Chapter 4-13

419 Words

Laura cracked one eye open. The cabin was lit by only the faintest hint of dawn in the sky. In the Pacific Northwest, summer dawns were a lazy, drawn out affair, casually strolling across the sky, stopping here and there to smell the flowers. A shadow passed before the window. On this side of the glass. She didn’t need to think to remember. Every blazing second of their lovemaking was crystalline clear. As he had mounted her, later she had mounted him. Not just once either. She could feel herself blushing in the dark. They’d done things she’d never done before. Most men did what they wanted, and that’s the way it went. With Akbar, even the slightest hint or gentlest pressure had him navigating whole new vistas that were the ones she’d wanted explored. Calling him “The Great” sounded too

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