Chapter 3

2019 Words
Two hours. She's been in this classroom for two hours.  A sigh slipped passed Maya's lips as Elijah went over more plans for the semester and what books they were going to need. "-Miss Beckett."  She blinked abruptly and glanced up from the desk. "Huh?"  "What rule did I just read?"  Maya squinted at something and tried to think of some bullshit answer. Let's see, he's probably been reading them for twenty minutes, it probably takes him a few seconds to read one but add another minute for him to explain it. "Twenty-three?"  "I just dismissed class but you may stay after with me." It was then that she noticed most of the class was already up and heaving down the stairs.  Fuck, she needs to stop spacing out.  She'd like to blame it on the barely five hours of sleep she gets from her jobs but she's been like this since she was little.  "Come here." Elijah beckoned her forward when the rest of the class cleared but she shook her head. "You come here."  "Maya." She slowly trudged out of her seat and padded over to him, feeling like a scolded child. "I am still your professor, you will respect me as so." He couldn't have it both ways, at least she wasn't gonna make it easy for him to. "Should I cancel our plans later then, Professor? I think that would be highly inappropriate seeing as I'm your student." She could tell this displeased him from the way his features hardened.  "No, in fact, I think the extra time together would do us good." Her eyes met his icy blue ones in caution. He was grinning, making her internally groan, not good.  "Um, you see, I actually have class later tonight and then you know, work right after."  "Oh? Neil told me you were to come after your class." She cringed and rubbed her arm.  "Did he now? Silly me..."  His lips twitched up. "Silly you." Maya gave him a deep scowl that make him chuckle softly.  "I've got work in an hour and I have to get ready. May I go now?"  He gestured to the door and crossed his arms. "Watch your tone with me, Maya." I said may. Perhaps it was a bit too sarcastic for his liking.  "See you tonight, Professor." She gave him a mock salute and trudge out of the classroom.  - "Maya." Kat rolled her eyes and helped Maya pick up the stack of macaroni boxes she happened to dropped. "Why're you in such a rush?" She glanced around at the empty supermarket, making Maya shrug sheepishly.  "I have somewhere to be."  "Finish your work first." Her manager walked by giving me a stern look to which she nodded quickly at. When he walked about, Kat bumped her hip with Maya's.  "I'll cover for you." Her eyebrows rose in surprise. Kat was a sweetheart, but she wasn't that sweet. "If.." There it was, "you cover for me next week on Thursday."  Maya racked her mind to see if she had any classes that day and came up blank. "How long?" After filling her in on everything, she quickly clocked out and left the supermarket she'd been working at for a few weeks. The walk to Neil's house was long and she knew he would disapprove of her walking at night but she didn't exactly have a car.  After the long walk that left her alone with too many unmediated thoughts, her hand came up to knock on the door. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but she was more than a little nervous.  Neil opened the door again- fully clothed this time.  He grinned devilishly, making his dimple pop even more and lead her in. "I didn't know if you'd come for sure."  "I said I would, didn't I?"  He shrugged casually and handed her a glass of water. Maya looked at it suspiciously before taking a small sip. "I wasn't sure with Elijah being here."  "He's here right now?" His nod confirmed her question which lead to her nerves spiking at just the thought of seeing him.  She about jumped out her skin when she felt a cold breeze behind her. "Jesus f*****g Christ!" Jumping a few feet away, she looked back at Elijah who was now leaning against the counter with a small smirk. "You asshole! I told you to stop doing that vampire speed thing!"  "Your heartbeat's going crazy." He tilted his head, smirk widening.  "I'm just so happy you're here." She gave him a deadpanned look and dropped her hand from clutching her chest.  Neil raised an eyebrow while watching them silently. Maya had been acting like seeing Elijah would be the worst thing in the world, but here they were, not tearing each other's throats out. He was somewhat grateful. "You sure sound it."  She flipped him the bird and pushed her curls back with a small huff. "Stop staring at me."  "Can't help myself."  A scowl covered her pretty features. "I'm gonna report you to the university." Elijah shrugged a shoulder.  "If you must." She hated him. But yet, it was almost like things were completely back to normal. The three of them were together again, and yes, it was a little awkward but she didn't flinch away from his stare like she might've weeks ago.  Elijah licked his lips, looking past Maya. "...Can we still talk?"  Her eyebrows shot up. "You're asking me?" His stare was blank. "Uh, sure."  Neil rolled his eyes when neither one them moved from their spots. "I'm gonna make dinner, you kids go talk somewhere else and don't kill each other."  Maya looked betrayed but slowly followed after Elijah.  ————- Kasey bumped Maya's hip with hers as they walked down the hall. "Cheer up, girly. What's got you so glum?" Maya shrugged aimlessly and hoisted her bag further up her shoulder. "I just didn't sleep well last night." How could she after that talk. "Oh god, me neither," Kasey sighed in her own pity. "Marci called me while I was in the bath and dear lord that girl has a mouth. The things she said were unbelievable and then she just hung up like it was nothing! I don't care if you have class, finished what you started."  Maya laughed. "Awe you poor thing, left high and dry." "Don't be jealous, Maya. I know you love the juicy details on my never ending s*x life. Speaking of s*x lives, hows yours?" Kasey gave her a suggestive look to which Maya rolled her eyes at.  "If I did have a s*x life, not saying that I do, I wouldn't tell you a thing about it because you can't keep your mouth shut."  "That's just rude, Maya. I can, I just chose not to." "Uh huh, like with Mr. Riley?"  "You said you'd never bring that up again! I can never look at him again." She wailed loudly in her own misery.  They eventually made it to Elijah's usual classroom but stopped at the paper hanging on the door. They were painting in the halls so the class was scheduled in a different auditorium. "You know where this is?" Kasey peeked over Maya's shoulder and nodded with a confident smile.  "Yup, follow me." It was safe to say, fifteen minutes later, that Kasey did not know where it was. "I said I was sorry! I really thought it was over there." When they finally found the right room, the lesson had already started.  "Ladies, nice of you to finally join us." Elijah's voice echoed off the circular walls, making them grimace and hurriedly find a seat. "See me after class." Kasey looked horrified at being alone with Elijah after what happened during their first class.  There were, thankfully, no more interactions between them that gained any unwanted attention. Though, Maya wasn't paying much attention. Her mind raced back to last night and repeated the events over and over.  I'm sorry.  Once class was over Kasey practically hid behind Maya when they trudged over to his desk in the front. "Let's not make this a habit Miss Richards, I don't want you falling behind because you missed something important."  She nodded quickly and gave an awkward thumbs up that had Maya's lips twitching into a smile. "Sure thing, Professor."  "Next class I expect you here on time. Disrupt my classroom again and there will be further consequences."  "Duly noted." She held up her other thumb and knew Maya was gonna tease her for this later.  "Have a good day." He dismissed her with a gesture to the door but offered her a lopsided smile. She ran out with her tail tucked between her legs.  The silence surrounding them was deafening. "When is your next class?" He finally asked.  "Later tonight."  "Have a seat, Maya." She didn't move.  I'm sorry he'd said.  He rubbed his jaw for a moment. "Bend over my desk." Maya stared at him blankly before slowly looking behind her. No way. Her finger poked her chest in question. He couldn't be talking to me. "Yes."  Maya brought a hand up and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. "What're you doing?" He didn't shy from her touch.  She frowned. "You don't feel warm." "Why would I be sick?" "Because you're talking crazy."  He laughed despite himself as her hand dropped back to her side. "I thought we talked about this."  She remembered the feelings of his lips on hers, another apology whispered again her neck, a silent promise following.  "We didn't exactly talk too much."  Elijah leaned against his desk and grinned. "I guess that's true." She made a noise in her throat when he reached out to grab her hand and pull her to his chest.  "Elijah."  Her fists gripped his shirt, surely wrinkling it in the process. "You said-" Her voice was lost when he ducked down and let his lips graze her neck.  She immediately froze as her heart rate spiked rapidly. "I said I wouldn't, so relax." He murmured quietly against the smooth expanse of her neck.  "You've said that before." She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth, internally cringing. f**k, why did I say that. We finally talked and were trying to make things better.  Elijah stilled, almost unnoticeably, before humming softly. "I did say that."  Shit, she made it awkward. "You want me over your desk?" She pulled back enough and made a slow show of pressing her palms against the wood and bending over. "That's pretty kinky, sir." His lips quirked up as his hands found a place on her hips. She ignored the embarrassment of the position nipping in her stomach and looked back at him. "Like this?"  He gently squeezed her hips and she was reminded of last night again.  He'd held her hips, almost hesitantly, and waited for her to step into his embrace. He left it to her to make the choice. "Are you sure?" And she kissed him, saying everything and nothing. Maybe it was her forgiving him for biting her without permission months ago, scaring her away from him. Maybe it was her saying please be patient, I'm still scared.  She didn't know herself.  "Good girl." Maya shivered. "Spread your legs a bit." Her head lifted to look back at him, hesitantly. "What?" Elijah took it upon himself to slide his hands down and spread them himself.  He glanced at her expression, "This okay?"  And it was an improvement from months before, he was asking. It was enough to make her relax and nod in response.  He grabbed at the hem of her skirt, feeling the soft of the material. "I like this. It suits you." "Yeah? Neil got it for me."  She smiled when he rolled his eyes. "Of course he did." When Neil first gave it to her, she was surprised, even tried to reject it at first. They weren't dating, why was he buying her things? 'just take it' he'd said and she did.  She jerked forward with a disbelieving gasp. "Did you just spank me?"  "How could I not?"  "Pervert." She felt herself melt into the desk when he started massaging her thighs.  "It's punishment for being late."  "Mm?" She put her face in her arms and closed her eyes. "Isn't this going too fast? It hasn't even been a full day since last night."  She remembered how gentle he'd been last night, how he left it to her to make the first move.  "Do you think so?"  Did she think so? Maya's nails dug into her palms. "...You'll be gentle with me this time?" He knew what she really meant. Not just now, always.  Elijah softly squeezed her thighs. "I promised." 
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