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This is the adventures of Princess Leona Smithly and her handmade, Allyson. She is 16 years old; She is the only heir to the Starland throne. She is every bit confused, worried, and hormonal teenage girl like any other. Only she is of course not allowed to present herself in such a way; like the other teenagers can. No, she has to portray a perfect life. Be the one every young girl wants to be, every guy wants to be with, and every parent's dream child. She has only ever spent time with the people in the castle ?. The maids, butler's, cooks, her handmade, and of course her parents. The only other person her age was her handmaiden Allyson. See the King and Queen interviewed women that whereas far along in their pregnancy as the Queen. Then they moved her and her husband into the castle where he became a guard and Allyson's mother became Princess Leona's Nanny. One day without any warning of any kind, the King ? and Queen sent Princess Leona and her handmade Allyson out of the palace. The two girls were only told that in one week time they would reach their destination; where they will be informed of everything they need to know. ???????????? "Princess ... Princess ... The King and Queen have requested you're handmade and you to be sent away from the palace at once!!" I hear one of my parent's maids saying as she burst through my bedroom door. "I beg your pardon, Miss??" I ask in confusion as she begins to escort me out of my room. In the hall, I see the same thing happening to my handmade Allyson. "Lola what is going on??" I hear Ally ask me. "I do not know Ally," I tell her as I grab her hand. The next thing we realize is that we are sitting in the King and Queens carriage as it begins to move. "Has something happened?? Is the castle under attack or something??" Ally is the first to speak. "I...I did not hear anyone attacking, nor did I see any attack." I say as I think back on what had happened moments ago. I quickly snapped out of my daze as I pulled the curtain to look out the window of my parent's carriage. I see two guards riding next to us on their horses. "Pardon me, but would you maybe tell me what is happening?? I mean like where might we be heading and why??" I ask the guard closest to the carriage. "Only that you will find out in one week once we have reached your destination," he replied with a teasing, smile ? on his face. I can not help but think how he has a very, very handsome face. "I take it that means you will be here along the way then??" I ask feeling dumb as soon as I say it. He brings his horse closer as he leans down and says, "Yes, Princess. I will be here the whole way to keep that sexy little a*s of yours protected." I can feel the heat burning my cheeks and the wetness pulling between my legs. "I think I need to use the restroom, please," I say. "We have already been riding for four and a half hours, so we will also be setting up camp," he says, before riding off to another guard. Five minutes later and we come to a stop surrounded by the most beautiful, Giant Redwood Trees. Some men I had noticed only now, were clearing out space to put up our shelters, for the night. "Ally I will be right back. I am going to find a tree, too hide behind and well... tinkle", I whispered the last bit in her ear so only she could hear. " Oh, Lola, you should not go alone. What if there is a wild beast or a group of bandits??" Ally says as her eyes, go wider with every word. "Ally, I will be fine. Wait here in silence please ?." I say to her. That earns me a nod of her head, letting me know that she understands. I wait until I feel no one is paying attention, and head off into the trees, to tinkle. I can not help but thank the gods above that I am just wearing a simple and thin dress and not a royal gown. It is a beautiful black and pink flowered dress that goes just above my knees; That I am also thankful for. I quickly do my business and fix my panties and dress ?. I hear the faint sound of flowing water. I imagine there must be a stream nearby and head in the direction I hear the moving water to wash my hands. I find the gloriously clear creek. The water played with the rocks as the wind danced with the trees, causing their branches to sway. I kneel on the soft grass just above the water. Running my hands ? through the water, washing them clean. I was caught under the spell of the flowing creek, and I had not even noticed the guard that had so comfortably wrapped himself around me. "How long have you been there ??" I asked as our eyes, met in the mirror-like reflection of the water ? . "Not long enough," he said simply as he pulled my back flush against his front. "I do not even know your name for you to get so friendly," I say with a shaky breath. "It is Robert Allen Royal but my title Is Sir. Allen," he tells me pulling my hair back from my shoulder. "Then you are not just a guard but a noble ??" I ask with a shakey breathe, as his lips, brush my skin at the curve of my neck. "Yes, that is one way of putting it," he tells me. "Then why do I not remember ever meeting you?? I have met every one of the noblemen of our kingdom." I say as my head leans a little bit to the side granting him more access to my neck. "I am not from your kingdom, and we have met a few times, before when we were just toddlers," he informed me. "If you are not from my kingdom then where are you from," I ask. "It is getting late we should head back. Your tent ⛺ is prepared and waiting for you," he says, heading the way back to our camp for the night. }¡{ What in the ...}¡{ I think to myself. I have so many things fighting for top thought; as to what is happening right now. "What kind of games are you playing here??" I ask as I snapped out of my dazed confusion. " What games, have we played Princess??" he replied with a half-smile to die over. "The one's that you only play with someone you are meant to marry," I say. "Who says, we are not meant to marry??" he asked me just as we walked up to the edge of the camp. "Wait... What??" I raise a question to him as I stop dead in my tracks. He turned to me causing me to understand just how close we are. My breathing falters as I feel his breath against my cheek. "Who says We are not meant to be Married??" he asks. "No one.. has said.. that we are.. to my knowledge," I said as my voice betrayed me, and I stumbled over my words. "I have not been yet called to present yet for My hand."I finished as I saw Allyson pop her head out of the tent I assume is hers. " Your hand has been fought for since the day you were born Princess... This is your chamber for the night Princess ?. Sleep well." he says again turning and walking away leaving me stunned. As I watch his retreating I can not help when my eyes, betrayal hits my brain ? and it agrees with my eyes, at what a nice but he has. "Lola, why do your cheeks look as if they have been sunburned??" I hear Ally as she pulls me into the tent. We talk about everything that was happening before she went to her tent for the night and I changed. I could not sleep after everyone else, had gone quiet and the shadows from the fires died. It was a rather warm evening and I decided to make my way to the creek so I could wash the day away. I grabbed a towel and lantern along with extra matches. Waiting until I am far enough for my light not to be noticed be I light my way. It is not long before I hear a twig snap echoing through the dark woods around me. I blow out my lantern quickly throwing it the opposite way then I hid. I pressed my back against one of the big redwood trees and waited. I did not hear any other noses, just the sounds of the night and running water from the creek. I walk and pick up my lantern lighting it and proceeding to the creek. I get to the edge of the water setting down all my things. I blow out the lantern and let my nightgown drop away from my body and step into the cool water. I submerged myself letting the water wash away the day's stress. I am enjoying the feel of the cold night air mixed with the cold water when all of a sudden my lantern lights up. I freeze in my spot as I notice a figure standing just in the shadow of the flickering light. "Who's there??" I ask. I do not get a response as the figure leans against the tree still hidden from full view. "I Said Who Are You?!" I say a little more firmly. "You should not sneak off on your own so late at night Pincess." says a familiar voice.
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