Training Soldiers

1318 Words
    I entered the garden with David, Tarrant, and Alexis close behind. My husbands went off to the side with the royals and my children to watch. Cooper and Hadrian had a look of pity and amusement as they looked at the trainees. Guards stood off to the sides with healers just in case something went wrong. Villy stood by the weapons, studying them with unconcealed glee, which worries me slightly.      The trainees stood there looking bored. I winked at Jonah, who grinned, gaining a look from Adrian, who doesn't look pleased. I told Jonah some of what he will practicing. He knows how I will treat him until his training is done.      "Alright, line up!" Alexis shouted. I saw the guards tense up before relaxing, realizing that they weren't the one being spoken to. The trainees didn't move. Alexis glared. "You will line up right now or suffer the consequences." They listened that time. Alexis smiled at me brightly before going serious.     "Alright, today is day one of your training. I will not go easy on any of you. Where one slacks, you all get punished. You will be pushed until you are able to go beyond what you thought capable. We will build up your body strength first. Next will train with your weapons. After that, you will touch the magic that lays dormant in you. You will then work on using magic and weapons together. You will then get in touch with your phoenix. Alexis, Tarrant, and David will be helping with your training. None of this will be easy."     "Indeed it won't. When Evie started out, she blew up chairs, tables, and even a house." Villy exclaimed.     "They did not need to know that, but okay. Once I think you are ready, you will fight my generals. If you defeat each one, your training will be complete." I said. All looked ready to argue, but one glare from me kept their mouths shut. "Glad we all agree."     I took off my hat and jacket, setting it off to the side, leaving me in grey slacks and a dark purple sleeveless shirt. A black corset with silver chains gave me a sense of style. My boots have gold spikes on the sides, giving me a dangerous look. I have my daggers hidden and my swords at my sides. The tattoos that I have gained over the last few years stood out against my pale skin. My phoenix tattoo stood out more than the rest. The trainees seemed surprised with the tattoos.     "You will start running ten minutes until you can run up until an hour, which should only take you guys about a month." I explained. They groaned. "Well, what are you waiting for? Start running your laps!" They didn't waist any time and began to run.     "You think they will be afraid of you by the end of this?" Tarrant asked.     "Honey, they should already be afraid of me." I declared. He chuckled.      "Madam, if I may ask, why is she making them run?" I heard a guard ask Villy.      "To strengthen their muscles of course. They aren't just training in magic. Evie, I assure you, knows what she is doing. She is a commander after all." Villy replied. I smiled.      "Tarrant, we are going to be training until lunch. As the sun has only been up for an hour, how long do you think they will survive?" I asked.     "Not even an hour. They aren't like us. They don't rise with the sun. We did because we were on the sea and had times when we needed to do our jobs. You can stay up for as long as you like before you need to sleep, although, I suspect your magic comes into play with that when you know you need it." Tarrant answered.     Ten minutes quickly passed. "Come on, no sitting. We aren't taking any breaks. Up, up now!" Alexis shouted.      "My sister is enjoying this a little too much. That means I should too!" David declared. I laughed before turning to the trainees.     We ran through a series of exercises that will help them build muscle. "When are we going to learn magic?" Jenna whined. I narrowed my eyes.     "There will be no whining or asking when we will be doing stuff. We will start that when I say you are ready. This will be your only warning. Remember what I said, if one gets punished, then all gets punished." I warned. "Grab your swords. You will start with learning a proper stance. Tarrant, I will let you take over." I walked to the side and smirked. Now, all I have to do is wait until one breaks.     I watched for a good while. Joseph and Jenna both looked like they were about ready to snap. Tarrant has to keep correcting their stance and they aren't listening. Jenna's face turned red before she finally turned on Tarrant, swinging her sword at him. Luckily, he seemed prepared for it. He ducked and knocked her off her feet. He grabbed her sword and put it to her neck. "Commander, your punishment for her?" I looked at Tarrant in surprise. He has never called me commander before. "Commander?"     "They will all run for ten minutes. As I said before, when one gets punished, they all get punished. Learn to control your temper, Trainee Ross. Start running!"     Hours past before there was only an hour left. "Alright, I think I have terrified them enough with the weapons." Alexis snickered while David and Tarrant out right laughed. "David and Alexis, you will take over, but first, I would like to ask you, along with Tarrant, something." They looked at me in confusion. I smirked, because I know it will annoy Tarrant's family and provoke outrage from the Trainee's. David and Alexis, I would like you two to become lieutenants in my army. Will you accept?" I asked.         "We'd be honored to serve under you, Commander." They said, bowing with respect. I turned to Tarrant.     "Tarrant, you have served as my first mate, but I want to give you a higher role. Will you be my right-hand man? My second in command?" I asked.     "Commander Moon, it would be my honor to serve by your side." Tarrant accepted. Jonah, Cooper, and Hadrian let out whoops of joy, while the other let out cries of outrage. "Enough trainees!" Tarrant shouted. Everyone fell silent at his commanding voice. I looked at him with pride. "Due to your behavior, you will run another ten minutes before you start training with magic. You will stay ten minutes longer. Start running!" No one argued, in fear of provoking his wraith.      Alexis is looking at Tarrant in awe, wonder, and adoration. I smirked at her while David and Tarrant talked. Alexis blushed in embarrassment. "My dear, either go for it or don't let me see the way you look at him. Should I lock the both of you in the same room? I am sure you can think of several ways to enjoy your time in there, hmm?"         "EVIE MOON, I WILL KILL YOU!" She screeched. I laughed and ran around the court yard with her hot on my heels. "GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY THAT!"      I ran until Alexis gave up. She laid on the ground gasping for air. "You love me and you know it. Start training the trainees my friend." I ordered.         "What did you say to her?" Tarrant asked. My only response was a smirk.
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