as for Sarah she placed first in the Healers Tier. I wish I could also place in the top five like they did."   "You just have the wrong strategy, that's all. Facing them one by one is not bravery, it is foolishness. As a Strategist you should know better" "You see the outcome of the war depends on your decisions. All decisions must be precise and accurate."   "For the ones that are out of the game watch closely on how the remaining Strategist battle" "And please don't tell where they are."   We all watched closely as the numbers dropped immediately. The teaming groups started facing each other. Members started dropping one by one and they all seemed worn out. Then someone came out of hiding and started whacking the remaining Strategist with a tree bark   "Hey that's cheating”. "You can't use that." "Drop that and fight fair”.   "Settle down men. I said protect yourselves at all cost. That's his strategy on winning so better respect it." "Remember this, in a war anything is bound to happen so better be prepared”. "A great Strategist is always ahead of the enemy." "Look closely at that man who just came out of hiding. You see he waited patiently until his enemies as all worn out and make the kill."   The crowd are all amazed and started cheering him.   Moments passed and the task was over. We finally have our ranking. I went to our top five and congratulate them especially the one with the sneak attack tactic.   "Tell us why did you come up with that plan?" I asked.   "Well Master with my skills in battling I think I will not last long in hand-to-hand combat. So, I hid myself and waited for everyone to get exhausted. I know my punches aren't that strong, so I used a bark."   "Did you hear that everybody?" "If you can't win a fight with brawns you can always count on your brains" "Keep that in mind okay”.   "Now your next task will be making friends with the other roles. Find one in each role and study what they are doing." "A great Strategist knows how to handle everyone in the team”? "The first to bring me juicy stories about all the role wins the ranking." "On your mark ready, get set, go."   My men immediately went on their way and waste not a second.   I went to check my Marksmen and see what they were doing, and I saw six still firing and it was getting dark. I summoned my Divine Beast of Light   
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