Just The Right Black

199 Words
    Ariana Feilman the best undercover agent was just assigned a new case to become a billionaire's bodyguard. She doesn't know why her boss -Jack Penn- gave her the job of a rank lower than hers, but she's sure he has a reason. She can't wait to find out what the not-so-secretive job is all about.     Jace Black recently found out his step brother's not-so-secretive plan of getting rid of him to have their father's company. He told the one person he could trust, Jack Penn, Director of a top secret agency, Head of the precinct and best friend. Now Jack has assigned his best agent to protect him.  Will Jace feel safe when he realizes that his bodyguard is a woman?  Will Ariana still protect him when she finds out the truth?  Will they part ways unattached after her job is done? HEY GUYS, This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I haven't edited. So bear with me and just ignore the mistakes or leave a comment in that section. I'll be taking sometime off writing in 2021, I'll edit then. Chapters will be going up from 10/11/19, so stay tuned. Jane Lanett xoxo
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