Chapter One

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“What the hell is going on?! died!” I yelled at the ghostly figure flying next to me. “Well, yes technically, but your mother decided it would be best for everyone if I came to help you, so ta-da I’m back.” He flashed me a smile. I couldn’t rap my head around what was happening. I looked at him in disbelief. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" I instantly dove towards the ground and landed in a half-hazardous way and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. As tears slid down my face, I could feel his arms wrap around my back to return the hug. " I'm so happy to see you." I cried. "I'm happy to see you too, Blue." As we stood in the embrace for a few moments, I suddenly realized. He was as cold as a block of ice. A sharp pain was sent through my chest at the realization. My arms became limp and my joy turned to dreadful sorrow. My best friend's mate is a walking corpse sent to my side by my mother, instead of to his pregnant mate. Am I being punished for what I did? Was this a cruel way to remind me of that night? I felt the stinging tears of guilt threaten to escape my eyes. I could hear my own heart beating in my ears and I desperately wished the sound was coming from his chest instead of my own. I could feel him pulling my shoulders away, as I looked up at his face. He had a sad look in his eyes but he smiled nonetheless. “We should probably keep moving.” He said, tilting his head to the side. I nodded in agreement and sniffled. *** We flew for several hours before my back muscles started to get sore. I dove towards the ground and landed -straight on my face! “Ohhh ouch.” Marshall belly laughed in my head. “What the hell I thought you were gone?!” I yelled out loud, while James gave me a puzzled look. I just shrugged and hid my embarrassment. “Nope.” He said while popping the ‘p’ at the end. “Just dormant after lover boys stupid decision to ruin everything. I do have to hand it to him. He’s quite dumb but very..what’s the word I’m looking for?” “Brave?” “Gullible.” He said while snapping his fingers. I was more then over listening to him talk so I tried my hardest to block him out. Gosh, where is Noah when you need him? I thought while rolling my eyes. After our little break, my back was no longer sore. We continued off to our destination. We flew for a few more hours before I could see lights in the distance. ”Wow” was the only word that I could think of saying. “It’s around 4am but, as you can tell, it’s a lively place. Welcome to The Big Apple Blue!” James shouted at me over the sound of emergency vehicle sirens, car horns blaring, and loud engines roaring. The city truly never sleeps. We landed a few miles away so we wouldn’t be spotted. I took a deep breath and immediately coughed right after. The city stinks like exhaust fumes and fried food. We walked for awhile, but not towards the city itself but to a dense forest near by. As we walked, I could feel the air shift and the tension grow. I could feel eyes on us so I started to walk closer to James. I could hear distant shouting but couldn’t make out what was being said. Then I heard the sirens and raging footsteps coming closer. “She’s returned! The princess has returned! Send word to the king!” A man in his late twenties, maybe early thirties shouted while running towards us. He had golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. His body was well built and muscular. He had to be at least 6 feet some inches, and tan. Goodness he was tan. When he finally made it in front of me, he was painting with his hands on his knees. He looked up to me with a very large, very white smile. “It’s so good to see you again, sister.” I blinked at him absent-minded. “I’m sorry.” I said, giggling. “I thought you said sister.” “Yes, that’s right.” He said, still smiling at me. I looked around and behind me to make sure I wasn’t being followed, but it was just me and him.. Wait, where in the world did James go?! I looked back at him, still smiling. “I think you have me confused. I’m an only child...I think.” I said, not sounding as confident as I would have liked. “No, but I will explain more. First come along, father has been waiting for this day for a very long time.” He said while grabbing my hand and walking further into the forest. Where the heck is James?! *** We walked and walked, and even walked some more. No wonder this guy was out of breath. My legs hurt, I’m tired and hungry and in about two more steps I’m going to throw a world-class two-year-old toddler tantrum if I don’t get a break. I dug my heels into the soft earth until he turned to look at me. “What’s the matter, little one?” He questioned with caring eyes. Are you sure you're my fathers' son? Cuz last time I saw him he was a complete arse and you are far from. “I’m tired and my legs hurt.” I stated, frowning at him. “Oh...well it’s not much further.” He said while looking in the distance. “I want to rest.” I pouted. “But father...” His train of thought faded as fast as it came. Then his eyes brightened back up. “I have an idea!” He shouted. He picked me up and flung me over his shoulder and started walking at a fast pace. I flailed around and kicked my legs demanding he put me down, but his grip became tighter. “We are almost there, little sister, just try to relax.” We walked for a while in awkward silence, until I broke the silence. “So, I’m Blue. Feel like we should get acquainted, seeing as how I’m already good friends with your back.” I said sarcastically. He chuckled quietly. “Is that what you’re calling yourself? Sounds like something a four year old would pick out.” He laughed again. “Well five actually.” I said in a matter-of-fact kind of way. “Well ‘Blue’.” Giving me the quotation fingers. “I’m Damon, and it’s nice to finally see you again.” Again? What the hell does that mean? Have we met before? Damon kept walking through the dense forest. “You can put me down now, ya’ know.” I stated. I could hear footsteps approaching us. Fast. Were they running? I tried to look from behind his back, which has been my only view for quite some time now. I noticed five men running toward us. I started to feel a little nervous at the scene. They are wearing bulky black armor. They looked like they were ready for battle. “Prince Damon,” one man said while bowing. “The king is growing impatient. How long do you plan on keeping her out here?” What?! We could have been there by now?! What the hell man?! “I was enjoying quality time with my long lost sister.” Damon’s voice became low and sinister. I could feel bones beginning to stick of of Damon’s back, I wanted to scream but my voice is silent. His shirt began ripping and two very large and bat like wings protruded out of his back. They had scars all over them a few bones looked broken. ‘This guy is gunna fly with these?!’ I thought to myself. There is no way in hell! They flapped once before we were skyrocketed in the air and I’m pretty sure we broke the sound barrier on our way up. “Hold on Rae.” He said before taking off at the speed of light into the sky. “My name is Blue!” I screamed while shutting my eyes as tight as I could. I could feel us slowing down, then I heard crunching of gravel underneath of us. I looked down. Cobblestone? “Alright little one we are here.” He slid me down off of his shoulder and spun me around. The sky was blood red and the air was silent. Before me sat a massive black castle. A fountain stood tall before the stair case leading up to the large wooden and iron doors. The fountain had a statue of a woman with horns and huge wings, her hair was waist length and seemed to flow in the imaginary wind. She was holding her hands out while water poured out of them. I don’t know why, but I feel as though the woman is sad. The vision of her made me uneasy. There was a familiarity in her eyes. “That’s the queen.” Damon spoke softly with a smile on his face. “She will one day take her place on the throne and bind worlds together. She is said to bring peace amongst the lands.” He looked back at the statue. His eyes grew calm by the view. “One day she will rise and I will fight beside her on her quests.” I couldn’t help but be moved by his words. “Who is she?” I questioned. We will save that story for another day.” He looked down at me and smiled. “Come, father is waiting.” We walked through the doors of the castle. I was half expecting some gloomy castle with chains hanging from the ceiling and heads on sticks, but as I walked in I was taken aback. The interior was bright and dare I say kinda pretty. The long red carpet ran from the front doors clear to the dark wooden grand staircase at the end of the entrance hall, a good hundred yards away. Crystal chandeliers were hung up with upmost precision on spacing. Marble pillars lined the hall, making enough room for porcelain white doors to sit perfectly in between them. “Wow.” Was the only thing I could muster at the moment. Damon walked ahead of me, and I followed close behind while taking in the scenery. We walked up the stairs and on the landing before the steps split into two was an oil painting of a small girl. She looked so sad, her big emerald green eyes filled with too much emotion for a girl her age. Her long curly black hair was placed perfectly over her shoulders with a big black bow situated on the side of her head. We made our way up the stairs and on both sides of the walls were more paintings of the same little girl, but the further down the hall we got, the more she changed. It’s like a time lap of her life, from the day she was brought into the world, being a small innocent child, to her late teens. Then I saw it. I rushed down the hallway to a dead end wall but that’s not what caught my attention. The painting was, it was much larger than the rest and more modern in a way. The girl seemed to be in her late teens, early twenties, sitting on a throne. Her massive black and red wings resting lazily on the arms of the throne. Her horns protruding out of her head, curling to a point and resting just below her ears. Her hair was as black as night and slightly curled, resting around her and falling off the seat. Her eyes a deep emerald green, with hatred painted into them. “Isn’t our queen lovely?” Damon said while smiling and walking up from behind me. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I looked around at all of the paintings, then back to the woman before me. My mind is beginning to feel fuzzy. I could see little black dots that started to cloud my vision. What is going on? I looked at Damon, his smile confirming my thoughts were indeed correct. How is this even possible? "Oh my, seems as though father didn't forget his promise." Marshall whispered in an awe-like manor. I couldn't stop looking at the painting. My heart rate started to rise rapidly, my breathing became shallow. What is all of this? I stepped closer to the painting, trying to take it all in. Then my eyes fell on her neck, and they opened wide. That tattoo on the womans' neck, my hand slowly and shackily went to my own neck. I touched the spot where Matt bit me, and felt a scar of his teeth marks. I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding in, until now. 'Is this me?' I thought to myself, even though I already knew the answer. I just hoped I was wrong. "I've looked at this very painting for years waiting for our queen, and now she has finally returned to us." Damon said while smiling down at me. 'It's you Blue. You are the queen that will bring peace to the world.' Marshall stated. 'Why the hell are you even talking? Didn't I get rid of you?' 'Technically, yes, but now that we are in my domain, I'm much stronger than I was back then.' Marshall chuckled. I turned to walk away from the mirror like painting. "Its time to see father." Damon stated, as he walked towards a big white door. I stepped around Damon and inside the massive room. "Where is she?!" a booming voice called out from no particular direction. Omen stepped out of an open door way near the throne and walked to the massive chair. It looked exactly like the throne from the painting. Massive, deep red and had thorns coming out the top of the back rest. Both arm rests were made out of spines and skulls that looked as though they were screaming. Omens eyes instantly snapped to me, catching my own eyes in his. "Awe, there she is! My darling daughter." He gave me a gentle smile and sat down in the ghastly seat. "And where is my future son-in-law?" He looked past me and Damon, then frowned. "Damon?" he questioned while raising an eyebrow. "Father," He started while bowing in respect. "She was the only one at the border. I suspect she came alone." 'Why are they talking about me as if I wasn't standing right here?' 'It's a respect thing, like a subordinate giving a report to his leader.' Marshall explained. I mouthed 'oh' as if I knew what he was talking about. "Darling?" Omen said while looking right at me. His voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh...Uhm...I-I'm sorry what was the question?" I asked hesitantly. Omen gave me a small smile and chuckled. "Where is your mate?" He asked in a surprisingly gentle tone. "Oh...I left him." "You did what?!" His voice booming again. Honestly, it was starting to give me a headache. "What possessed you to do that?!” I'm confused as to why he is so upset. It's not like he likes Matt. He wouldn't even give us his blessing. I scrunched my brows and looked Omen dead in the eyes. "What I do with my life is none of your concern." I stated with as much confidence as I could muster. "Do not talk back to me young lady, I am your father and king and you will show me respect!" "As far as I'm concerned, you are not my king! And as for a father, YOU didn't even want me Omen." I yelled across the room at him and crossed my arms over my chest. Omen stood up with so much force I thought I felt the ground shaking under my feet. He started taking large strides towards me and Damon, but I refused to falter. I will not give in to this guy, no matter how scary he is. He stood directly in front of me, anger visible in his eyes. Then he did the unimaginable. He hugged me, like feet off of the ground, big bear hug. ME! If I wasn't completely confused at first, I sure as hell was now. What's with these people? "Oh dear daughter, it's so nice to have you home." He said, belly laughing as my feet swung side to side. Yep, I'm confused. "I don't understand..." I said in a raspy voice, feeling as though my lungs would collapse any second under the pressure of this massive guy. "I missed your spunk. You lost it for a while there, but I'm glad it's back." He stated, putting me back on my feet. "It feels like only yesterday you were yelling at me to leave your teddy bear alone." he smiled while reminiscing on the memory I cant recall. I gave him a What-the-hell look. " You don't remember?" I shook my head at his question. "You were so young at the time. Your mother and I had sent you a birthday present for your third birthday. It was a small stuffed bear, a black bear, I do believe. You held on to that thing like your life depended on it. When you turned seven, the bear was falling apart. It had a missing eye and its seams were coming undone. Anyhow, you were playing a game with it, having a tea party and what not. I went and tried to replace the bear with a new one but, you were not having any of it. You yelled at me and tried to hit me with the damned thing." Omen, fondly looked back at the memory. I tried to recall what he was talking about but, I couldn't recall the memory. "Wait!!" I yelled. "The black mist? That was you?!" I remember playing with the teddy bear at the orphanage, and the mist trying to take it. I thought it was a dream. Omen laughed again. "Yes my dear, that was me. I have kept my eye on you ever since we had to leave you in that wretched human world. Your mother and I would visit you when you were sad or scared. It was our way of looking after you." "Then why did I go through all the crap I did, if you were there looking after me? Were you even there for those times?!" I yelled. Protect me? Give me a break. I went through so much crap because they didn't want me. I could feel my anger boiling at the thought. "You never protected me! You're the cause of most of my problems!" "Darling, do you even know why we had to give you up?" He said with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
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