
1977 Words
Mia was looking at the medication on the shelf in the health and beauty section a Tesco. Mia had told Michael that they were running low on food supplies which they were and he allowed her to head to the shop to stockpile it up again. Sophie was home dong her homework which Mia wished she could be doing. Mia's eyes scanned the aisle once again before seeing her Ibuprofen tablets on the top shelf making her groan. Mia grunted softly as she reached up trying to grab the tablets only for the pain to rip through her side, Mia gasped in pain and clenched her throbbing side and went to try again only to see a hand grab it for her. Mia slowly turned around to thank the person to see William standing there with two blocks behind them. ‘What is with him and leather jackets?’ She thought to herself. But for some reason they looked good on him. “Thank you William,” she brushed as she grabbed the box from him. He stared at her for a moment, worry in his eyes. “What are you doing here?” Mia asked. He smiled gently, “I’m here grabbing a few things, there is no need to thank me. I saw you struggling and wanted to help. Why are you here? With you injuries?” He asked. Mia looked down for a second, “Well, we needed some things for the house, Sophie is home doing homework,” she explained William studied her face for a few moments, he was quiet and shocked. He at least thought Sophie would come help, knowing she had fallen down the stairs. “Oh before I forget, Richard and Tony this is Mia, she’s new here and is also a friend of mine. Mia meet two of my friends Richard and Tony.” Tony smirked, “Oh you are Mia, you see Will..” before he could finish he felt a sharp pain in his side and realised that William had jabbed him with his elbow to keep him quiet Mia couldn’t help but giggle and blush, hearing what he was about to say. “Do you have a way home Mia?” William asked. “I’m going to take a taxi,” she replied. William wasn’t having it, he shook his head three times, “No I will take you home.” He was worried for her safety, who knows who she will get and if Michael is home. What if she gets harmed? At least this way he can see her enter her home unharmed. “I guess,” Mia replied. “Good, it’s settled, Tony and Richard we are taking Mia home once she is done,” he said. The two boys nodded, well they couldn’t after all. William was the alpha and Mia was there future Luna meaning she needed to be a little protected before her turning sequence happens. ~^~ William pulled up at Mia’s driveway, he got a good look at the house. It was a blue Serbian home, with oval shaped windows. He’s only seen it from afar and never too close. He helped Mia by carrying the shopping bags to her front door. “Thank you William,” she said. “You are welcome Mia, always,” he replied. He was heading back to his car when he stopped and turned around, a small smile on his face like he was nervous to ask her a question. “I’m not sure if you know this but the school is hosting a dance this weekend if you wanted to come, I mean with me?” He asked. Mia giggled a little at her nervous he was, she was worried about Michael but she truly wanted a day with no hassles. “I would love to William,” she replied. It’s the first time she’s also been asked out somewhere. Due to her anxiety it makes it hard for her to enjoy herself and enjoy crowds. “I’ll pick you up around 7?” He asked. Mia nodded in response. “The theme is also wonderland.” “Sounds amazing, I can’t wait. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she replied. With that she headed inside closing the door behind her. Taking the shopping to the kitchen, she uploaded up and placed everything away. Mia began making dinner shortly after, she decided on spaghetti and meatballs as it was easy for her to make. She said nothing as she cooked dinner, handing a plate each to Michael and Sophie, while eating alone again and doing her homework. She didn’t want to fall behind. Thanks to Michael treating her like a slave she doesn’t get much time to study which effects her work. Once she finished her homework, she began to draw a beautiful picture of a rose. Mia bit her lip as she outlined the rose and began shading it once it was outlined and textured adding a mixture of dark red and pinks to the rose giving it an effect from the sun and the moon. She could hear Sophie's music blurring through her walls, Mia yawned closing her art book and set it aside before she stood up and headed to the bathroom where she had a quick shower. As Mia stepped out she wrapped her pink towel around her body and headed back into her bedroom where she changed into some pyjama shorts with avocados on them and a pyjama top with AvcoCuddle written on it with two avocados hugging each other. Mia pulled back the sheets in her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. Nightmare Mia’s body jolted awake, finding herself chained to a wall, her hands and legs were spread apart like a star fish. Moving her head to look around the room, it was dark and smelt like off meat or dead skin. She frowned as she went to speak, only to see a muzzle tapped against her mouth, causing her to panic. A small light shines through the room giving off some parts of the warehouse she seemed to be. Where she noticed dozens of dead wolves, tears formed in her eyes. ‘Who would harm these beautiful creatures?’ She thought to herself. She couldn’t help but gag as she saw human bodies as well as half morphed humans. But one took her attention the most, it was her sisters body laying in the pool of her blood. A loud scream left her mouth as she saw her sister, the chains cut into her skin as she fought against tbem. To get out, to go to her sister “Wait.. no please stop,” a voice rang through. She couldn’t pick the sound of the persons voice. She did hear someone else laugh. “Oh no, you’re fur is quite valuable. We are on the hunt for wolf fur, not just any werewolf fur. It’s said to be smoother and richer which it is,” the other man said Mia agates once again, she looked to see the man ripping that man for mercy apart. She tugged harder on the chains letting out a cry as it cut into her skin even more. She needed to get out of here. Where could she go? “Help,” Mia cried out as she tugged harder and harder against the chains. Mia heard another blood clenching scream, looking in the direction to see a wolf step out of the shadows, showing its black fur. The wolf began to walk towards her, teeth dripping with blood, some human flesh in his teeth. End nightmare Mia jerked awake sweating rolling down her forehead as she looked around the room, she squinted at the time on her clock 2.35 am. She rubbed her face before seeing Michael sitting in the chair that was in the corner of her room. "What are you doing in here?" Mia asked. Michael stood up and tripped over a few things in her room, he was drunk. Mia could tell. "I can do whatever I like" his voice was slurred. Mia didn't like this not one bit. She didn't like the feeling he was giving off. Anger and hatred were one of the worst emotions Mia could ever feel. Mia wrapped her arms around herself and stared at Michael. What was he going to do? He stumbled over towards her, Mia whimpered and jumped up trying to get away from him. She didn't like his drunk state, tears streamed down her face as she grabbed her phone and dialled Willliam's number. "Hello" William groaned on the other end as he picked up the phon. He wondered who the hell was calling him this early in the morning. "William… he's drunk… i-i" Mia cried into the phone trying to keep a distance away from Michael. He sat up as soon as he heard her voice and a growl erupted in his throat. "Alright… Stay where you are I am coming to get you." She cried into the phone hearing Michael run down the stairs. "T-thank you." Dropping her phone onto the ground as Michael grabbed her from behind and shoved her hard against the wall and groan left her mouth. Michael punched Mia hard in the stomach making her bend forward and exhale in pain feeling the wind get knocked out of her. He growled before his knee connected to her cheek making her cry out. Her face was throbbing but she managed to push him away from her giving her enough time to grab her keys and run out the front door locking it behind her. Mia cried hard as she slid down the door, the coldness of the air hit her body making her shiver. She didn't hear William pull up or step out of his car until she felt his jacket touch her shoulders. "Mia? Are you alright?" He asked as he helped her up. Miaa groaned before hearing her father bang harshly onto the front door. "Get back here! You little slut! When I get my hands on you, you wish you hadn't been born" Michael shouted from the other side. "Come on, I know a 24-hour diner. We can head there" William whispered as he escorted Mia to the car opening the door for her. William closed the door once she was in and got into his side. "Here I brought a pair of my track pants and a hoodie just in case," he said as he started the car. "Thank you" she whispered and snuggled into the seat breathing in his scent from the jacket. She couldn't help but smile as it made her feel warm and safe. Mia watched as her driveway became a distant image and she saw the streetlights give the streets a little light. "He hit you?" William asked breaking the silence. She looked at William, "Yeah he did. I was able to push him off but I wasn't strong enough.” William stopped at the red light turning on his indicator to turn left. "You are plenty strong, just because you don't have the strength now doesn't mean you aren't weak. You are a strong girl Mia." Mia blushed slightly and felt the car begin to move again. 5 minutes later William parked at the diner called Mina's diner, Mia smiled at how cute it looked. William exited the car and allowed Mia to change into the track pants and hoodie. When she finished getting changed, Mia stepped out of the car and followed William into the diner. "Hi William, it's good to see you again. Take a seat and ill bring out a menu for you and your friend" A girl said behind the counter. "Thanks, Bridget" William replied and escorted Mia to an empty booth and helped her sit down.

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