Chapter 4-14

618 Words

Two-Tall tried razzing Akbar for not being in his bunk last night. For leaving the morning before without rousting Tim from his rack. When neither worked, Tim looked at him strangely. “Is Victoria back in town?” “Not that I know of.” They’d had a couple of good nights together before the New Tillamook Burn had set in. He’d jumped into the fire and she’d caught her flight back to a Boston banker’s job. Couple of nice texts back and forth, but that was long since done. “You didn’t go back and get my little blond, did you?” Two-Tall’s little blond had been taller than Akbar, though not as tall as Laura. “Nope!” This was getting fun. Clearly Tim had blocked out the woman at the Doghouse that Akbar had declared a “washout.” Well, if that was a washout, bring it on. He kept Tim going for al

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