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" How did you know that I was not in my tent??" I asked. "I saw you leaving... rather sneaking out," he said in response, as he begin to undress. "What in the heavens do you think but you were doing ??" I asked. Taken aback by his actions, he now stands completely n***d entering the creek. "I am going for a swim, the same as you Princess," he replied Simply. Now swimming towards me, as I try desperately to swim backward away from him. "If I do not say, Princess, I think that my being here makes you nervous. " He informs me, stating the obvious. "Given that neither of us is clothed at the moment, you are correct," I say as I turn my back to him. Realization hits me as to what a bad idea that had been; when I heard him go under the water ?. It is much too dark to spot him under the water. I quickly start heading back towards dry land. Just as I think I am about to make it, my feet? are swept out from under me. He now has me pinned to the ground as he lay on top of me. He just stares into my eyes for what seems like forever. I gasped as I felt his manhood against my womanhood. He slides his hand in between the two of us as he spreads my folds, rubbing the head of his d**k against my clit. I whimper not able to hold the sound back any longer. The pleasure I am feeling is becoming increasingly too much. Letting out several loud moans as my body reaches its peak. "I will not take your purity tonight Princess but I will one day be the one to take it," he says to me as he grabs my robe and slips it on me after pulling me up. "What makes you so sure??" I ask as we head back to the camp. "I just am," he said "Quite full of yourself I see," I say as I pass him quickly. I hear his faint laughter behind me as I make my way back to my tent and slip inside. I don't bother looking ? out to see where he is, heading straight to my bedroll and sliding in. I lay there for what seemed like forever before I finally drifted off to sleep. Not nearly long enough later I awake with a hand covering my mouth, causing my body to freeze. "Quiet, ... now girl, and everything will be alright." says a voice I have never heard before. I nod my head in understanding as the man started to pull me to stand up. I noticed as we stepped into the cold morning air that they had cut A slit in the back of my tent. I gasp when a cloth bag is put over my head. I can feel myself being lifted over a shoulder as it begins to move. I try kicking and kneeing my capture to no avail. Sometime later I am put down to stand but only for a moment before someone picked me up by the waist putting me over the horse's back then hopping on behind me. I gasp again when I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me into a firm body. Then the horse takes off at a run causing me to fall back against him even more. The horse runs for what seems like forever before it slows to a normal walking speed. This goes on forever, more be We come to a stop. The rider of the horse dismounted their horse pulling Princess Leona of and onto their strong broad shoulder one again. She was able to get her arms free from whatever had been restraining then. She then took her right arm and wrapped it around the person's neck using her left arm to pull her right one closing them in around him, so he would not be able to stop her from knocking him out. Sure enough, the person went down to their knees, unconscious. Before she could even move she felt two pairs of hands grab her as they laugh. "Good move Spitfire, our Prince will be humbled yet." I hear a new voice say as they lead me to who knows where. "Well, I would hope so." is my only reply. I am soon set down on something soft with my hands tied above my head. The cloth bag pulled off my head. I look around as I take in my surroundings. over to my left is a small desk with papers spread across the top, a chair pulled out behind the desk, and a thick fur bedroll under me in a very spacious tent. I hear mean voices coming from outside of the tent approach. "You were rendered unconscious by a Princess, Lee. Awesome." said one voice. "I am not denying that Luke!!" the other voice growls. A tall very good-looking man freezes in the entrance to the tent as his eyes take me in. I just tilt my head to the side and blink at him. He seems to regain his composure as he finished entering pushing some that tries to follow him in. "What is the meaning of this Lee??" Luke says I assume. "Leave Luke..." says I am guessing Prince Lee. "I must apologize for my men tying you up. I never intended that to happen, please let me," he says kneeling to untie me as well as removing the gag from my mouth. "Thank you, Prince Lee is it??" I ask rubbing my wrist. "Yes, Princess Leona, you are quite welcome as well," he says, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "You look very handsome when you blush." I hear my treacherous voice saying. "I can say the same of you," he says with a sexy and contagious smile. "I do not know what made me say that out loud to you." I can feel my cheeks burning. "I am quite grateful to have been able to hear you say those words to me," he says looking straight into my eyes. "Would I be able to get something to drink??" I ask, my throat going dry at this very moment. "Sorry, yes of course," he says jumping up and grabbing a water flask. "Here," he says handing it to me. I thank him and take a few sips. Just as I was handing it back to him some call from the entrance. "Your dinners My Lord ?." said a Butler as another step in setting a blanket out in front of us. The first Butler set down three trays of food, on top of the blanket. "Thank You, Frederick, you always have known when to save me," says Lee to the older Butler. "I am only doing my job young Prince," says Fredrick back. "You do so much more than that Frederick." said the Prince. "Thank my boy. You have made an old man very happy." Frederick says back before walking out. "That was very sweet Prince Lee," I say to him. "Frederick has been taking care of me my whole life," he says back to me. "Why have you taken me away from my party, I mean I do not think it is to harm me," I tell him popping a grape in my mouth. "I would never hurt you, Princess Leona. I just fill Prince Allen, " he starts to say, but I cut him off. " Did you say, Prince Allen??" I asked him. "Yes, did he not tell you he is a prince??" he asks me with a laugh. "No, a high-ranking officer and a Noblemen," I say rather flatly.
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