Episode 1

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I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and the creek of the door opening and then closing. I just laid there staring at the wall. So numb inside I couldn’t even cry anymore. I wish more than anything I could blend in with the floor and never be seen again. I don’t even want to see who the dirtbag is tonight. They were all the same. Some physically hurt me more than others but they all got off by my body. Taking a little bit more of my soul with them when they left. I always said it didn’t matter how bad they broke me down. I would keep my strength and never let them completely shatter me. Broken pieces can be fixed, but shattered glass can never be whole again. I think they finally did it. My mind, my body and my soul are completely empty. I’m losing my will to survive. I can feel this man staring at me. Taking in the sight before him. I know what’s coming. I don’t even care anymore. I finally flipped over so I could see him. To my surprise, he was handsome. Completely different than the dirty scum that normally walk through my door. He was tall and extremely muscular. He had on nice jeans and a black tee shirt that barely fit over his chest. I don't have it in me to talk. I tried to guess his intentions by his body language, but he didn't move. He just looked around the room and stared down at me. Then he finally spoke, “you’re not a willing participant, are you?” I just stared back at him. What could I say? If I didn't play my part and keep my mouth shut, I would be in for a hell of a punishment. I thought I saw something like pity in his eyes. A look that said he didn't want to hurt me. “What does it matter, just get it over with?” I finally said. “Hold on a minute, I’m no saint and I enjoy being with a willing woman, but I’m not into rape or child abuse. How old are you?” Shit, I barely spoke, and I said too much. I need to get into character or I’m going to pay for this mistake. I got up on my knees and tried to give him my best sexy smile. “Tell me what I can do to help you relax and take all your stress away.” I said as I crawled closer to him. He didn't take the bait. Instead, he sat down next to me and said, “I just won 30 minutes with you and we’re going to talk. It will be our secret.” What the hell do I do now? “I’m not much of a talker,” I said as I looked up at him. He stared intently at my eyes for what felt like an hour. The next words out of his mouth changed my life forever. “I need you to trust me. I’m getting you out of here. It will be both of our asses on the line if we get caught. Do you understand? Promise me you will trust me, act normal, and do what I tell you when the time is right.” I stared back at him and felt like I had no control over my own head. I just nodded and he understood. It was my agreement. I couldn’t help but feel a little bit of hope. Who is this man that’s willing to risk his life to help me? a nobody. “I’m 19, what’s your name?” I asked him. He nodded, “it’s better that you don’t know. My time is almost up today. Give me a couple of weeks to come up with a plan and I’ll be back when the time is right.” With that, he just got up and left. He never touched me. I sat there completely stunned. Is this really happening? Can I trust this no-name man? I guess time will tell. I know better than to get my hopes up, but he definitely got my attention and I’m curious to see if he comes back. Damian After I left the party, I went home and tried to clear my head. This is one of the hardest parts of my job. How do I help the innocent and protect my cover. I took a hot shower to wash the filth from that place off of me. Then I cooked myself a decent meal. While eating my grilled steak and potatoes, I couldn’t help but wonder when that girl’s last meal was. I’ve been undercover for 2 months trying to get inside information on a top dealer in NYC. Hanging out with the small fish in the operation day in and day out is seriously making me consider a career change. Although I’d be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the danger and the adrenaline rush. I live for the days when everything comes to a head. I can finally blow the place up, and see the surprised look on the s**t bags' faces as I cuff them and haul them in front of the council. This case just took a surprising shift, and I’m going to enjoy frying this small fish right along with his boss. I don’t know a lot about Roy Johns, but I know he’s dangerous. From what I’ve heard, he can make anyone disappear. He’s a hit man for some big names in NY, including our dealer. Who’s been lacing drugs with wolfsbane and killing wolves. He’s been spreading his operation down the east coast. I know he has connections. I just don’t know how deep they run. As I recall the events from the night, something still seems off to me. I’ve been an investigator for the Wolf council for years, and I’ve done hundreds of undercover operations. What I saw in that house doesn’t add up. Usually, the hit men remain quiet and nameless. They just follow orders and hide behind the scenes. That way, they’re not connected when the bodies are found. This guy, on the other hand, seems to like being the center of attention. He’s brave enough or dumb enough to bring party’s right to his house. The same house he’s selling numerous girls out of. I’m having a hard time deciding if he’s really that dumb or if it’s an act to cover up something bigger. I noticed people tended to bow down to him. Yet he seems to have a serious gambling problem and not a lot of money. That brings me back to my next question. Why is there one girl locked in a room, while the rest of the prostitutes are participating in the party? Dancing around trying to get customers. When he ran out of cash playing poker, no one blinked an eye when he wrote a note on a little piece of paper and threw it in the pot. They all knew what it said, and they were all hoping for the prize. It explains the pissed off and disappointed looks I received when I won that hand. All that note said was 30 mins with my top girl. Yet if she’s his top girl, why was she locked up instead of being paraded around like the rest of the girls? None of it adds up. I can’t get the image of the girl out of my head. I’ve raided s*x trafficking rings before and it’s usually multiple girls in the same living conditions. Like in a warehouse with them separated by sheets for make shaft rooms. Not just one girl separated from the rest. Unless she’s a flight risk or recovering from something. This situation seemed different though. The moment I walked into her room I knew something was terribly wrong. She was lying there completely motionless. She looked so skinny and weak in the oversized tee shirt she was wearing. I was completely disgusted as I took in her surroundings. She was lying on a filthy mattress and the only belongings that were in the room were 6 books underneath a couple of shirts and pairs of jeans. But when I looked at the closet my blood ran cold. There were about 20 lingerie outfits hung nice and neat. Then I saw the blood on the wall. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to grab her, carry her out the door and blow the whole damn house up. When she turned and looked at me, I could see how beautiful she was. She had long dark brown hair that went down to the middle of her back and big beautiful blue eyes. As I looked into her eyes, I noticed they were completely soulless. I have no idea the extent of abuse this girl has been going through, but I know she needs help, and she needs help now. I have to get her out, but I have to be smart. I can’t blow my whole cover. Especially before I get her out. I won’t get another chance to save her. I can’t get the image of those eyes out of my head. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much pain in someone’s eyes before. That son of a disgusting b***h. I just emptied my entire dinner into the trash can as it dawned on me. I know why she’s alone up there. The picture I saw sitting on her floor looks just like her. I bet it’s her mother. That sick son of a b***h is abusing and selling his own f*****g daughter. His own flesh and blood. That explains the soulless eyes. No one is looking for her, no one is missing her or even knows about her. Besides the scumbag men in his crew that are buying her. She really has no one and is completely alone in this world. I wonder if she knows anything about life outside those 4 walls. f**k my cover. f**k the dealer. This guy is going down. After all, the main reason I do this job is to save the innocent. I’m going to make sure that fuckface feels every bit of the pain he’s been putting her through. Before I kill him. It’s time to call in some favors. Lucky for me, being part of the council is a family business.
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