Chapter 11: They made up!

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"Here take this and drink, it will stop the headache" Tina offered a small black porcelain bowl containing green liquid to Greg. "I don't want to hear those words from you again. I'm tired of listening to them over and over" She complained with a sigh. Greg was confused by Tina's actions and so he asked, "Aren't you angry with me anymore?" "Why should I stay angry with you since it can't even make you to fall in love with me?" Tina mumbled while looking down. "I still prefer you staying by my side like you've always done than pushing you away" "What do you mean?" Greg felt like he was dreaming, so he asked to be sure that he wasn't hearing things. Tina dropped the bowl on the bedside table and moved closer to Greg, she held his hands and then stared him in the eyes for a splitting second, her eyes unexpectedly lingered longer than normal. It was as though she wanted to admire Greg for the last time. Greg shuddered at her unwavering gaze as it had him all bothered and nervous and also confused. After having enough of the charming view, she finally smiled warmly at Greg before opening her mouth to speak. "It's not your fault that I fell in love with you. I'm the one who misunderstood you and I'm also the one who should be sorry here. So take the drink fast before it gets cold" Tina said as she grabbed the bowl and offered to Greg once again. "Thanks, Tina" Greg couldn't help but thank Tina sincerely before taking the substance that looked like green tea. "Hey, both of you should come down here. Breakfast is ready" Alex shouted from downstairs. "Yeah, we're coming" Both shouted back in unison, then looked at each other and laughed. It's been long since they laughed happily like that. The two paused as they shifted in awkwardness. "Let me go and brush my teeth" Greg said as he scratched the back of his neck and climbed down from the bed. "Yeah" Tina nodded with a smile, but a hidden smirk was on her face which Greg failed to detect. Greg walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth, feeling great relieve over the fact that things had been settled between him and Tina. It was really refreshing to have her back. But then he forgot how mischievous she can be at times. After brushing his teeth, he lowered his head to the sink as he tried to wash his face and when he brought his face back up to look at the mirror, the reflection he saw had him jumping away in fright; Tina was there smirking evilly at him. "Oh my God! You scared me" Greg complained as he held onto his chest and tried to even his breathe. "So now will you tell me, huh?" Tina asked with seriousness. "Tell you what?" Greg was confused. He thought that everything has been resolved, what else does she want? "I mean, the person that is blocking that space" Tina said while pointing at Greg's chest. She was obviously referring to the person in Greg's heart and as expected, Greg rewarded her with one in a million blush as his face turned red after realizing what was she was talking about, which made him to suddenly think about that person. "N-Nobody" Greg stuttered with his voice high pitched. He quickly rushed out of the bathroom and out of the room, as he ran downstairs. "If nobody, then why are you blushing?" Tina asked as she chased after him. "I'm not blushing" Greg denied. "Awww.... he is denying the obvious truth too" Tina giggled as they got to the dining table. Greg rolled his eyes at her but said nothing. "Hey, both of you should settle down and eat" Alex urged as he dropped the last plate containing fried egg on the table. He had on an apron with a Panda drawing on it. It looked good on his tall and muscular frame. "Yes, papa" The two mischievous babies chirped simultaneously as they quickly sat down and started digging in. "Hmmm" Greg moaned as the food touched his greedy taste bud. While Alex and Tina just laughed. They were used to this type of reaction from Greg anytime there was a delicious food. Greg is a sucker for good food, and he would never let any of them pass him by, until he finished everything. Food lover indeed! During the meal, the three chatted and joked about so many things and Tina found out that Greg was leaving soon. "Hey, Greg" Tina suddenly called out. "Mm?" Greg paused and stared with his full attention on her, his face was full of expectation. "Make sure that you eat more when you get there, so you can add more fat to your body. You're looking too skinny for my liking" Tina said as she made a face that depicted how bad Greg's stature looked. She totally crushed Greg's curious expectation with her words. "Aww.... who was it that was falling head over heels for me some days ago?" Greg refuted with a roll of his eyes. "And besides, I eat more than you two" He pointed out. "Sorry" Tina said feeling less concerned. "I'm not sure if I was in the right frame of mind" "You!" Greg did know what to say at all. He was literally rendered speechless by this sarcastic lady. Alex Just shook his head and laughed at those two that was acting like kids. But his heart felt enlightened and gladdened to see them bickering and bantering with each other like before. At least the two became normal again! *************** At John's apartment, his phone kept ringing without let up but he wasn't responding. Maria felt that something must be wrong with her brother, even when John was busy with work, he would always pick her calls and let her know that he was busy. But today seemed different and it baffled her. "Hello" After a while, John's muffled voice came through the phone as he finally picked the call. "Hey, what's wrong your voice? Don't tell me that you got drunk last night?" Maria found out that her guess was unexpectedly right. What could be the problem and why does it feel like John was rapidly losing his original self this days? Maria couldn't help but ask herself this questions. "What is wrong with me drinking?" John felt like it was of no use denying it since his sister was always like a spirit knowing everything with one guess. "Just don't worry about me and tell me why you called me this early morning" He urged with his husky voice. "Hey, little brother, this isn't morning anymore. It's already pass noon, ok" Maria corrected as she deadpanned. "Anyways, mother called and she wanted to know why you are not answering or returning her calls" Maria continued with what she wanted to say since she knows that nothing good would come out of John's mouth. "First, I'm not little at all, I'm a matured man. And secondly, stop disturbing me, I will call mom when I'm ready to talk to her" John refuted immediately as he ended the call at the same time. Maria was speechless for a while. "As expected, nothing like nice words comes out of that mouth of his" She hissed. John got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to clean himself with a heavy slashing headache weighing him down. He took so much drink last night just to forget that very person but looks like the drink can't solve the problem and now he is suffering from a severe headache as payback. Looks like he would have to hasten his previous plan which remains, finding a nice and of course sexy and beautiful girlfriend in other to settle his weird heart's problem. After the shower, he wore a black trouser with gray shirt, grabbed his coat and left the house in a hurry. With everything seemingly normal and everything going back to it's original place to some people, however, to some it was only on the surface, after all how could firm and determined resolve persuade the heart in love? Greg walked in a trance along the streets as if being controlled by something on the eve of his travelling day, and only regained himself when he saw the familiar and unforgettable street. Then his movement came to a halt, and to his amazement, he saw the very person that his heart has been longing for, walk out of the familiar building. He was as always handsome even at night, his strides were quick and decisive as he walked towards him. He was almost close to him! Even though Greg could feel butterflies exploding in his stomach and as his heart leaped with excitement for this wonderful opportunity of seeing John, however, something in reminded him that if he should waste any second watching him, John would definitely get to him in no time. And he didn't want the other to have the wrong impression, so he did what he thought was best.  Greg quickly hid himself as John walked pass him without seeing or noticing his presence. Greg thought that John had gone far and so he let out the long and heavy breath he'd been holding in with his eyes closed while his chest heaved up and down. Hearing the heavy release of breath not far from him, John suddenly paused, turned his head and stared into the darkness. Greg's heart skipped in fear and he almost freaked out when he saw that person turning his head to look at him and even tried to move towards him, but fortunately, the vibration from his phone caused him to stopped him. John paused and brought out his phone from his trouser pocket. Then he answered the call that seemed urgent and looks like he was so immersed in the call that he forgot to unravel the mystery that was hiding in the dark. So he slowly turned around and walked away instead. Greg finally breathed a sigh of relief. But at the same time, he felt the strong urge to run to John and confront him, hold his hand and talk to him sincerely about how he really feels or even throw a tantrum if possible just to let the other know his true feelings for him. However, no matter how he considered that option and he pondered over everything carefully, Greg figured that it was best to move on since the other isn't into men. It would save him the intense heartache that would follow suit after he is rejected the second time.
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