Chapter 18: Cole and Summer dating?!?

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Lexi POV: I couldn't believe my eyes after weeks of leaving him alone to let him make up his mind me or Summer. He was sitting with her having lunch. So I walked over. "Nice to see you Cole I am sure that is what the kids will be staying while you pass by them. And Summer I hope you don't choke on your food. " With that said I threw their waters in both of their faces then left. " Lexi, Please wait. " Cole said. I could hear his chair scape on the concrete and him get up and chase after me. I wanted to make Summer choke on her food but that would make me a killer and I am not one. After walking a few blocks he finally caught up to me the training with Blake was paying off, I was stronger then ever and about to pop. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. " Lexi damn you are faster, let me try to explain first before you rush to judgement. " Cole said while trying to catch his breath. " There is nothing to explain it is obvious she has your child to and you are choosing her. Otherwise you would of at least returned one text from me. " I said barley able to hold the tears in. " I am not choosing her," he got close and whispered into my ear, " I am trying to protect her from your father! And her mother! Please do not respond loud people will hear I wanted to do this in a private meeting. Not out in public , but you left me no choice here. She has told me what she knows about the last attempt to end your life and the babies lives. " I almost feel over hearing my father was after me his mom was right she. My father is pure evil and wants me dead. I have to take an extra classes or study his book more. But Everytime I open it I feel dirty. Like the grimoire was turning me evil or trying to influence me to do evil. I don't know it just seemed weird. Cole caught me and held my stomach. " Our baby is so big. I feel like you about to give birth and I want to be there but I feel there is a huge battle coming and I want to be ready. Why is our timing never right? It was for a bit then everything got turned upside down when the rogue Werewolves attacked with your father, But that wasn't enough time Lexi. Just know I love you and I am trying to protect you once I know her mom thinks I am under Summer's influence I was hoping your father would back off. But I have to know for sure. Please Lexi until my father can find them or they come out of hiding we can not know your safe. " Cole said while rubbing my tummy. I wanted to bat him off of me and tell him to go to hell. But he is trying to help. Cole POV: Blake come get Lexi now. She looks like she is going to pass out! I shouted in my head at him. I know we had a connection still through Lexi, so I was just hoping he would hear me. She was pale and could stand up straight. It was less then two minutes and he was taking Lexi from my hands and rushing off. I was so sad seeing her ripped away from me and so happy too. I couldn't believe the f****d up s**t they had Summer planning for Lexi. It was pure evil. I went back to lunch once Lexi was out of sight. Hopefully no one saw if they did I could say I was telling her I didn't want her anymore that's why and I couldn't let her pass out with my baby in her, that's enough to make them believe us. " You know my mother will never let you meet him? Only way she would come out of for the birth. She is in hiding again. Waiting to hear back from me or a spy." Summer said lounging in her chair. I leaned in and said back. " Doesn't matter I just need to capture her to find out where he is hiding. I will rip his throat out with my teeth, I am done dealing with him he is dangerous. We are just lucky his powers are tied to his lost grimoire. If he were to get his hands on his book we would all be dead. " I whispered to her. We sat in silence the rest of the time while we finished then I walked her back to her dorm. Then I went on to class though I could barely concentrate. It was on Alpha's and their duty's and the history of Alpha's. Boring and most of us already knew this stuff. So my mind wandered to these past few weeks gathering Intel and making a plan with Summer she knew her mother and Lexi' s father where together hiding. Summer told me about the spy's she knew of and ones she suspected. His reach was powerful. He promised to whoever brought him Lexi would be the most powerful sorcerer in all time. Besides him self of course. Just that one time we had s*x not since. I want to be loyal to Lexi and the s*x with Summer did make her have another two babies in her. So she was having triplets. One was due soon and the others hopefully the doctor can get her cervix some back up in time so that way the other babies have a chance to make it. I am sure it's the same with Lexi I haven't been able to go to any appointment with her. Because of all of this and the drama. At least I got a minute to try to explain. I was gonna stop by tonight and check on Lexi. I had to I need to know she is okay. I texted Liam and asked for a favor. He quickly agreed because it was for his sister's protection. Then I texted Blake I was gonna swing by tonight and grab somethings. K. Was all I got from him. Lexi POV: I woke up with a beeping sound. A hospital again. Wtf? " Do not sit up Lexi. You passed out again. The doctor said the Dragon baby is taking to much out of you. " Blake said with tears in his eyes. I grabbed my stomach " No I can not lose any baby. " Then I started crying. He held me for a few minutes then the doctor and nurses came in. " Mr. Blake, Sir. " She started. Lexi cried harder because they weren't talking to her this was going to be bad. " Lexi needs to stay on bed rest until the Werewolf/witch child is born. Then maybe the passing out will stop and as long as we can see you back up the Dragon/Wolf baby will be fine. " She sighed then continued. " Two mixed races babies are tearing you up from the inside out. I am sorry Lexi we do not know if you will be able to have more children after this so we are taking every precaution with this pregnancy, but bed rest the whole time was to much to ask. You need more fluids then rest. I will see if we can get the medical team with witch powers to come in. We need more medical doctors with knowledge of lots of species. We have a few specialist, but medicine it's only advancing so fast. And so are we. " She smiled then walked out of the room. The nurse hooked up a bag or two to Lexi's arm and then left as well. All alone we knew it was almost time, for the first baby, but staying in bed for me was too much. " I have class I can not just miss it, Blake. Please bring me my assignments so I'm not behind. And my spell book I want to practice. In case...." I trailed off. " Okay my darling Mate anything for you. Please know Cole wanted to stop by the appointment for some things I bet he wanted to explain more. But no one will be there should I let him know you are stuck here until the first baby comes in another week or so? " He asked so lovingly. " Sure let him know I would say you just go but I know you might kill him if given the chance. " I jokingly said back. " Darling if I wanted him dead you know he would be dead. " He chuckled. Which made me chuckle. Then laugh. And we spend the rest of the day laughing and joking. Untill he got my stuff for me.. Blake knew how to make me feel better. He knew I wanted to cast one spell for the children which would protect them from evil. But it requires a big sacrifice It would mean I would be tied to the book like my father forever and the book was powerful. " No! I can protect them on my own. I will not let your soul be tied to that stupid book. From now until forever Lexi, I have waited to long for you. I will not have an after life with out you too.." He said while holding my hand and looking deep into my eyes. " Okay I can make them amulets like my mom did for me to hide them from my father. " I said back. I took the book and the two necklaces I had picked out for my son's. Yes we finally found out we are having two boys. I couldn't be happier. Cole would of loved his first child was a boy from his Luna. But I am not even his Luna yet, will I ever be? I found the spell and cast it. " I call on you spirits from our past and the future to come into these items, so that you can protect these two innocent children from any harm from evil and evil magic. From suffering any harm to stop evil from being able to locate you while wearing this. To protect them from any one or anything who wishes them ill will or harm or any suffering or pain, while wearing this charm. " Then they glowed and it was done. I had them. I need to make one for Blake and redo mine I don't know why mine let me get poisoned. It was supposed to protect me. Unless someone's spell or amulet was stronger. Mine was supposed to be the most powerful. I guess not it was by a random good witch so might as well re do my amulet/neckless my mother got me. Looking at it now sitting in here it looks like it opened up. The necklace had a heart shaped locket on it. But I could never open it. It was another challenge I faced. Maybe trying to open it made it weaker. Me and a few girls from the class tired to open it a week or so before the poisoning. So it's possible then it could of been damaged. I tried to mind link Cole. Inside Lexi's head: Cole. I need you please Cole come to me tonight in the hospital. We need to talk things out you need to explain things to me better please. No answer. Ben: No. I will meet up with Blake and explain my plan to him.You can either accept it or just be with Blake. Outside Lexi's head: How could Cole not answer and Ben be such a d**k. I know I gave him rules to follow and he broke almost everyone. But seriously? ............. Blake POV: I got some things for Lexi came back and she did a spell for some amulets. When she was done casting the spell the neckless glew a spectacular white light. She told me I would get one and she wanted to redo her own.She thought she broke the protection spell when trying to open it. She told me about the mind link with Ben. I do not know why Cole has flipped but I am done dealing with him cheating on our Mate he doesn't deserve her. But I shouldn't be thinking like that. It is not my place to decide it is Lexi's choice on if she still wants him. So I ask Liam to come back and protect Lexi later so I can meet up with Cole. He Quickly agreed he loves his sister for dear life now. He is lucky I wanted to kill him once Lexi told me everything he put her through. He simply tired to break her. mentally and physically he basically blamed her for his father's turning Rogue and for their mother's death. You do not want to know the half of it. Let just say it was pure torture. I am surprised they are still close and she forgave him so fast. I would of killed him but again she is a saint compared to me. But us dragon's are just different we are cold blooded and sometimes is make us cruel. That's why I went to the sunniest place and sweetest I could find and engineered my self into who I am now. Basically why I lived in Louisiana for so long. Thought I am intelligent I thought it would help me become less cruel. Long story involving my Great grandmother. Once Chole showed up to check on Lexi I dipped out to get other things she wanted and to go get the apartment ready for a trap for him. ........ Lexi POV: After getting a few more items on my list for Blake. A crib was on their too. I wanted to go shopping and pick everything out like we had planned but the poisoning and seeing my Mate with Summer pushed me too far. I was stuck here and couldn't go out anymore. Blake promised me we could do online shopping for the babies. Which was fine by me. Chole showed up and Blake grabbed my list I had made so far a was out of there before I could realize he had left. We chatted and caught up while he went out. Blake POV: I got the few things she wanted from around town to do more protection spells. But she shouldn't have to worry that should be the hospitals job. Inside of the apartment I got one more thing on the list and set up the bassinet I got for the baby. Then got to work on the trap and texted my family to hold off on buying the land for now. They texted back so fast it was already in process but they could make it be bought but anonymous instead. I said no it was fine. Then got back to setting this thing up. Then transformed and got into a hiding space and waited for Cole to show up. ..... Once in the trap I sprung.
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