Chapter 2

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Shock and a sense of betrayal was the last thing that jerk should be pondering over. The faint alarm could be heard clearly outside the massive white building. Reporters and media had gathered from all over the place.  After all, one of the top European company markets had fallen overnight. Such a flawless company that no could frame or ruin, was on the brink of bankruptcy in a few hours. I clenched my stomach. Just looking at his twisted face filled me with immense satisfaction, happiness and laughter. I held my mouth suddenly and my dearest friend understood just as quick. Almost immediately in a moment or two, the police came, curving cautiously around the corner, knowing when to carefully enter. “Hands up, no resisting, or we won’t be hesitating to shoot!” Shocked as he already was, I never thought the possibility of a more terrified face. I sneered lightly, however, the situation was so grave that there was pin-drop silence hugging the room. My reaction was quickly heard but was soon ignored. “How could you do this?! I thought we had an agreement.” Third-person Felicia smirked. Never in her life had she lost her elegant composure, and she wasn’t about to break the record. “I’m sorry, but you see the only thing you did was ask me about inheriting property. We never agreed nor did we mutually sign a contract.” She prolonged the word mutually to show that she had absolutely no trust in him at all. She was never serious nor was she about to give up her land or achievements. But slowly and gradually, deep down in her heart, she wanted to cry. But she knew she would never show such an impeccable weakness. “Miss, I would like to ask you to evacuate the place. We’ll take care of the rest.” He smiled understandingly. Felicia looked up and realized that her job was done. But she still couldn’t believe it. She had done it. She’d broken ties with the person she was with since high school. It had been 6 years, and that was not a short period. She developed some feelings, but those were soon discarded 2 years ago when he started to understand her family background. He started focusing more on her parents than her. Honestly, it was annoying at first, but she thought it was pretty normal until she realized what he was trying to do. It was only a subconscious possibility and she swiped it off.  A few months after that, he began working in her father’s legit company, making fortunes. Then the same prospect she feared swirled into her mind. He’s trying to take over! But by the time she realized it, her dad died leaving an anonymous will that Carter somehow got his hands on. His sweet words prevented her family from even having a look at it. Felicia took off her coat to cover her ‘victimized’ friend. Heading down the lift, Felicia gave her the change of clothes, making sure the camera was turned off. Mara changed her clothes without fuss and the next moment, they were walking to the parking lot.  She was jumping up and down. Felicia sighed and thought ‘When will she ever drop this habit?’ But Felicia couldn’t stop her. It was impossible, plus, her showing the same feeling that she was trying to express, was also why she just couldn’t stop.  Although it attracted attention, this time she just wasn’t bothered with dealing with it. After all, a lot of work was to be done. But there wasn’t any need to mention it now. She quickened her pace as she recalled that people were waiting for her. Felicia couldn’t wait to be in her mother’s embrace, telling her all about today. She sighed gratefully for her friends and her sister who gave her this courage to pull of the stunt. And she was seriously glad that she didn’t refuse. But most of all, a burden was lifted off of her. Felicia put her hands behind her slender back. Her footsteps were filled with pride and humility. How she wished she could just reach her hand out and be home! Her thought bubble popped as she hugged it goodbye. Since her friend was screaming while the other one was on the phone with her little sister, she couldn’t speak, only listen while sitting in the driver’s seat. She was pretty used to the controls considering that she drove this almost all of the time. Mara despised driving her own Ferrari, so she gave it to Felicia. But the car itself was denied permission to be in her garage. So Mara allowed the car to rest in her house. She was extremely ecstatic and was yelling the whole way home “The damn bastard went to jail!” “You did it, Felicia!” “Great job, sis!” Holding the steering wheel tightly, she smiled lightly, fully aware of the impact she had caused. She pretended to be cool and elegant, poker-faced as she was. But Felicia was screaming with joy inside. The drive was quicker than she expected. But that was bound to happen, as it was her driving. Her friend kept talking while she intently listened. She was good at listening. Especially since she needs the skill to be her friend. Mara was an enthusiastic girl with a perfect background. She was not like the hypocrites that Felicia had seen in her life. She was kind and hated using her background as a means of pressure. But that only depended on her mood. As the car pulled up in her garage, she swiftly turned the car off and headed inside. Felicia was quicker than her friend, but Mara caught up, sliding her arm through hers. She smiled without holding back, with Felicia giving a soft one in reply. “We’re back!” Mara yelled causing it to echo loudly around the house. At first, because of Mara’s shouting, it was awfully loud and then it suddenly became mysteriously quiet. 
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