Chapter 11: Broken Heart Motivates.

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Cole's Pov: It had been a few days since Lexi had left for college. The way she just left with out even saying goodbye, it broke my heart like it never had before. More then when I was dating her best friend. More then anything I have every felt. My father got me a bit of a pass. For a few days. Losing one's Mate was a powerful thing. Everything that has happened to my families' Pack thought out the centuries has been cruel and yet we have built back up every time. Now it is time to get down to business. With the treaty in place of all magical creatures; in the last ten years. Peace may yet come to all places. My father was all ways like me and loved all magical things but his father did not and had a few enemies. A very dark coven, amongst others. But even though all I want to do is lay in bed and drowned in my own stupidity of why Lexi left I can not. I have to move forward. I have camp, then college my self. I was ready for it. I was going to wait and travel but I had finally given into my feeling for Lexi and tried to make it better. I can not wait for college. Thinking of that makes me feel better. Us Alpha Werewolves have our own summer courses as well, after each Alpha' graduates high school they go to the summer camp for Alpha training. It is to help you met other Pack Alpha's, and train alongside them to be top the leaders and the strongest for our Pack's. Also it helps establish new alliances and grudges. Some also met Mates, female Alpha's are becoming more of a thing now. I have everything packed and ready to go I'm leaving this afternoon I guess I should get up and go work out and get ready to leave and say my goodbyes. I had my morning work out in the gym it was nice, then I ran for 20 miles. Worked out with one of our top trainers then made my way back to my room to take a quick shower. Then goodbyes and off to camp. I made arrangements with my Delta' Matthew and Nicholas. To have all my things ready to go to college when I get back. And to have a few extra boxes for me to pack the extra things I do not want to leave behind. He is the best at getting things done. Nicholas also does security detail as well, and helps make sure the Pack follows the rules and handles everything because of... Liam... With out him and Liam I would be lost. I wonder if my relationship with Liam will ever recover? I will get it try to get him back with time. The Delta is a bit older just got back from college and is staying back here so Liam and I can going off to college. Matthew is my third in command. I know two Delta's is weird but we have a huge Pack and both of my good friends wanted to be it and their family had the rankings. I was supposed to pick just one, but couldn't so we now have two. Liam wanted to take a summer class with his sister so he is such smooth talker he talked to the dean into letting him take a few summer classes and early admission for everything his sister's been through to help make up for it. She doesn't know yet. My dad told me Liam reported that to him plus gave that he told Nicholas he would have a few more responsibilities and told him he can temporarily promote someone to help him out if he needs to why we're away. Nicholas loves to please, is super smart and is totally reliable and tough and trustworthy. So I doubt he will need help. But who knows. I said my goodbyes to my parents and a few others who saw me off, then got in my car to leave. .............................. I blasted the music all the way there. It was a 8 hour car ride into the place they wanted us to park. I was one of the first ones there. I pulled my bag out of the car. Locked my car. And put my keys and everything I was wearing into the bag. They had us park in a huge lot in the middle of nowhere. It was down a long dirt road and hour or more from any paved road. With that and my mind now moving back to Lexi I proceeded to shift. Once done I picked up a faint trail picked up my bag with my teeth and followed the smell into the woods. Slowly... Not to fast to make sure it wasn't a fake trail I hear two cars pull behind me up once I know they have seen me by locking eyes with both of them and my eyes I challenged them to races with the look in my eyes that said I had nothing to lose. I picked up my speed to full speed taking off, as they parked and got quickly out. I dodged trees and lots of animals. The Female caught up to me surprisingly, with the male Alpha she pulled up with far behind us now. How weak of him. We had fun almost getting of track as we saw a beautiful waterfall and creak we had to cross to get to the camp. But her witty moves almost brought out Ben, to no avail though, he will not speak to me until Lexi forgives us. I am sure he talks with Lexi though and or her wolf. She almost beat me as I made it into the camp. A huge wolf was waiting for us in the middle of the camp. Along with others. I have never seen anyone as big as me before. The female Alpha set her stuff next to me as we waited for the others to arrive. I found out she is from a small pack a few hours away from us. She her wolf was beautiful all white, but all of her paws had black almost like socks. It was adorable. And a huge distraction from Lexi. She told me all about her Pack and her home. I told her about my Pack and my home and about finding my Mate. But no more on that. She got really quiet. Her name was Caroline Timber. After about an hour of talking with her everyone I guess had arrived. The big Alpha now spoke. " I am glad you all could make it, to this year's summer training session. This camp will tear you down and build you back up to be the best Alpha's ever!" He then told us where we would be bunking in groups of two. We followed him to the cabins. Lucky me, I had Caroline as my bunk mate. As we got into the cabin and looked around it was cozy and nice. Two bedrooms a small kitchen one bathroom and a shared living room with a tiny couch a tv and a table with two chairs. She claimed the bigger bedroom room. Of course. Then proceeded to ask me about my Mate after I got back into the living room from unpacking. I told her that I really hurt my Mate and hope she didn't find anyone else while I was here. And that I regretted everything that had happened between me and Lexi. She told me about her ex boyfriend and that he wasn't her Mate after ten years with him. They even had a son together. Mark. She showed me lots of pictures and told me she is her to train and hopefully met her Mate. She reached out and touched my face just Incase it was me. No sparks or tingles. She sighed. " O well." " I hope he is here!" As she went of into her room. I went to my room and laid down. Thinking about Lexi. I fell asleep after getting my self off a few times. I heard her doing the same thing. first, so it turned me on quite a bit. It was like a game. She loved challenges. She helped distract me from the hurt in my heart. I think Lexi slept with someone. My heart is hearting non stop. Like someone is stabbing it. I can not believe I am just dealing with it. Most can not. It feels like someone is clawing at your heart when your Mate is being intimate with anyone other then you. .................... The next day kicked my ass. We had a morning run in wolf form that lasted 3 hours. Then one hour on one sparing. Also in wolf form. Then... Breakfast. Another 3 hour run. More sparing. This time with training tips. Then lunch. Another run 3 more hours. Gym time then dinner. When we got back to the cabin. She showered first. I passed out in bed waiting. The next morning I showered. Then we did it all again. 3 weeks of intense training was in order. Then 3 more weeks and intense classes plus training as well. Then a huge test. At the end... I of course by the end of the week I had slept with Caroline. She was beautiful. And I could tell Lexi was sleeping with someone else. So why not? I loved Lexi but I am a man. I couldn't even tell you where I came it was so good. I could care less. At least I would have a pup if nothing else. She was a good lay. And beautiful. By week two everyone was either ten times better or at least ten times better then when they came in. I know Caroline had. Training passed by so quick I wasn't ready to leave. I passed the test top in the class. She was right behind me in the numbers. Not in strength though. About 6 th in that. By the end I was hoping she would of been pregnant. And oh she was. We both made peace with it and a plan. It would help bind out Pack's if Lexi didn't want me anymore and if she did Caroline said she would not care she wanted to be with only her Mate once she found him and we would work on a schedule for the child. And definitely combine Pack's. We would talk about it more later. But she would want a nice role. And didn't like giving up total power. But her Pack was tough, in a war we would kick their asses and she knew it. So she caved in. She was pretty amazing. Not like Lexi but she definitely helped. I couldn't let this chance pass me by she was one of a few female Alpha's. Her Pack was also quite strong for a small one. I couldn't wait to see Lexi at college. To show her how much stronger I had become. After I got back home I packed my car with the rest of my stuff for college. Said quick hello's and goodbye's. Told my father about Caroline. He was not thrilled but excited to be having a grandchild. I told him to give Caroline a Gamma role or something to that extent because of her strength and utter knowledge. She also brings a lot of wealth into this Pack. They own gold mines. I made my way down to grab some food before I left and headed off again. I pulled out my phone to see that Lexi had called me. But why now? I hope she felt what I did to her. She did the same to me. Probably because she did feel it. Ignored it and texted her I was saying good byes and leaving. I called her on my way to college. She quickly answered. " Hello? Why? How could you?" Lexi shouted?! While crying. .... Nothing.... But her sobbing for a few minutes. " I know we left things bad but really? I only did it because you did to me! So may times before! And I wanted you to know how it felt! But did you meet some else you want to be with like my ex best friend or is it more then that?" She exclaimed in my ear. Then went on. " I met"...She start. But I cut her off. " Who Lexi? Unless it is another Mate who cares?!" I answered back. " It is!" She answered. " But that fast?! No damn way! I will kill him!" I screamed. " You are mine!" I was sobbing now too. I finally had broke. " You left me and slept with someone else with out saying anything to me what was I supposed to think? " I had yell back at her. " I also have something else big to tell you Lexi do not kill me, Please and if you have any kind of feelings for me do not sleep with him again till I get there please... I am begging you. " I said to her. ........ No words word said for ten minutes and we both cried more. I couldn't imagine life with out Lexi and for her to have two Mates is a lot. " I can learn to share you with time, but I need you to know that I love you and always will." My voice claimed now. I want her to know I am serious about a life with her. " I got someone else pregnant." I almost whispered. " Well I can not be that mad because I am pregnant as well. " Was her answer. I had to pull over. I almost crashed my car. " What?!" Was the only thing out of my mouth. " I am sorry, I happened the first time. I was not expecting this but maybe we can both move on?" She whispered. " No! I still love you and want to be with you I was very hurt and was trying to... I don't know what I was to do. I guess hurt you more which you do not deserve.." " Maybe your right, but maybe you are wrong." She was crying again. " I do not know what our future holds. But I can not stop thinking about you. Even when I am with him, you still are on my mind." She sobbed. " I love you, please just... Let us talk more once I get there. I can explain more, but I can not lose you again." Was the only thing I could manage to get out. " Okay. Maybe just once more chance. I do love you as well." Then hung up. I drove there with a furry behind me now more then ever. Once there I didn't even find my dorm. I went to find Lexi. I picked up her smell... It was a bit different now. She smelled like she was covered in a dragon smell. She was in her dorm. I knocked at the door. Furry behind my knock. She answered the door barley dressed. " Please come in my roommate just left and so did..." Then stopped. And showed me in I walked behind her and sat down on her couch. The door closed like magic and she sat next to me. " I am sorry where the first words out of her mouth I was not planning this at all, it just kind of happened." I hugged her so tight. Her smell almost made me gag. " He is a dragon, we didn't even think it could happen so fast there were no records of any interspecies Mating habbits. " She was sobbing. Tears were rolling down her face again. " It is okay. Maybe we are even now?" I asked jokingly. She nodded. " Yes very much so." She blushes back. We talked for a few hours then made love. Our pull to each other was still strong as hell. I didn't want to leave but I had to go unpack classes start tomorrow. Plus he was coming over and I was not ready to meet him yet. I kissed her goodbye and made my way to the main office to find where I would be staying. I totally forgot. After that was all settled I got to my room and you will never guess who my roommate was. A dragon. I had to be paired with someone off campus. I know they are rare so it's probably him. Fuck my life. I set up my room and take a shower and head to bed. I texted her goodnight again. Then called Caroline she would be here to by now. No answer so I left a quick message. Texted my Delta's and drifted off to sleep. That next day my roommate was still wasn't there, so I got ready and went on a run before classes. I texted Lexi. Then started my morning run like always. This place was actually quite breathtaking. I was to out of my mind to notice before. Ben actually talked with me on my run. It was nice. He told me all about Lexi's new Mate and how he could not believe she was giving me a third chance. Only because I am her Mate. No she has two so why did she just not reject my bond? What ever reason I don't care because I love her. I ran into Liam on my run. He didn't speak to me but it was nice to run with him a bit again. Even if we didn't talk. A bit Later.. Caroline called me before class. Told me she was all settled in. And how excited everyone was for her and the baby. Her parents where upset it wasn't with her Mate but understood. Because it helped her find him. With out me she never would of met him. He is a bit of a hermit he doesn't like going of our land. She told me they baby was healthy and it was growing quite quickly. Because we where both Alpha's the baby was going to be double the standard Alpha and twice as big and strong. I was hoping for a boy. She already had one son and wanted another as well. We had a nice chat. I made my way to class while chatting with her. She didn't have her first class till that afternoon and was going to look into their parenting program here. It was excellent. It was basically a built-in daycare system for the parents here. For the first year you can not be away from your child it is important for bonding. And single parents here. I saw Lexi walking to class in a group with Liam. She was with him. I almost growled in rage. But I held it back. She was both of ours and I had to get used to it. If I wanted to be with her. He was not to bad looking and Liam's chick was hot as well. I walked up to them. But they hurried off before I could reach them. Talk about rejection. I made my way to my first class and Lexi texted me. Sorry I didn't want you to meet him just yet I have something planned for us all tonight, if it's okay?' Of course.' Then I got to work in class and they say slowly passed. I had a class with him. I didn't ask his name or even speak to him though he did give me a dirty look or two in class. They were well deserved. Lexi was waiting for us after class. " Hey my men! Looking handsome." Kissed is both on the cheek. I didn't even hear him come up behind me. With all of my training. Fuck. She gave me a pleading look. And took off with him holding hands. I tried so hard not to be pissed. I went back to my dorm for lunch then called Caroline again. We chatted for a while. She was like my new best friend. It was nice. She still had not met her Mate but was definitely not giving up. She explored this morning. And was heartbroken when she didn't immediately find him. I felt sorry for her. But she will find him soon. I just know it. The rest of the day passed by fast. I even had a class with Lexi she sat by me and we rubbed and touched on each other as much as we could in class. I loved it when she rubbed my thigh. After that class I popped by her dorm for a quicky. After all the time apart we couldn't really keep our hands off of each other. I couldn't believe she wasn't sicker. For being pregnant. She told me it was nice so far only gotten sick a few times. I expressed again how sorry I was for everything and the plans I had made with Caroline. She wasn't mad and couldn't wait for me to meet her other Mate. I almost lost it. " Please Lexi can I meet him another time. We kind of have a class together so I saw him." " That's is not the same and you know it. Please you said you would make it work." Very firmly she stated. " Okay for you my love and only because I have messed up so much if everything didn't happen who knows we might of been married and had a pup or two of our own by now." And kissed her head. She gave me a present. Which was an amazing blow job after the quicky. God her mouth is like and angel. Better then anyone I have ever been with. The sparks and tingles were amazing too. A feeling I will never shake. After that I had one more class then I was gonna shower and meet them back here. My Moon Goddess had everything changed so fast.
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