Fixing mistakes

848 Words
Location sent. I looked at my iPhone screen, its blinding light trying to hog my eyes. Slight pain seeped through me. I shook it off me just as quick and sighed deeply. It was time to end this. I powered off my phone, and straightened my posture and headed straight for the door. I hailed a cab in front of my apartment and sat in. “To Solace Hotel, please,” I announced. I wanted to finish it properly this time. And the evidence was a perfect way. The trip was awfully long, but it relaxed my heart-throbbing nerves gradually. It wasn’t time to be hurt because I had had enough. I reassured myself and I smiled bewitchingly. The driver looked at me nervously. I responded by glancing at him straightforwardly. He blushed at me as we entered the destination I was bound for. Slowly using the handle of the cab, I opened the door that would change my life.  But I had decided on it, and I never went back on promises I made to myself.  As soon as I got out, all eyes fell upon me. It was bound to happen. Although I attracted attention, ain’t like I ever wanted it. But I couldn’t help it. When such immersion was directed towards me, I couldn’t ignore it. Instead, my chest swelled with pride and I knew I wasn’t going to regret this decision. I walked in filled with excitement when I imagined what his face would look like. Hell, I wanted to kill that bastard with my own hands. But I wanted it to let him feel it slowly and make him regret as to what a treasure he had lost. An attendee walked professionally towards me and whispered to me as he whisked past, “The information you wanted.” He dropped something in my hand and I gestured knowingly. It was a disk enabling me to record and project what was happening on the scene. I carefully observed it and smirked. Sure is small for such a big job. I walked confidently making sure that every move of mine was noticed. After all, it was such a big day. Him cheating on me was one thing, but stealing from the…… My chain of thoughts was cut off as the woman directed me off towards my appointed room. It was the room right next to me. It also held the proof which could potentially destroy him. As soon as I logged on, I went on live streaming. I put a microphone to my mouth and hacked through almost every major internet networks in the country within the minute. I didn’t have a single second to waste. I adjusted the microphone to my mouth. “Shocking news! The CEO of the James group used illicit methods to gain illegal funds! Evidence was proven and certified by experts and these are the reports,” I took a short break. I was red as rouge and I couldn’t stop my brain from going nuts. But, despite everything, I continued. After a while, I regained my senses and kept speaking. “You see, the statistics show the massive amounts of money that have been transferred to the company. The stocks have been growing continuously for the past few months but that was not the result of hard work nor luck but instead, the money they received.” I pressed the button “stop” and almost immediately put the headphones down. I think that was enough for my part. The rest will finish by itself. I breathed a sigh of relief and let my brain calm itself. Naturally, after 2 minutes I looked at the clock. It was 8’o clock sharp and it was time for my next job. I had to finish the guy off. I slammed the black door open and went inside the room. I could hear everything and I felt wretched and pity. He won’t be seeing a sunrise again, so why not let him finish it? But I knew I didn’t have enough patience. When I was determined to do something, I was always dead set on it. So this time won’t be any different. I looked at them and gave a perfect shocked expression. “How could you do this to me?! I thought we had something special!” I was exasperated or at least displayed it. He looked at me for a moment, his expression filled with fear, good just the way I thought, now…. One…last…thing…. He boomed out laughing. I clicked my fingers. PERFECT! “Who do you think you are?! As an assistant, how dare you enter without permission?” I smirked. Still as prideful as ever “Just die, would you?” My friend laying on the bed frowned and came up to me. She attempts to slap me. Yup attempts to, she immediately stops just inches away from my skin line. She embraced me tightly and I patted her confidently and replied smoothly, “Well done, Mara.”
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