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JASMINE "Goddess! How did I end up to have such a selfish brat for a child?" My mother shouted through the roof while my father tsked away. I was standing still, in the living room of my shut down house down in some forgotten avenue, listening to the millionth time that my parents yelled at me for some reason. "You don't care about us Jasmine. You don't" I gradually looked up from the floor I had cast my gaze at, slowly giving my dad an eye glance, careful to remove it immediately before he noticed that I had looked at him in the eye. "You don't care that we could be out on the streets, homeless and defenseless. You don't care that we could even starve" my mother's piercing voice caused goosebumps to travel from my ears to my hands like they always did when she guilt tripped me. "But I care" I finally found my voice and the silence was heavy. My dad gave a short laugh, one that I was beginning to really hate. "You care?" He asked and I nodded aggressively. Maybe if I showed them how I cared about them,they would stop? "You sure about that?" My mother asked and my father tsked again. "You care and you don't have our light bills paid?" My dad asked again and I winced. "You let them cut our water supply too!" My mother shouted. "And we have little to nothing left. If you care so much about us like you're claiming now, tell me why I have to listen to the new car that Janet got for her parents down the street every morning huh?" My mom asked again. "How come all our mates have fancy things and we have you, wasting away at that stupid animal House all day when you clearly make no money" my dad added. I didn't know what to say, what to do? "It was only for this month. I had late payments" my voice trailed and faded with the last words, I hoped they didn't hear that last bit but the pause they took and the gasp my mother made echo, hit me in ways I couldn't admit. "You had late payments? When we're concerned?" She asked again and my head fell even lower. Why couldn't they just understand? "You should get a better job Jasmine! Your mates stand on the streets just to help their parents, what you give for free!" I whipped my head up in embarassment to see the scorn that masked my mother's face. I looked at my dad in defense, horrid at the thought that had passed through her and came out in words. I had been cut deep before by them but never as deep as this. My eyes watered and my lips trembled. This was too much. I grabbed what was left of my jacket, the same one she had dragged out of my hands earlier to have me fall on my limbs just so that they could surround me and degrade me. I was going to have none of that today, I took one last look at them and decided it was best for everybody to have some space. "Bring some meat on your way back!" My father shouted from where I was once standing as the heavy weight of the door hit my back on my way out. I didn't have a car even though where I worked was extremely far from my house, days like these I would normally go back to work and try to work every anger out of my system but today, I didn't have the strength. I pulled my phone out of my jacket and dialled my number one safe haven. The only person capable of giving me butterflies when all my body parts crawled with goosebumps. I dialled Jake's number severally and got voicemail. My brow arched in confusion as he always picked up before, even though he took his time picking up, he always picked up. Deciding, calling him was not a good idea since he wasn't picking up, I took a walk to his place, thankfully it wasn't far. Getting there, the sun had since fallen behind the skies and the stars were getting ready to be born, nights like these held so much promise from Jake and I. I tried to call him one more time but still got the same response. I eventually got to his place, the lights were off and the whole house smelled of dust like he had never been here. I went around the back and peered inside to get a hold of something but everything was boarded. Weird I thought to myself. I looked even further and found no trace of him, I decided to try the front door by knocking seeing that the house was darker than I remembered it, I knocked and rang the doorbell for ages but nobody came outside. Nobody came out to greet me or hug me, not a single soul. My heart attached with worry and my mind refused to stay still, nothing was making sense. A part of me knew he wasn't home but the other part wanted to make sure that I knew he wasn't home, so I grabbed the handle of the door and shook it a bit, hoping it would give way and I'd find him slouched in a couch deep in sleep and I'd run into his arms and cry myself to sleep while stealing alot of kisses. The door took me by surprise and was stronger than I hoped. I picked up my phone again and redialled his number, something was wrong. Something wasn't right. Worry began worry as I dialled his number and pressed my ears on the door to get a sound from anywhere. Empty This was weird. Where would he go and why wouldn't he call me to let me know? I had stood there for what seemed like hours when a figure began to approach me. "Looking for Jake?" Her voice as frail as anyone could imagine a seventy year old called out to me. I tried not to be startled by her sudden voice in the darkness but at the same time, I was relieved that at least this would be someone who knew where he was. "Ma'am, did you see Jake today? I've been trying to reach him and his door is locked" I pleaded with her, hoping that she heard the desperation in my voice. "He's gone dear" she said,finally standing close to me, her well carved cane in hand. My shock must have registered on my face as hers took on one of pity. I shifted my weight to my left leg and struck a pose that I hoped that I wasn't going to take any jokes. "He left two days ago, moved out and gave me this" she said and began to search something in her overflowing gown. My mind refused to process any of the things she had just mentioned. I spoke to Jake two days ago, he was fine. He was happy and we had talked for a long time, if he left I should have know. I would know. I shook the thoughts away from my head and looked at the owner of the building with a determination. "Jake wouldn't just up and leave. Get your facts right" I said, anger coursing through my veins. "Really?" She asked and laughed, her voice was even worse than the one she had normally. "Look,here girl. I don't know much about most of my tenants or even more, those that have relationships but I'm sure he had lots of friends that came here just like you did today and I know for a fact that he didn't tell any one of you but he did tell me to give you this and you're the only one getting an envelope" she said and my eyes fell on a plane paper. "Now,if I were you girl. I'd read this alone and from the heart. Here" she said and thrusted the paper in my hands. Something about it felt heavy even though I didn't know what to place it. The landlady moved out of the way and away from sight from where she came. My eyes itched and my body nagged at me, why would Jake just up and leave with no trace,no phone calls and no real messages. We had each other's numbers, each other's contact information, so why drop this here like as though it wasn't worrying? Something about this envelope wasn't right and it didn't feel right. The advice from the woman resounded in my head and ears as I looked intently at the envelope. Fuck it! I tore at the envelope, my hands shaking and my body trying to steady them. This letter could be any sort of information, it could be about him been kidnapped or worse if he had been killed, so many thoughts raced through my head but I didn't let it stop me as I finally got to the letter and stopped. And the first words I saw had me rushing out of the compound.
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