we met again

1336 Words
"If you want me not to stay here, then you need to return my money. I don’t care who has it; I just know I have paid for this place, and I have full rights. Also, you need to pay for my bike damage." Staring outside the classroom window, Noah pondered about Oscar’s condition to leave the house. The classroom was buzzing with his classmates' noise, yet he remained isolated in the corner. Then suddenly, a bag slammed hard onto his desk, pulling him out of his reveries. In an indifferent tone, Mimi, his step-sister, spoke out, “Mom sent this for you!” Staring at the food bag, he replied quietly, “Thanks!” Turning away, Mimi was about to leave but recalling something, she glanced back at him and questioned, “When are you returning home?” Slouching back in his chair, he responded flatly, “Never!” Shrugging, she said bitterly, “Well, that is great news for me.” After she walked away, he gazed at her, feeling a pang of emptiness. Their relationship which was filled with warmth in the past was now cooling down with their increasing age and there was nothing that he could do. Feeling miserable about finding out his sister was completely fine with him staying away from home, he inhaled deeply. Then he reached out for the bag she had brought and as he peered inside, he found a flayer. Reading the job vacancy at a florist shop, a faint smile crossed his face as he glanced briefly toward the door through which Mimi had exited. “Thank you, Mimi,” he murmured softly, turning his gaze back to the window. Suddenly, he spotted Oscar at the school gate. Surprised and alarmed, he rubbed his eyes, and gave another glance, only to find him still standing there and talking to the security guard. ‘What is he doing here? Is he asking the guard about me?’ he couldn’t help wondering and feeling his throat growing dry. Panicked, he rose and attempted to walk. However, he collides with the class bully, Alec. Before he could utter the word of apology, Alec pushed him back into his seat, demanding, “Watch where you're going.” “I apologize,” he said flatly, attempting to stand and walk away, but Alec wasn’t done. He snatched the flayer and shoved him again. Trying to reach out for it, he grumbled, “Alec, give that back!” Sharply, Alec ordered, “Kneel and apologize.” Losing his patience, he muttered, “Alec, cut it out!” Seeing his frustration, Alec was satisfied and to add more to it, he tore the paper right in front of his face. Enraged, Noah shoved him. “What is your problem?” Instigated with his act, Alec raised his fist, but before he could launch his attack, Professor Sofia entered, shouting, “What's happening here?” In an instant, Alec withdrew, responding, “Nothing, ma'am!” Before returning to his seat, he sharply warned Noah, “I am gonna get you!” "Noah, everything fine?” Sofia inquired, raising her brows. Simply nodding, Noah sank back into his place. Once again, he glanced outside and was not able to find Oscar. Breathing in relief, he turned his attention to Sofia. “Settle in everyone, we have a new member to welcome,” Sofia announced. "What? But ma’am, this is the middle of the semester, how come?" someone queried. “Yes, circumstances made him get transferred here. So you all have to help him out,” she explained, then gestured towards the door. “Gentleman, you can come in.” However, no one appeared, prompting laughter from the students at their professor’s confusion. “Where the hell is this man?” she muttered, heading towards the door. Peering outside, she was taken aback when, suddenly, a voice from behind inquired, “Are you looking for me, professor?” All eyes turned to the back door to find a handsome figure standing there, much to everyone's surprise and the gasp of female students. Surprised, Noah got up in shock. ‘What the hell is he doing here? First my home and now my school. God!’ he thought to himself. Oscar said, tittering, “Sorry, I just took another entrance!” He glanced up at the exit sign and mumbled, “Oops! Sorry, this was an exit!” Another round of laughter sparked inside the class. Clearing her throat, Sofia's voice echoed through the room, "Silence!" Her command sliced through the chatter, and the class swiftly quieted. With an air of authority, she continued, "As I was saying, you should all assist him to–" But before she could finish, Oscar cut in with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Let's shake things up, Professor. I'll recruit Noah as my assistance," he declared, striding purposefully toward him. “You guys know each other?” she questioned, raising her brows in puzzlement. Noah hastily said, “No! We–” Reaching out to wrap his hand around Noah’s shoulder, Oscar said, “We are in the process of knowing each other, professor.” “Fine, then you can take a seat beside him.” Reluctantly, Noah turned to him, glaring. With a grin, Oscar pulled the chair closer and settled beside him. “We met again!” he whispered with excitement evident in his tone. Noah shot a pointed glare at Oscar. "What are you doing here? You don't have to shadow me everywhere. When I have the money, I'll repay you." Oscar waved off Noah's concern. "That's not what I'm here for," he replied, pulling out his book. Noah narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing Oscar's sudden focus. "Are you really here to study?" “No, I—” Before Oscar could respond, the professor's sharp "Shhh!" cut through the air, silencing their conversation until the end of class. As soon as the professor left, Noah turned to Oscar, determined to get answers. "Tell me, why are you–" "We're not finished. Shall we continue?" Abruptly, Alec appeared, slamming Noah’s desk. “Alec, I–” The sudden crash of the chair reverberated through the room, startling everyone. Oscar's eyes blazed as he directed his fury at Alec. "How dare you interrupt us like that!" Alec's expression hardened, meeting Oscar's glare head-on. "You've got no clue who you're crossing," he growled, his voice laced with a warning. "Perhaps I do," Oscar retorted, stepping forward, his tone edged with challenge. Sensing the volatile situation, Noah swiftly moved between them, his palms outstretched in a plea for peace. The situation escalated rapidly as Alec pointed accusingly at Oscar, but Oscar's reaction was swift. He grabbed Alec's finger, causing him to cry out in pain. "Leave!" Alec shouted in agony, his voice carrying the sharp sting of distress. "No, Oscar, stop!" Noah's panicked plea filled the air, desperate to diffuse the escalating conflict. "Fine, only because you're asking," Oscar said, turning to Noah with a disarming smile that softened the tension at the moment. Noah seized the opportunity and firmly grabbed Oscar's arms, pulling him outside to defuse the situation away from prying eyes. Once they were away from the immediate chaos, Noah confronted Oscar, his voice tinged with frustration. "What are you even doing? Why did you do that to Alec?” “You cannot blame me for something which I didn’t start at all,” he said in his defense, raising his hand in surrender. “Argh!” he clenched his fist and then took a deep breath before saying, “I know you're after the money I owe you, but can't you give me some space and time to arrange it?" Oscar, who seemed lost in thought, suddenly had his attention diverted. He took a step forward, as he squinted his eyes and asked, "Is that Merlin Grey?" The name made Noah’s eyes widen, and swiftly throwing a glance over his shoulder, he cursed out, “s**t!”

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