Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Pretty little lies) Abagail’s pov When we got back to the house Chance asked if I wanted to order a pizza and watch a movie. I wanted to say no, but I knew if I was to ever let him know my secret, I had to get to know him again so I said sure and went up to my room and changed into a t shirt and yoga pants before I came back down and sit on the couch far away from him as I could get. "I ordered our pizza I hope peperoni and green olive is still your favorite." "Um yea it is thanks. So what movie are we planning on watching?" "Ladies choice just please don't some stupid documentary." "lol ok how about we watch “The possession” I've been wanting to see it just a little scared to watch it alone." I don't even know why I admitted that to him and a scary movie great now I will be scared and most likely cuddle up to him. What the hell was I thinking? This wasn’t like old times to much has happened between us for us to ever be like that again. "Sounds good to me, but maybe we should wait for the pizza before we start it don't want you to pee yourself when they knock on the door." "Ha-ha funny fine let's watch some man vs. food then while we wait." "Sounds good to me. So, I was wondering is it weird to have that little girl calling you mama. It's weird because she kind of looks like you." "Yea she does she's very precious to me." I noticed he looked at me with a puzzled look, so I had to hurry and cover my ass. I didn’t know how long my little secret was going to stay a secret if I kept saying things like that. "We um got very close since Gina was so sick, she lived with me and my parents for the first 2 years of her life and she chose to always be with me, so she thinks I'm her mama even though we've told her Gina is. It doesn't bother me because for a while I was her mama." Just then the doorbell rang saved by the pizza so while he paid for that I got us some soda and plates and went back in and sat down. I really hoped he would just drop it because I was tired of all the lies. "So how much do I owe you?" "Nothing I'm not a douche bag I never make a lady pay." Not a douche bag yea ok. He may never make a lady pay for pizza, but he does use them for s*x get them knocked up and leave them to clean up his mess. Yea that’s not a jerk at all. "Ugh thanks let's eat and watch the movie." We set in silence as we ate and started the movie. He decided he had to come over and sit by me to protect me, but I think it was him that needed protection until I got scared and jumped into his lap. Before I knew it, we were kissing and making out hot and heavy. Finally, my brain took over and I pushed him away. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" "I'm sorry Abby I don't know what came over me." "Look I know we have ugh a past, but nothing will ever happen between us again not now not ever. I will never be your f**k buddy. I want love not s*x and you are not capable of that you proved that to me four years ago. When you f****d me and dumped me so don't ever do that again." I didn't even give him a chance to explain I just took off and stormed up to my room and locked the door. How dare he make me feel like this? Finally, I lie down on my bed and let myself cry. I was so alone the only person that could cheer me up was my little girl. I called Gina and told her she could have a night out I was coming to get Hannah for the night because I needed her close to me. I didn't want her to be anywhere near Chance, but I needed to be with her. I feel so guilty and can't wait until she's with me all the time. Chance's pov I can't believe I did that now I f****d everything up again. I wanted to gain back her trust and make her fall in love with me now I'll never get that chance. Stupid, and then she accused me of just using her. That was the best night of my life. Then my stupid mother had to ruin it, and she acted like I was the one that didn't contact her. I called wrote and even emailed her, but she never responded back. She was the one that used me to get with my so-called best friend. None of that mattered anymore all I wanted was for her to love me. I needed to win her over I will be her friend and gain her trust again she was the only girl I have ever wanted. I had to make her mine. She was really close to Gi Gi's little girl maybe if I got close to her it would show Abby, I'm a good guy and she'd trust me again. Now how do I get close to a four-year-old?
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