Chapter 4

1305 Words
These expensive shops are where I’d not even step foot into, even if I had a billion dollars. I would never, ever waste so many dollars on just a dress I probably wouldn’t get a chance to wear any time soon. “I think this would suit you a lot,” Rose says, putting up a black glittery dress up against my front. This place is for super rich people, and I barely have enough money saved right now to even buy a new phone. Despite me informing her about my situation, she still dragged me here, insisting she’d pay for me as a welcome-to-your-new-school gift. So, here we are. I shifted on the spot and eyed the dress in the floor length mirror. “That is way too short. I’d have to get tights with these too.” The dress wasn’t bad at all. It glistened under the many lights, appealing to the eye. The hem was fringed with a patch of gold lace, adding a royal touch to it. The thought crossed my mind, it might be too extra for a birthday party, pondering that I haven’t even met this guy. “I know you’re thinking it might be super extra, but trust me, you don’t even know the definition if fancy when you’d see how people would be dressed.” She handed the dress to the girl, who with a bright smile went over to the counter with a huge smile. “I’ll be picking the tights, I’ll just take a minute or so.” I nod, and she leaves me alone. Not having anything to do, I closed the distance between the mirror and inspected my face. Huh. Because I don’t really pay attention to myself, the clear skin is impressive. Kind of. I have zero acne scars, although last year I definitely did pick on some pimples. Gross. I know. “Dear Lord, are we obsessing over our beauty?” My heart jumped up to my throat, along with the rise of my chest. I spun around, fast as lightening and backed up against the mirror, breathing hard. The world was somehow determined for our paths to cross. As much as others would enjoy being around a very handsome, rich billionaire, I have some personal grudge against him which is pretty obvious I won’t be letting go of any time soon. “Are you secretly a girl?” I remark drily, trying to calm the thumping of my heart. Crystal clear blue eyes narrowed. “Is that what you think of me? That I am some hidden girl underneath this man beauty?” I bet there’s nothing in this world as massive as his ego. Okay maybe his mouth is, that form such egotist words. “One would have that thought, seeing that you are literally in a woman’s dress shop.” He smiles, all teasing and amused. “Clearly. Tell me, what are you doing here?” Excuse me? “I didn’t think I was to give you every detail of my life.” His lips curled upwards into an arrogant smirk, and I urged to smack him. “Are you stalking me?” A feeling of déjà vu settled within me. His head falls back on a bark of laughter, whereas mine swims with loads of ways I could kill him. But is he really worth all the effort? I don’t think so. “You’re just flattering yourself now, Eva.” My heart slows to a steady beat. “Not good for someone like you.” Someone like me? My scoff causes the salesgirl attention to us, not a wise move, I see. I pass her a small smile, despite the anger that bubbles inside me. The way she is looking at Max through under her eyelashes is obvious she likes him. That shows what kind of a disgusting choice she has in men. “Max?” Rose decides to bless me with her presence. I don’t think I knew what relief felt like until now. He drags his gaze away from my flushed face, and shoots Rose his charmi—confident smile. She smirks back. “The one and only,” he chirps. I snort. Rose ignores me. “So, what brings you here?” “Uncle was busy running some errands. I told him I’d keep things in check for a few hours, so here I am.” I choke on my tongue. Did I hear him correct, or are my ears ringing? His family owns this extra rich store? This has to be some dream. “Wow. Now, that you’re here, we’ll be getting a 50% off, aren’t we?” Rose raises a perfect brow at him, and he his shoot up too. “Are you shopping for yourself?” he asks her. She shakes her head, pointing a thumb in my direction. “For Eva darling. She was in need of a dress for Sam’s birthday party. Speaking of which, you aren’t coming tonight, right?” Seems like they’ve forgotten I do exist here. Right here, standing, all five foot 6 inches besides them. But in a way that’s good. At least he isn’t making me uncomfortable under his gaze. He kind of deserves an award for making people feel awkward. Like, super duper awkward. And, he’s not coming to the party? That’s some exciting news. “Actually, I just changed my mind.” Those damn eyes flicker over my face longer than necessary, witnessing to my jaw-drop reaction. “Now that our new friend is coming too, we wouldn’t want her to feel left out.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “I would be—“ He cuts me off. “Okay? I doubt that, sweety.” My frown that had been carved on my forehead deepened to a whole new level, like, the one in games you find. In other words, I was losing my temperament. “Don’t call me that.” He was totally gonna call me that, says not me, but that stupid smirk. Why does he have teeth so pure white and straight as a ruler? I hate him. “Ma’am,” the salesgirl walked up to us, her cheeks turning bright red when Max glanced over at her. She held out a rose gold medium sized paper bag, which would obviously contain that one hell of a dress. “It would be $200.” Someone shrieked. It came from somewhere inside me. “That much money for just a dress? Is that made out of gold?” The lady—whose name I still didn’t know, passed me an apologetic smile. I felt like screaming. “Careful, Eva. Screaming wouldn’t be a wise decision. Neighboring shops would get a wrong idea.” Oh my. . . How. . . “How did you even know what I was thinking?” My voice dripped with annoyance, mixed with a pinch of horror. Was he an alien? A vampire? No, that wouldn’t suit his personality at all, judging from the various times we’ve interacted today. He’d be a werewolf. A very, very scary wolf nobody would dare come near. His deep chuckle pulled me out of my state of contemplation. He was clearly having some decent amount of fun in torturing me, and sadly I was giving him the permission. I needed therapy. I really did.
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