Chapter one: Captured

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Another slap to my face had me falling to the floor, and then she bit down on me. You see, in today’s world, supernaturals are known to live among us and had somewhat taken over our world after a huge war broke out a few years ago. Vampires were at the top of the food chain, werewolves second and so on. They weren’t all evil though. We mostly lived normal and good lives, they looked after us humans and we more or less still lived as we always had, but there were a few who were evil and cruel, and loved to use their power to dominate and control us, this was what was happening to me. Usually other supernaturals would protect us from these evil ones, but they had learnt to be more quiet and sneaky about it. In my case, I had been simply walking home from the shops one night when I’d been grabbed by a vampire and brought back to his master. This master owned his own city, and he was cruel, he used me to feed on, to clean, to cook because they still needed real food too from time to time. He used me when he was angry too, he would beat me and t.orture me, sometimes he let his vampires abuse me too, on rare occasions, he would allow the females to use my body for s.exual reasons while he watched. It was a wonder I was even still alive after the things him and his vampires had put me through. I had scars on my wrists and ankles from being tied up so tightly and for so many hours. I had scars on my feet from a time they had thought it funny to make me walk across broken glass. I had scars from w.hips, chains, burns, bites from them feeding on me, you name it I had it, there wasn’t an inch of my body that was not scarred, the only untouched place was my face, so that if I was ever allowed to run errands outside for them no one would see the damage. I had been living like this for three years now, I had become mute in the last year, I just could not bring myself to talk these days, and it felt like too much effort to even muster the energy to. I was only ever allowed to call him master, but his name was Zedric and, like all vampires, he was beautiful, unnaturally so. I always had to wear a collar, and I had no name other than creature. Zedric was unhinged and certainly not in his right mind, but you wouldn’t notice this just by looking at him, he liked the traditional look, so he had long dark brown hair, eyes the colour of poison ivy, flawless skin as all vampires did, perfect in every way, and he was tall and slender. I was bringing him some wine on a tray and placed it on the table when he said, “come here, my creature.” Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I walked over to him and kneeled before him. He grabbed my wrist and bit down to feed. It hurt a lot, it didn’t have to be painful, vampires could make it more pleasurable, but he liked to make it as painful as possible for me. When he was done, he pushed my head away, making me fall back on my butt. I quickly got up and left the room. Most vampires seemed to like living in big mansions or castles, they had them built after the war, and Zedric was no different. His castle was huge, mostly made from stone, so it always felt cold. I climbed down the concrete stairs to my room, it wasn’t really a room, but it was where I slept. It was so tiny, I think it was supposed to be some sort of storage room, perhaps. The door was wooden and heavy to open, I closed it behind me and sat down on the floor where I had some blankets, I was sure they had only given them to me so I didn’t die from hypothermia or something. The blankets were laid down on the floor next to the stone wall, on the stone wall were chains with cuffs attached, and I chained myself up like I always had to. I missed my friend Michelle, we had gone to the same college together, I was twenty-six and was studying to become a psychiatric nurse while working as a hotel maid too. I had no living family I was close to, my parents had passed away six years ago, they had been quite old when I was born, and I had no siblings, so I was alone besides Michelle. I fell in to an uncomfortable sleep propped against the wall when I heard loud noises outside, I could hear crashing, screaming, it was like some huge fight going on, I’m sure I even heard a gun firing too. I huddled in on myself terrified, I had once been a bubbly and confident person, I had been chubby too and been happy with that, but now I was a broken mess, I was just skin and bone, even my dark black skin tone looked pale these days. When the door to my room opened, the light was blinding and I held my hands up trying to shield myself from it. Someone started walking towards me and terror filled my body, I huddled against the wall as much as I could and flinched when they touched my chains and tore them from the wall. They ripped the metal cuffs off my wrist and I couldn’t help but cry and whimper, “please, I can’t lose any more blood today, please feed on me tomorrow.” It was the first time I’d spoken in a year, but I just couldn’t handle losing any more blood, I already felt faint from blood loss. “I’m here to get you out, I have no interest in feeding on you, come.” I looked up at the man standing in front of me and wondered for a moment if he was an Angel, if I thought Zedric was beautiful, he had nothing on this guy. I was shaking uncontrollably so that when I put my hand in his he had to grip it firmly as he helped me to my feet. Up close, I realised he was a vampire, I should have realised that from his unnatural beauty but seeing his fangs struck fear in me and I pulled away from him and hugged the wall in terror. Sighing, he said, “I’m not going to hurt you, my job is to protect you.” I frowned at that, and he explained, “someone called Michelle paid me to find you, it’s taken a long time, but I have, now let’s go.” When I still didn’t move, he came and grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. It was like a m******e as we walked, Zedric’s vampires were all dead, there were hundreds of bodies lying around, some body parts no longer attached, blood was everywhere, and I was finding it hard to breathe as panic set in. He must have heard my heart racing because the vampire pulling me along turned to look down at me and, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, he placed his hand over my eyes. “Don’t look at it, I will guide you out.” When we finally got outside the castle, I felt the cool air hit my face, and it was wonderful, it had been three years since I had been outside. I flinched and yelped when a bird flew by and embarrassingly cuddled against this vampire who had seemingly just saved my life. He didn’t comfort me in any way, but he didn’t push me away either. It was daytime, but this was Wales, so it was usually cold, wet and cloudy more than it was ever sunny. Vampires could walk in the sun for maybe half a day before it started to burn and blister their skin. It started to rain as we walked and instead of trying to shield myself I looked up at the sky and smiled, it felt so good on my skin, I licked my dry lips, tasting the droplets and when I looked at the vampire he had a soft look on his face as he watched me, when he caught me looking he grew cold and unreadable, vampires had a creepy way of making their faces look as emotionless as a statue. He led me towards a black car and opened the door for me to climb in. It wasn’t often vampires drove cars, a lot were very old fashioned and liked it that way, so I was surprised, In fact, while driving, I was surprised about most things with this vampire, he didn’t dress or look like the typical vampire, some didn’t, so it wasn’t a complete shock, but a lot of them did, especially the older ones. He was very muscular too, again, not many were well built, they were usually slender, personally I think they just dressed and looked like the cliché vampire to attract humans to them, they had a big fan base, and I was sure they played up to that. This guy was different, I couldn’t stop staring at him, he was incredibly beautiful, which must have meant he was one of the older ones, apparently the older the vampire the more beautiful they became. His face was as flawless and perfect as a doll, not a blemish or mark to be seen, he had the most beautiful full Cupid bow lips that looked red and kissable, even his nose was perfect, heck so were his eyebrows, he had a chiseled jawline more perfect than the actor Henry Cavill. He had really stunning almond shaped ice blue eyes like a husky, they looked even more unique with the ice green flecks running through them and I quickly looked down at my lap when he glanced at me. When he was looking at the road again, I peeked up and noticed his raven black hair made his eyes even more amazing and beautiful, his hair was shoulder length and had loose curls. He was wearing black leather trousers which was more typical for a vampire’s attire, he wore a tight black muscle fit t-shirt too, which I’d never seen a vampire wear before, I was assuming it was a t-shirt and not long sleeved because over that he wore a black leather trench coat with big silver buttons down one side, he had the sleeves pulled up halfway, and I noticed he had a big cross tattooed along his forearm. He noticed me looking at it and said, “it’s the symbol of my job.” “What is your job?” I asked meekly. “Michelle mentioned you have been gone for three years?” I nodded, and he explained, “they opened up a service for humans, you can hire out supernatural bodyguards to protect you from other supernaturals.” “You’re a bodyguard?” “Yes.” “How long can someone hire you for?” “Everybody is different with different rules, myself, I will protect my client for as long as they need.” “That must be expensive.” “It is very expensive but your friend paid me very well with no problems.” “What does that mean?” He glanced at me before looking back at the road and answered, “it means I am yours indefinitely until it is deemed you are no longer in any danger.” My eyes grew wide and panicking I said, “oh, no that’s quite alright you’ve already done enough for me, you can just take me home and leave.” “Your friend paid me a lot of money for this, it would be both unprofessional and cruel to waste her money and not do my job properly.” I sat back against my seat, looking down at my lap. He must have looked over at me because he said more softly yet still cold and devoid of any emotion, “I understand you’ve gone through some things, vampires are not your favourite thing right now, but I will not harm you nor shall I ever feed on you, I do not feed on my clients.” When I didn’t answer, he added, “if it makes you feel any better, I do not feed on just anyone, I only feed on willing donors, people who enjoy it.” That did make me feel a little bit better, and the rest of the car ride was quiet.
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