Chapter 9: Let's get drunk!

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"Honey, don't you think that we're being too harsh on our son?" Tilda said to her husband softly. She knew her husband was a tough one to deal with it, but after the last heated argument between her husband and Greg, she couldn't keep quiet anymore. Her baby boy practically ran away from home yet again, and it was disheartening....... At the Jason's mansion, both husband and wife sat side by side on a sofa in the living room. Mr. Jason was clutching onto a document in his hands as he looked inside it like it was the most interesting thing, while his wife tried to plead with him on behalf of there son, Greg. However, Mr. Jason didn't reply at all, he kept on staring at the documents he was clutching tight, refusing to even spare his wife a glance. Tilda felt helpless at her husband's uncaring attitude, but didn't want to give up either. She knows very well that her husband is a stubborn man, still, she wants to give it a try and so she continued with her protest. "Honey, why don't you just allow him to live his life since it makes him happy? After all, he's not the only son we have" She whispered the last part as she shifted on her seat. Mr. Jason became fully enrage with anger after hearing that statement from his wife. He finally snapped his head up from the interesting document to look at his wife with a frown on his face. "It's that the advise you're giving to him? So you want to spoil him by telling him that he's not our only son?" Mr. Jason spat furiously. "No, honey... that's not what I mean" Tilda felt the anger burning up within her husband and thought of backing off but she felt that this was the right time to speak out her mind to her husband . "I just feel like we're being too hard on him and that he's really hurting inside of him. And besides..." Tilda paused then raised her head up to look at her fuming husband intensely in the eyes. "Sending Greg out of the country won't make any difference, It's not as if that would make him to change his sexuality" "The only person that's being hard on him here is you by not telling him the truth" Mr. Jason's boomed as he stood up, then tilted his head to look at his wife. "The earlier he starts changing his mind and get engaged to the daughter of Dean, the better for him and also I can't allow him to stay here fooling around with those hoodlums that he calls friends" "Honey, just listen to me, please. We can't just....." "What more do you want to say?" Mr. Jason interrupted his wife. "This matter is over! I don't want to discuss it anymore, Greg will be leaving soon and that is final" He declared as he walked up the stairs to his study. Tilda had no choice but to swallow the rest of the things that she wanted to say. She wondered why this is happening, one is set on not changing his preference no matter what, while the other is set on not letting the other go, resulting in both hurting each other. Greg is said to be Mr. Jason's favorite among the two sons he had, so one can imagine how disappointed and unhappy he must be upon seeing his favorite one taking that part of hardship. The part invokes people's condemination and criticism. ************** "Hey, why don't you answer my question?" Greg asked as they sat down in a bar. He has been patiently waiting for Alex's reply to his question but the other refused to respond. "Haha..." Alex curled up his lips and laughed. "Do you really want to know?" "Of course I want to know, just tell me and stop teasing me" Greg rolled his eyes, feigning anger. "Fine! I will tell you since you want to know" Alex finally caved. He sipped from his glass, before opening his mouth. "Well, it started during our first year in the university" "Huh... talking about being careful, you could pretend in front of other people but do you really think that you could do that in my presence?" Alex looked at the curious Greg with an evil smirk on handsome face. Although Greg couldn't deny the fact his best friend was handsome with his tall height; 6ft 2 to be precise, his muscular and firm chest coupled with his sculpted face. He felt like he looked more like a charming devil that evil smirk plastered on his lips. "Just go straight to the point, will you?" Greg scowled. "Curious that much?" Alex teased as he laughed smugly. Greg couldn't deny the that he was obviously dying of curiosity, so he just shrugged his shoulders. Alex shook his head before opening his mouth, "The day of my birthday, I mean last two years that I threw a big party for my birthday, that was when I started noticing your behavior towards girls. It was as if you were being hunted by girls and didn't want to have anything to do with them despite all my efforts to hook you up with one of the girls but you refused them all and went to one corner to sit down alone. I thought it was strange so I decided to monitor you and guess what?" "What?" Greg asked impatiently. "During my detective work on you, I found out you weren't interested in anything relating to girls and anytime that we were discussing about the type of girls each of us wanted, our cutie here with gold hair never contributes about his ideal type" "Just cut the long the long shitty story short, man and how many times have I told you to never called me cutie again?" Greg warned furiously. "Ok cutie.... I will go straight to the point and that is, I made a resolution to bring more girls to our side but the same attitude became worst" Alex laughed as he took sip of his drink. Greg was speechless as he listened to Alex's words. "Then I remembered that I know one of your secret and so i decided to find out the second one that I don't know about" Alex snorted in more laughter. "What?! " Greg exclaimed upon hearing the laughter from Alex. "What did you do to me?" "It's exactly what you're thinking about" Alex confirmed Greg's doubt."I tampered your weak point, in order to find out what you are hiding from me" "You mean by getting me drunk? That's unfair" Greg felt like someone that's been taken advantage of. It turned out that he had spilled everything to Alex after getting drunk. "What else could I have done? Turn into a spirit and search that your little head?" Alex asked as he stared Greg intensely in the eyes. "We're best friends but you couldn't trust and rely on me" Greg thought of throwing a punch at Alex but his last statement melted his anger away and so he asked instead, "Why didn't your confront me after finding out?" Alex dropped the glass in his hand on the table and stared at Greg. "I just wanted you to tell me when you're ready and so I stopped all those girls from disturbing you. But I guess you never had enough trust in me that's why you didn't bother to tell me" Alex said sadly. "Please stop" Greg said as he held Alex hands with his, then stared Alex in the eyes. "Alex you are my best friend and brother that's always by my side, how could I muster up the courage to tell you such a thing like I'm interested in guys not girls? If everyone else turned their back against me because of my sexuality, you are the only person I don't want to turn against me because I'm greedy to let go of you. Do you get it now?" Greg explained sincerely with all of his heart. "Greg, you should know very well that I'm the last person that would abandon you even if everyone does" "Thanks man.... but... talking about getting drunk, I really feel like doing that right now, let's get drink ourselves to stupor, Alex" Greg announced excitedly. "No, I don't want" Alex rejected. He isn't ready to babysit the kid version of Greg that is pure and immature when he is drunk. "Please papa... you know that I'm leaving before the end of this month. Why don't you just indulge me this one last time, huh?" Greg pleaded like a baby. And so, Alex had no choice but to let the little Greg posses the big Greg as he couldn't resist his pleas with his puppy eyes. By the time the two left the bar, it was already past midnight and with Greg wasted to the extent that he couldn't open his eyes, Alex could only take him to his to his own apartment. With one of his hand on Greg's waist supporting him so he won't fall, he used the other to unlock the door but never thought that he would find his sister there.
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