Chapter-2 Not Man?!

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"Innocence burns A fallen angel" Chapter-2 Not Man?!         Dev "Whoever the hell you are just get away from my house and my wife. Give the phone to Arohi this instant. " My heart pounded in anger of being talked in this tone. " When I got here she was crying. You don't care for her and now you are talking this way to her- " My blood boiled in my veins and I felt my ears hot, and I don't know how I reached to my car to get to her and that over mouthing lover. I didn't know what was I going to do but it was supposed to be worst for her for sure. " I will drive. " I declared as my driver tried to get in the drivers seat. At last when I ended the call she blurted," Dev. " It was the face to face that I wanted now. I remembered how I caught my ex-girlfriend cheating me and above that how I humiliated her in the world. Where is she? Huh, what's her name, I thought.  But now with Arohi, I wanted to see how much lie she was going to pick or what bullshit story she was to put to me. I was ready for her. Always ready for her. I entered the home and there was the two familiar ladies standing in front of me. Her face was pale and flashed pain. She deserved so for her unforgivable crimes. "Sir, we are just leaving for the shopping and it will be done before time. " Aditi smiled at me and then at her who went lost in her trains of thought staring me. Party. We were to attend the party and it was quite important for me. But bit of talk wouldn't spoil the things. " Arohi, I need to talk to you. Come." I led to the nearest room and she followed me there. I heard her wince. Was she still in pain? Or faking to gain sympathy? You never get to understand these type of girls. Though she was intelligent but this marriage ruined things. She couldn't join IIM and continue her further studies. That pain too I saw when I usually taunt her about it. Her dreams she said of a lot. Other words of hers rang into my ears. What were they? "Love finds its way out of darkness and haze of hate and curse to bring in light. Then something and something... " She gasped at my sudden words and stood two feet away." Dev. " " Don't. I am really pushed of hearing my name from your f**king mouth. But before that I would please to know certain things. " I paced towards her enjoying the fear that engulfed her and caused her to move back. She hit the wall. " Caught. No escape now. " She looked into my eyes with those big dark and deep eyes. " Lover? Who was he? " She shook her head in denial and whispered," He is my brother. " " By how much I know you were left to die in garbage when you were born and those nuns hauled you to different homes as you grew up. You have no one. Don't lie. " She inhaled, long and said," We were in the same colony. He is like my brother. " Her eyes dropped. Lie. I hate lie and I hate liars. I caught the bunch of her hair from back and made her to look straight into my eyes." What else you did with him in my absence? How dared you call him here? " I pulled her hairs tighter and she cried in pain still carrying on with same hype." He is like my brother." "How many more brothers you have?" Tears rolled from her eyes and she started swallowing making noises, irritating noises. "I can't make.. Ahh.. You believe, " She hiccupped " me if you don't.. Want to." "Don't throw me these. What you want? Pleasure? Money? I will give you the pleasure. Money you won't get but. " " I want love, affection and respect. " She muttered looking down. I rose her chin up and I couldn't stop punishing her. Pulling her hair tighter I whacked her and threw my mouth to hers. She always had the warm and plump lips. She tasted incredible and smelled like expensive perfume but still she disgusted me. It all felt like a trap by her to lay all men. I barged every corner of her shivering lips savoring that drugging sweetness when my hands trailed under her peach kurti exploring her waist. Her skins softness and warmth burned me, making me to travel the world where I never visited before and inducing me desire for more. For more, my hands reached to her perfect tight features whose bareness always aroused me to the extreme levels and so to touch that I ripped her kurti. She gasped and flinched and her heart traveled miles in a second. Her beating heart was a rhythm for me. I kept exploring every inch of her body and her damned mouth. Her hands were on my arms trying to push me when the realisation came to me to what I was doing. My hands stopped to where it was that instant and I bit her bottom lip in anger. My fingers were digging her bare waist. It wasn't what I was supposed to do. I wasn't to savor her but harass her. "Never argue with me." I released her and she sat in the corner with her hands covering her face and her thighs covering her ripped of clothes which exposed her extraordinary breast. I felt bad, very bad and disgusting. The matter isn't if she deserves this treatment but am I one supposed to act this? I thought. But that's why she wasn't happy because it wasn't right thing. I got quite satisfied and looked down at her. Why don't you f**king run away? Why are you still here in front of me? What's stopping you? Answer me! I was definitely getting mad thinking about it. But would I have stopped searching for her even? No. Still must not she do her part of saving herself instead of calling me heartless and crying over it. Her words! They would be so strong and kill me. Listening to her was like hurting myself. I hoped I hurt her more than she even got close to hurting me. "Get up and compose yourself we are going to buy you some presentable dresses. I can't take my lovely wife in her rugs. " Her figure didn't budged. " Get up Arohi baby. I don't have time. " " One day you would want my forgiveness and I won't be their to forgive you Dev. And you will madly search for me but I will be long gone Dev. Stop this now!" She said with her red, yet strong and confident voice. They were like warning. I laughed and asked, "What makes you think so?" " Your face! I can read it. And you will be hurt more than you think you are hurting me now. And that will be punishment Dev. I have-" I cut her off reaching to her and putting my finger in her lip. She quivered the a bit then turned away. "I said I don't have time but don't worry we'll continue tonight. " I smirked. She rose up and walked towards her room to get ready. I told Aditi that I would get her ready and her job was done. She went away and I called Ravi to get that bastard's address which he surely have entered before coming inside and too I wanted to see him so I asked him the security footages. It took him ten minutes to get me what I wanted. It was a boy of age between 17 to 20. Arun. Another orphan. He might be her lover. She was twenty one and does age mattered to establish this kind of relationship, I thought. I heard her cheap sandal tapping. I looked back and found her dragging her thin body down stairs. I should keep her closer and let her live in my room to watch over her. She stood before me in her pink kurti and a high pony tail. Her eyes were wet and four fingers marked her cheeks. Oh god! I got to her and pulled away her hair band. Hers hairs fell on her shoulders and covered her cheeks. It was incredibly thick and long. Catching her wrist I pulled her out and we drove and then it hit me I didn't knew the best shops. To hire a professional was better than to roam in search of the stuffs. I called my friend Maya who is a famous stylist. She agreed the second I asked her and was meeting us in a shop named Fashion89. "Hey Dev. " She ran and engulfed me in her tight hug. " Hi Maya. Thanks for this. " She looked at me questionably for the woman beside me. " Maya. Meet my wife Arohi. " " Wife? When the hell did you married? No invitation. Huh? I will not forget that. Anyways Arohi nice to meet you. You look so pretty. She has the sexy body and will swoon men when I will dress her. " She sang the last part to me. Sexy body. I looked at her and she worried her lips. Maya caught her and dragged her away chirping sweet things," Arohi, you really have fantastic physique. I love to style the already beautiful woman. Well we need to hurry ... " They vanished Inside the shop and I waited like twenty minutes for them. Finally, Maya excitedly ran towards me. " You need to look at her. " I followed her to the ladies changing room. She was inside and when Maya called her out. She slowly walked out and what first caught my eyes were her slim and tight legs then her curvy waist lined by the tight piece of red silk giving the little of her cleavage and encasing her perfect breast with the sweetheart neck. Lack of confidence, dull and sad eyes and lot of fidgeting gave her clumsy yet.. Sexy look. Damn me! Damn to think this. "Hey Arohi, what's in your cheek? " Maya started to examine her face pushing her lock behind her ears. What would she say? She yanked Maya's hand and covered her cheek with her hair again. " I am.. allergic to peanuts.. and I got this as I accidentally ate.. that. " " Oh. That's bad. I hate these allergic problems. For God sake, I don't have any! " She went on chirping to her." Tell me what you say about it? " " She looks.. umm.. beautiful in it. " Maya elbowed me and cooed," Not beautiful. She looks sizzling hot in it. " I didn't took this thing to take this much time, how the hell I didn't. Watching the sexy b***h dress herself with expensive silk and above that all take her to the high class party where she couldn't mingle was not what I expected myself to do. And kissing her and enjoying too wasn't a thing I thought of. I took the magazine and started flapping the pages. It was fashion magazine. I threw that back the table exasperated. After the lot of waiting, the mission accomplished and we headed home. I watched her smile for the first time to Maya. She was getting very friendly with her. It was 6 and we had one hour to get ready. Maya took her to style and I headed to shower. I chose the blue suit paired with white shirt and marron tie. Putting on some face creams, I combed my hair back and sprayed the cinnamon perfume. I chose Rolex watch for the night and black shoes. Stacking my papers and laptop, I made few important calls. Aman told Malhotra's agreed to sell us the land. It was win-win and I expected today's night to be more fortunate. "Dev. " I turned towards the source." Tada. " She exclaimed and moved aside and I caught the look of her. She looked extremely stunning draping herself in the red silk with the red lipstick and the curled locks of her. As presentable as I wanted but didn't expected this much.  Mark on her cheek? They were gone or maybe hidden beneath the makeup she had. I thanked Maya for her aid. "Where are we going? " She asked me. " None of your business. Just behave. " She nodded like a puppy following the master. " Please let me study. It's my dream to earn respect and success." I waved that thought away and entered the party consisting of the big people wearing conservative dresses and talking gold. I glanced at her. She wasn't affected by the surrounding remained neutral and looked so grave. "Mr. Raichand. " Someone called me and as I looked back, the man with chubby face, smiling hardly came into my view. " Mr. Singhania." We shook our hand. He glanced the woman beside me then back to me, then again her with glint eyes and manly gaze followed from head to toe. I couldn't possibly permit such a look and wanted to abate it. "Meet my wife, Arohi Dev Raichand. " That glint in his eyes took over by sudden confusion still he managed to find the words. " Nice to meet you Arohi. Mrs. Raichand." With his seducing tone this asshole kissed back of her hand. Him being among business major doesn't meant I would allow his eyes linger on my wife. Placing my hand around her waist and pulling her closer made her to gasp and asshole understood me. You just couldn't speak the words but little actions speak without any scenes and that's how you need to behave with your other business major. She was fidgeting a lot as this surrounding was so unusual for her. I looked at her face which drooped in shyness. Shy? She showed so. Whenever I undressed her she would try to cover her breast with her arms crossed in her chest and looking down. And her bare breast came into my view. "I can't wait to f**k you tonight." I whispered in her ears grazing my lips in her ear lobes making her shiver. "Say I will please you." Waited. "Say baby." "I will please my husband. " She stated plainly but with the immense confidence which made me doubt if I was failing to break her. Taking a long breath she added," if that's only what he wants. " " No. I want lot more from you and of you that you can't imagine. " She looked at me in eye straight then grazed allover my face. She nodded. "Dev. When you will fall i will catch you if I still stand by your side. I hope I will.  " She took me off guard. I composed myself and smirked.  "I will fall? How my baby? " "If you had seen your face you would know. And that's what make me hope for our best. " What this girl was? Yeah girl who was deliberately pushed into my hands by the family who adopted her when she was 10. My mind raved to what that family gave her apart from beatings and curses. Had they used her sexually? My mouth dried at the thought. She just called them her family in the sad tone. Then again she never cursed me just begged to what I did to her or change myself. She never cursed me. I looked at her and hated this all. What if she was innocent just like she showed? Or what if it was all a pretend?  She did entangle the real evil player Shubham. She is a game maker, I confirmed as I took a hold of her hand to crash it and watch her writhe. She did contort her face in face until I got distracted.  Someone hugged me from side calling me in joy, "Dev," When I was absorbed in her. Her eyes shifted to something and different remorse filled her, not pain.  She didn't like me being hugged by other woman. I satisfied. "How are you Anushka? " She wore her beautiful smile and the expensive cream long gown was hugging her perfect body. She wasn't that beautiful like her but still she knew how to carry herself. " Not always good. " She chortled running her hand on my arms. " I am fantastic. " "Well that Mr. Singhania is going on with his s**t. He says you ," her eyes shifted to Arohi, "Married." "Yes I did. She's Arohi. It was rushed and a private one, you know. " I explained due to her when-the-hell-this-happened look. " Arohi. " She muttered dreamily as if trying to find how this sounded. Then she went so awkward to me. I ignored her and demanded to seal the merger thing. Little later we all were sitting in a chair signing and sealing it. " What do you do Arohi? " Anushka asked her in challenging tone. She looked at me not in question to what she should say but shouting 'you didn't allowed me to study.' "She is just my lovely wife. Loving me all the time is her prime occupation." I was looking away and talking with people but what raved my mind was her gazing me all the time. Her eyes bored into me like she was studying or understanding to know me but confused what to believe and not what. I wanted to look at her but these are these eyes which gives away what is inside and I didn't wanted to give her that I was being so soft and attracted towards her. I never believed this s**t until my sister came to an age to tell me what I was feeling just seeing my eyes. That's an art. She knew it and very well. Does this b***h know to do it? She Can't. She is a b***h after all. "Don't look at me that way b**ch! It makes me to rip you this instant. " I heard her gulp as she trembled and her eyes shifted towards the road. I continued to drive. Then I looked at her and my eyes couldn't move away from her trembling pink and plumpy lips. I need to stop or tonight I would make love with her. This is embarrassing and betrayal to my lovely sister. And that thought led me to pull her out of the car and lay her in the nearest room and hurt her. With each bump my anger for all the suffering from the start of my life was loosing my body. I felt good hearing her cry with heartache but next I heard something from her that moved me. "You are not a man! " A/N: So this is it. Did you liked it? Yes. Them please leave a sweet comment and vote maybe. And do follow me for fast updates. 
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