Chapter 14: Evil deeds and a bit of mayhem.

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Unknowns Pov: " I have finally found her. It is almost time my dark child. We will run this world once you end her life." Unknown said in a evil and cold way. " I will bring her back this time and you will kill her this time my evil one. " He laughed manically. " Yes father. " Unknown number two said. They both planned and the Evil father had everything all ready to go. Unknown father made all of the arrangements. He sent his evil unknown son under cover as a second back up plan. Summer Pov: I can not believe everything was ready with in the end of that week. I was not ready to leave Eric. He promised to sneak in and visit when he could every so often he is sent there for flowers and seeds and other goods. We made plans to visit and keep in touch with each other. I still hated that he wasn't Cole but I was starting to get over it a bit. Even though I tired rejecting him and Eric rejected me. The Moon Goddess had other plans and would not let us break our Mate bond. Sometimes she can be cruel. I had taken two tests to be sure I was pregnant. And I was. We could not be happier. I waited until the night I left to tell my mother. I wanted to enjoy my last few days in peace. I woke up to breakfast in bed though it did make me a bit nauseous. Eric was so sweet I did not deserve him. Not at all. After his light breakfast of toast and an assortment of different fruits. We did a light yoga together it was amazing. He helped me and I helped him. It was so cute he was trying so hard for me. I had made and appointment at the Pack's doctor for later that afternoon. It was going to bed the first time I left my house since Cole had made a fool of me that day. My mother was still at my uncle's waiting to hear from me and driving me mad. I pulled out my phone to text her about my appointment with the Pack doctor and that I would let her know. She was actually happy. Her exact words were. " About damn time. Couldn't be happier to get this plan under way. " Only one mean thing. She also said she would be leaving the day after she knows for sure. She hated being with her brother it disgust her to be there for long periods of time. Always put her in a even horrendous mood. I was about to shower and start getting ready for my appointment and then clean the house for mother's return. Mental eye roll. Eric had snuck up on me from behind. " Gotcha Mate! I would love to shower with you but I have to report for my shift soon. I signed up for afternoons till you leave baby." Eric said so passionately while placing a tender kiss on my forehead. I admit it's very hard to sneak up on me but he had gotten the better of me. My mind was on this appointment and my mothers return. But he calmed me instantly. " Okay. I will text you about how it goes." I said back while smiling. " Love you Summer. " Eric said. " Love you too. " I said back. And he disappeared from the bathroom. Leaving me alone. He always knows how to sneak in and out. But I hated being alone now. With all of my anxiety. A few hours later I was sitting in the chair with my legs up, waiting for the doctor to come in. I texted Eric. ' We will know soon.' -S 'Fingers crossed Mate. May the Moon Goddess be in a kind mood today.' -E He still didn't like all of this and just wanted to run away. But I convinced him my mother would have us tracked down, and brought back here to be killed right in front of her for running away like that Or at least she would have Eric killed right in front of me and I knew it. Because she needs me. For what ever that is worth. She has told me many times before what would happen if I fail her. In uneasy to hear details. I would shake where I was standing every time she would start. If that wasn't ever enough. The beatings were enough to convince me, I would let her take it no further. I had to constantly remind her of how much she truly needs me for anything to go in her favor. Which in turn she would only be at me harder till I would black out. No one knew but she hit me where they couldn't see. To not leave marks. Leave me back and blue under my clothes though. It was horrible. Made me hate her and life. I zoned out most of the time the doctor was talking to me all I know is that I happened the week Cole and I had hooked up so all of this extra s*x was nice and definitely unnecessary.. That extra week. Shit my mother will be pissed it was not necessary. Though I hope she doesn't harm me while I am pregnant. Even if I lie about it she will ask the doctor. Knowing full well she damn well would. When she found out. I got pictures and was numb with all of these emotions. I went back home to sit in bed and try to relax a bit. Once I got there I had realized everything Eric had done for me. He had gone above and beyond. There was not a speck of dust in this place nor a dirty dish in the sink. I was in awe of him. Still didn't pull me form my dark place. I had gone to lay in bed now. I was so lost in my dark place....That...I... Didn't even hear Eric come in. Eric Pov: I found my Mate laying in bed bawled up tight. When I came to her after work. I had brought her food from the Pack house and picked up a surprise for her. Good thing I had put up the food and was ready for this. I know she has a hard life. Her mother is a cruel evil monster. My life wasn't always easy either I had gotten picked on in school. I was a dorky kid who loved science and the outdoors. I wanted to go to college but at that time we didn't have all this extra stuff for school and crap. We had to either have the money or come from it. And or earn a full scholarship. I came from no money. I was and orphan both my parents died in the rouge attack that happened a while ago. So I was forced to stay and take care of my little sister Sarah. I could leave her alone. I had won a full scholarship. To the school of my choice. Life is not fair sometimes. But I could not leave her alone. And now I have met my Mate. So everything worked out. I held her and stroked her hair for a long time before she came to. Once she did she melted into me. " Eric. I am pregnant. " She mewed softly. So soft I almost didn't hear her. " Oh! The Moon Goddess has blessed us ..." I said so excited. Not knowing why she was so upset. " My mother will be home soon and she will know all the extra s*x I had was a waste of time and hurt me for it. I am scared she will hurt the baby too. It is not just me now. Everything is so messed up Eric. " She said then started balling her eyes out. I wish I could comfort her more. But just having holding her was all I could do now. I held her for a long time. After a few hours she was ready for food. I warmed up the food and brought her dinner in bed. We ate and watched a movie trying to get her to take her mind of her mother. She was my dark angel tormented by her mother and her father. She wanted to be loved. She just wanted to be normal and not have a crazy mother. Who wanted her to be with her step brother. I bet she never even had told him. I was just wanting my Mate to be safe but knowing that we could only be safe in death was really no comfort. Sometimes the Moon Goddess just has plans and some people get f****d in the process. But at least with her every finds peace in the end. That was about the only thing that kept me going knowing I would have a peaceful forever with Summer in the end. Even if now was short and painful. That would be our only true peace. Now she even had me scared. I want to go to the Alpha but I do not know now. We would just end up in the dungeon or worst dead. Before I even really got to know her more. Plus I can not leave Sarah alone in life. She had texted her Mother and that turned into a phone call from her. Which put the mood back to darkness, but at least her mother was happy for the time being. Or at least sounded happier knowing her plan was now coming closer to the end game. I used to farm that's why I had never seen Summer before now. I worked on their farm property it was a bout an hours ride from here. But that is where we had grown up until the Alpha put a new family there so it would be easier to work. And brought us back here. It was to much for just a few of us. I missed the work but loved being here. If not for that I would of never met Summer. And never have found my Mate. Ah fate. She is a b***h. We had a a good rest of the evening. It ended with great bang of cuddles. After all the s*x after meeting her a bit of calm was nice. It was wonderful just to hold her. I sparks where amazing. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear until she fell asleep. Summer' Pov: I knew my Mother was coming back that was not a great feeling. But waking up next to my destined Mate was amazing. To bad we couldn't do this forever. I nudged Eric awake gently. " Eric shouldn't you go and check on your sister before work today. I have a few things to pack before my mom comes and then we can have dinner before she gets here. Then I won't see you for a long while. " I almost cried in that last part. He nuzzled me for a bit before I had to jump up and be sick.
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