Chapter 62: A Truly Diabolical Plan

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Marry yelled for the little girl to come with her. Then she grabbed Stephen and Tommy and took off in the direction of the stairs that led to the basement. When the intruders saw what she was up to, they ran after her. With the two kids under her arms, it took everything she had to stay in front of her pursuers, but the knowledge of what they would do to the children if they caught up gave her the extra burst of energy that she needed.   The people in Elmer’s group were beasts. They would beat Tommy, rape Marry and the ten-year-old girl, and who knew what they’d do to the baby – maybe eat him?  I would rather die than be caught – thought Marry. She was nearly at the gate, and she did not dare look back. She had almost made it to safety when she felt Elmer’s rough hand pull on her shoulder. Instead of fighting him, though, as he anticipated, she planted her feet and allowed him to pull her backwards. His momentum threw him backwards and he landed on top of Mabel and two others from their group. Marry swayed and she nearly toppled, but then she regained her equilibrium and made a mad dash for the gate at the end of the stairwell, and by the time Elmer had regained his feet, she was safe behind the bars.   “You b***h!” growled Elmer. “Do you think you can stay there forever? Fine. We will see about that. When I get my hands on you, I will tear off your clothes, and then you will suffer!” “What should we do now?” asked Mabel. “We can’t get in!” Elmer: “Relax. She cannot run from us. Tell the people outside that if they want to eat, then they need gather anything inflammable and bring it here. We will smoke them out, and if they refuse to see reason, they can burn for all I care.” Mabel was shocked. “But there are children in there!” she exclaimed. One of the other men laughed and said, “Forget about the kids. They can die for all I care. I do care about the woman, though. Did you get a look at the size of her breasts? They are beautiful, and she is likely lactating. I would give almost anything to suckle from her bounty!” Another man said, “I agree. We need to get into that room without burning it down. Just think of what we could do to her given the time and place.” Mabel scowled and stood akimbo. “This is a truly diabolical plan. What if Marry survives and calls the police?” she asked. “Survive?” Elmer chuckled. “If the boys get their hands on her, they won’t have to worry about that.”  “Men!” Mabel scowled and said, “All you think about is s*x. Whatever. Go get the fire started. I will watch the door.  If she opens it, I will catch her!” Meanwhile, hundreds of black things ran towards the house with no one the wiser.   ***   Kevin Stone bowed to Richard and said, “You aren’t going to let them go, are you? If you do, they will just come back stronger!” Having seen the fight, Kevin had realized that age and experience no longer mattered. In this new world, power and strength ruled the day. Jacky was not as strong as Richard, so he died. His companions also died; those that didn’t ran away. Kevin knew that if he wanted to survive, he must stay with Richard, or find someone that was even stronger. Richard checked their surroundings and said, “Relax. They can’t survive out there,” The island was flat, and it could only be accessed by crossing one of the four stone bridges. Richard planned to block those bridges. When that was done, the island would be unquestionably his. Compared with the house they lived in now, the island was marvelous. Not only did it keep the outside world at bay, but it would protect them from the next radiation disaster. Thinking of that, Richard touched the two cold energy cores in his pocket. He was pleased with the current situation. With Jacky dead, Richard had another energy core. As he had predicted, there had been one in the man’s head. He had known nothing about using and controlling it, though, and so it had been of no use to him.   Richard reviewed what had happened and realized that he was much stronger than he had thought. He had the powers from The Eternal Bug, which he knew about, but he could also predict future events. And he had seen signs that suggested this was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to what he was capable of. He recalled what the doctor had said about the Amoeba. They were special in that they never died. Furthermore, they could take in other energy and transfer it into its own energy. That meant that when he learned to control it, he would be able to absorb other people’s mutant powers. Richard fingered the energy cores excitedly. He was eager to swallow them, but he had more important things to do now. Mary, William, and Steven were still on the mainland. Thus, getting them and bringing them safely to the island was his first priority. Turning to Kevin, Richard said, “I need to head back to the mainland. Ask someone to clean up around here while I am gone, and don’t forget to get all four bridges blocked. There is no way that we will be able to sleep soundly until we can be sure that we are safe from the mutants.” Kevin nodded. “I’ll get right on it,” he said. “Do you need anyone to go with you? The villa on the west side of the island is empty. Can I send my fami – ” As his words dropped off, his face turned white. Because Kevin didn’t know what kind of person Richard was, he didn’t know how to finish the sentence.
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