Chapter one- Fallon's pov

1367 Words
Run. Don't look back. Run, keep going, have to get away. I repeated this mantra over and over in my head as I ran, well more like limped through the dense forest. After twenty years of brutal and endless torture, after twenty years of merciless and cruel experiments, I finally made it out. And I can't go back. If they catch me it'll get worse, and I'll finally break. I have no doubt I'd give them what they wanted, I can't give them the satisfaction of seeing me broken, can't give them that power over me. I was already irrevocably and utterly broken as it was.  A hiss escaped me as the pain in my body drew me back out of my thoughts. They had completely shredded my leg. Leaving the muscle and bone open and bare to the world. Blood freely flowed from the wound despite my beat's best efforts to heal me. My breathing came in short painful gasps and my lungs constricted painfully due to the last torture session. They decided to completely open me up. Spread my ribs painfully wide and expose my most delicate organs. They watched as they drove a knife into my skin, watching as it pierced through flesh and into my lung. They'd gripped my erratically beating heart, non too gently and squeezed until I swore I was going to have a heart attack.  Scars littered my body from their brutality. My beast heals me, but they discovered something different recently, something that causes me to heal slowly, painfully, leaving ugly scars in their wake. They loved to prolong my suffering, relished in watching me in pain, hearing my screams. I'd long since learned not to though. Don't scream, don't make eye contact. Keep your eyes down, don't whimper, don't cry. Don't make a sound. It's been so long since I've spoken a word I wondered if I could even still talk.  A loud crack split through the air echoing round me. Something flew passed my head, barely missing me and I froze. They didn't want to take me back, they wanted me dead. Come on I need your strength I begged the beast inside me. I was wary of her, scared. She was volatile, unpredictable, but protective. She first came to me when I was six years old. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was screaming and writhing in pain on the kitchen floor while my parents stared at me in horror as my small six year old body changed into something different. They were horrified and scared, leaving me panting, groaning in pain. When it was finally done, they tried to kill me. My beast took over instantly, protecting the frail child I had been. She ripped them to shreds, leaving nothing behind.  By the time she was done she was exhausted from the change and the exertion of energy of killing my parents. So I was left naked, scared and trembling on the kitchen floor. Curled into a ball, not caring I was soaked in my own parents blood. Apparently someone had heard the commotion and came bursting through the door. They had to have known instantly what happened because something was thrown over me to cover me up and then shackles were placed on my wrists and feet. It was from there, their torture started. My beast and I both agreed that we'd never give them what they wanted.  Once again snapping out of my thoughts I felt as the beast loaned me her strength, her energy. And despite my leg I took off at a sprint, ignoring the pain before I hit a full blown run.  I ran, pushing and pushing myself to my breaking point. Ignoring all pain, ignoring the blood that kept freely flowing from my leg and my freshly opened chest wound. I listened as the sounds of pursuing feet grew distant, until they were no longer heard. Even then I kept going.  But I felt my beast's strength waning, her fatigue and exhaustion was seeping into me. Until finally, I felt it all drain out of me. Without her help I was helpless, I was exhausted down to the bone. I collapsed on something hard, something that definitely was not the forest floor. I lamely looked around at the hard, black rough stretch of....something before me. It looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it. The memory prickled the back of my mind, but I was just too tired to prod any deeper.  Something bright blinded me from down the rough black thing. It sounded a? Was that a car? Cars had lights, yes I remembered that. Even after twenty years being held underground, I remember cars. But what did cars move on? I didn't get a chance to think about it any further when a screeching wail made me cover my ears in pain. I curled in on myself, hoping that with my thin frame, I could make myself invisible. No such luck. Three bangs made me cringe, before shuffled but careful foot steps made their way closer to me.  I looked up in wide eyes fear when I saw three very large, very frightening men before me. Mask scent. Not human. My beast whispered tiredly in my mind. I did as she said, she'd never led me astray before. Using my good leg I kind of scooted as quickly as I could away from them, holding an arm over my face to deter any blows that may come. "Hey, hey. We are not going to hurt you." A calm voice said. Their faces were covered in shadows, but their forms were not. All three of them impossibly large, all of them impossibly tall.  As soon as one of them made a step toward me I scoot further back. One more time. I begged. I need strength one more time. My beast whined, but I felt as she stood and shook herself off. Soon her energy and strength flowed through me, accompanied by a fresh and large burst of adrenaline. So without looking back, and dragging my mangled leg behind me, I took off once again. Away from this new threat.  I heard roars and growls as I passed in front of the lights. Terror froze my blood, almost freezing me, but I kept running. Unlike the hunters though, these men caught up to me quickly. They all surrounded me one on each side, boxing me in. I looked between each of them, frozen in terror. Breathing failed me, my lungs failed me, and I could have sworn my heart stopped beating. "L..le...leav...leave" My words came out dry, raspy. But I didn't expect anything less after years of not speaking.  "You're hurt. You need a doctor." I shook my head frantically. " I..I'm fi..fine." I stuttered. It bothered me how weak I sounded, how defenseless, but I couldn't go to a doctor or the police or anywhere. The slayers could be anywhere, be anyone. "You're obviously not fine." A cold voice said. It almost sounded like a sneer. But why? "Why can you not go to a doctor?" A calmer voice asked, pulling my attention to another shadow cloaked figure. "I...I Just J.just ca..can't." I stammered.  Their eyes made my skin itch, made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge. I hunched my shoulders and curled into myself, protecting whatever I could. "Fine, come with us." The calmer voice said. "We can take you home, get you patched up and take you wherever you need to go." My head snapped up to the shadowed figure, the one I still couldn't see but longed to. "Wh..why?" I whispered. "Because you are a woman, out in the middle of the night hurt. We can not just leave you here." He said gently. I didn't know what to say, how to react. If I stayed out here they slayers were sure to find me, and I couldn't go back, no matter what I could not go back. Finally, giving up I whispered a "Fine." Before my beast sighed and released her strength, causing my knees to buckle and black to splotch my vision. 
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